—University No new entries in top ASUO race But competition is plentiful for IFC seats B\ ( atherine Haulev I mer.ild \ssn< i.itf editor Despite .1 l.isi-mmuli' flurr\ nt i ampaign peti lions, no new (andidates have entered Ihe rm c tor student hods president .md vice president Two i uTrent members nt the .\SI ( ) e\ei uti\e staff, t 'diversity affairs coordinator Kirk Haitev and publicitv i nurdinatnr Sheila SIu kel will lai e 111! member Steve Maples and Ins running male Diane ( nishman in the (notes! tor student bndv president during the elei linn primaries \pril l‘i and 20 Vice presidential candidate i 'ndinian said 111.it imining against onlv une utliet partv v\ ill nut alter the i umpaign ‘-lie and Maples planned "We planned In run mil rai e the same wav nu matter it we were running unopposed or against one oilier i andid.ite. or I vv n nr three she said "All it means is that it will be dei ided in the primal ins H.iilev said that he and Slit.kel also agreed that their campaign strategies would remain the same no matter how niaiiv parlies unified the I at e. "We were expel ling the In kel In shape up the ua\ it did. Hailev said We evpei.l it to lie a hotly i untested rai e he added in l all el el ted posts to be decided this month, the elections hoard had received on I v II pel it ions bet ore f ridav . I lie i losing da v ol I lie Id mg period Most ot Ihe ,'U petitions submitted I ridav were for seats in the Student Senate m tor spots on the 11 ( I vvelve students arc running fm a total ol six available 11(1 positions, including current mem ber 1 reddv \ ih lies and tormei meinbei i nn I lughes Seven sludellls have entered the race tor two mm ts i m I hr |’n "»iil i' nl - Adi im 'i\ (in in mil Ire \s ol > p in I rtdnl tin- i'lci tiuiis board li.nl received i atnpai^n positions lot the billow mu po sit inns President \ it r president K11k H,1111-\ ,iinl Slinl.i Mu kill Steve Mn|ilrs .iihI Di.ini’ ( usinii.i11 I in i(Ii■ n t.i I I re ( 11ni in 111 ci’ / an \r,n s#’,i/> |J available! Mit li.icl (lot sun 1 r.ivis (lii'i'ii I nn llunhi’s Dun Stull. I red d\ \ ill lies (bin w.it sr.its | i\,n1,11>I■ ■! k.in \ndei sun. It’iindi’r Hills, linin' Brown H.iri l.n l.luvd (liaison. I mint In (Irussnu k l.n is. lid ward K I It-u di’isnn. 111S(>ni11 U alsnii President's Vdvisorv (.mini il i\ n 11>i■ killjan Anderson l.ntns ( inld \ndn I,,i (hande Helh.un Stiasbtiri; linn Obriliue Mark Knseni iant/. (Ihrislme Saitii Student Senate Sr.it I I hits I ellars Sr.it I 1 )ai m I.mm,ill Sr.it i st.-tan Stent Sr.it h Ktni1lolviu Katie Shelbi Si .it 'I |e!I I .atlltlip Sr.it HI ! Ill list i I true si ■,// It ke\ m Bonham I • ■ 11 |olinson Sr.it l I Brian 1 loop. Sr.it Iti Atm Bralidini ka/naki Sie.;i\am H*.\ ' i <** i. M im.hj.iuj I (Mor t dilofuil \ citfor Graphic s f ditor t nco»e f dtlor l ditor ' 'i * News t ditor Sports I ditor Supplements l ditor Night Editor Associate Editor*. Community *• Student Government Activdies Higher f dm nation Admimsh ahon " IimIiih", Reporters A Photogr .iphri \ Adver tismg Production General Stall Advertising Duet tor Assist.ml to the Publisher Produi lion Manager V Advertising ( mmtnului Classified M in.ujer Accounts Re* livable Circulation Newsroom Mb SSIt Classified Advertising ' h> t t-t I Display Advertising hth t/t.’ Production Graphir Services J4b tJHt Oregon West - FITNESS - THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON >, ^rr.r' l. rr\y toO!»> !YVi? i , y>r'p\ l ^'e r " '•' V V ^ Oh, yeah? Lewis, you re fired! You apparently forgot this is a cartoon, and I can read every word you think!