Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Old growth battle
needs solution now
I,,ist year. environmentalists and timber industry
officials rcai Inal an uneasy temporary accord over old
growth stands As part ot .i Depaitineut of the Interior
bill. (.undress governs the amount nl trees harvested
and what old-growth stands will be protec ted
A section of the bill also delves into legal aspec ts
ol the controversy bv preventing future* lawsuits re
garding spotted owls on congressionalh approved old
growth legislation This sec lion was designed to put .in
end to the constant and numerous legal challenges en
vironmentalists lauiu bed against the timber industry
Now. there is a new lawsuit pending over the
planned Cowboy timber sale in the Cmpque national
forest (The sale* is going through despite resistance
within the Forest Service | Fnvirnumeutulists found
their legal weapons hadn’t all been stripper! away,
they yyere able to find a contestable point in the Hat
field rider (regarding the fragmentation of existing
stands) that allows them to enjoin the sale
So the ceasefire is over; those darn environmental
ists are stopping the yvniks yyjth then pesky lawsuits
One c an hardly blame them I lie environmentalists
have no room to back down: they must stand firm on
everv issue This philosophy leads to short accords
Somehoyy someyyay. there needs to be an end to
the whole contioyersy That is done by sitting down
and hashing the thing out. point bv point Constant
layy suits and dragging legal feet isn’t the yvav to do it
Hut yvhi'u will this lime happen1’ Ironically, there
yv.is the decision this weekend bv state Democrats to
rejec t a old growth logging ban in their gubernatorial
platform The reasons foi this are many, but most boil
doyy n to just one thing politic al maneuvering
The Democ rats did include m their platform a i all
for stric ter control on hem much timber would be c ut
but hue Fed off from a total logging ban bee ause of the
possible loss of loggers' voters suc h a ban would create
Local Demociats. particularly t! s Kep I’etei De
l-’a/io. have usually been connec ted v\ith environmen
tal concerns. DeFa/io has used his position to protect
many old growth stands. Hut calling for a ban on the
biggest industry in Oregon was perceived as political
sun ide With the party already suffering from the < am
paign finance debacle and other sc andals, state Demo
c rats aren't in any position to make hold proposals
Pandering to both side's, industry and environmen
talist. is nevei going to solve the slate's old groyvth is
sue' The state’s leaders, and rvould-be leaders, need to
Inc kle the issue head on
County's elections should be recalled
Kec cut Lane (iuuntv «'lei t it in blunders
alv .iliimsl tun comical In he true I ntuitu
nateU the\ weren't early April Fool's Duv
Tile \ute In mail election was .1 liasco
Some \uters didn't rei eive their mail h.dints
.it all (Mirers who did receive ballots found
pages missing To add to the mess, the l.ane
( ountv elections offii.e misplaced l.UOtl
completed ha I lots until two da vs after lues
dn\ s elc‘i lion
()lfic inis attrihuted the incomplete bal
lots In a faulty insertion machine leased by
the counts ()n Thursdav a box containing
uncounted ballots was found on a table in a
bar k room of the elec turns do isinn office
Lane (ounty should hold another elec
Iron to attempt to correct its errors Voters
shouldn't ac c ept elec lions nltn lals' mistakes
that turned the 1 ountv s elec lions into suc h
a mess
Although elections officials said the
f luid ballots that were overlooked did not
c liange the elec turn results, c .111 voters really
be sure'’ If something as simple as getting a
box full of ballots oil of a table in the elei
lions office was forgotten, what else might
have been overlooked'!’
l he need for another election is espe
( iall\ crucial when one t (insiders how close
the dei isions were in a couple of cases I or
example, the mix-up mav have cost bane
( uimmunilv (College more than $700.000 that
it desperately needs to repair le,ik\ roots and
worn i <ir|let
\dters defeated l.t it i s reipiest for a prop
erty tax lew 2H.57il votes to 27.Olid votes. b\
a margin of titla. The lew would have al
lowed the college to continue without
raising taxes to receive $725,000 a vear
until 1005 for building maintenance and
i lassroom equipment
In addition, the use of mail ballots in hi
tore elei turns should be suspended until
elei lions oft it ials i an distribute and collei t
the ballots without error. Mail ballots too of
ten get lost in the mail and do not reach
transient groups of people, sin h as college
students, who move from resident e to resi
dent e
On bike Lines
Tin' iii'« on*’ ii,i* street ,ii
ruiigemriil uilli ihi.il liiki- lanes
on I till \i filin' i .isl iif l uivei
Mil Sired is iiivful Ini bilu1 nil
t'l s
I'hi' p,ii I'liicnt along tin*
imrlh edge of (lie street is n-u
n mull l'rin ks .nr pal ki'il ill f hr
hikr lanes mm h of thr linn*
I III! ns entering a one wav
slicrl uftrn mil* limk ,iiii- ii.ii
iH'tnrr entering thr street Al
Inilh rinls ul this sri I mu \ rln
t Irs nius! i mss to ihr oppositr
siilr ul thr street to i oiltillur
ttirir iiitdlilril i innsr I hr ,nl
vantages n! this design tot alls
rsi apr mi
lt srrilis that thr giratri proh
Inn hrrr rtiav hr that i retain
I’mvrisilv ottn ials think thrrc
is a prohlrm with hikrs on this
i ampus that demands spn lal
rules and srparalr fa*.ilitirs lot
I>ii vi Irs Mourner us other mi
mints groups hair ottrn found
hikr ililrrs mas Imtl that srp.i
ralr tai ilitirs arr unripial lai ill
I hr i urrent setup on tilth as
signs hikf rulers to a ghetto on
thr strrrl and must hr i hanged
Ihr mill appropriate solution
is to restore normal two-wav
truffii mi 1 tth tm ill vrhu Irs
I’aar 2
like it was before tht* si lclh i■
building t (instriK turn
I ci" > mmg
The poor
\ ini quote \1k hael I’arenli i
ret cut s|n .ikct |( )!)l Mari h 2H:
mi licli.ilf ot Thr Stmiriit ln>ar
ili'lll. .Is slating th.it "the pool
.lie tile f.istesl ijrimiiii! social
group in Ailierii a
In la< I. figures from Table ( '
in ot ihi \nnu.il Ke/mr/ oI thr
I lium il n! I i iimimit Adviscm
II i h pi'Hli slum that the per
tentage ol the t S population
having personal 01 tainik ill
i omes that pi,lee them below
the off n iaI povei tv lev el vv as
l i t peri on! in torn u >1 pei
i elit ill 1 UHtl anil 1 2 B pen ent
in t'MH
It should lie noted that main
people in this low ini utile i ale
gorv receive substantial ecu
nomn assistance from fainilv .
private charities anil the gov
eminent (food stamps stibsi
di/ed housing Medicare Med
K aid. v eteralls benefits si hoi
arships eti )
Sui h assistance is excluded
I run i the earned income figures
that place the recipients "Ire
low tin1 po\iTl\ line
\i ( uidm^ In tin- ntlii iat deli
nilion, main students at the
l niversilv aie below the povei
tv line 'i et mans nt tln-si' slu
dents will he earning hand
snme mi nines HI years iron)
it \merit .1 is mu li a swamp
nt poverty presided ovei !i\ an
impenetrable ' ruling i lass
Imw was it possible Im impu\
erished Vietnamese families In
(iime over here bv the thou
sands .III years ago and tu now
have their sons and daughters
receiving honors degrees from
Yale I Iat \ aid Print ftoil. Mil
( a! l et li Hi'lkeley and it! \
m sin h fields as phvsu s. inedi
i me accounting, t ompuler si i
elite, engineering and rhemis
tr\ '
lust asking
l In Man It 20 1 rcceiv ed a let
lei I \ lilently the purpose ol
this lettei and its ,ii i nmp.im
ing material was to edm ate sin
dents .is to how In "establish
Henry (lolilstein
I i iinuinii s pnitessor
better relations with the local
polii i- fori e I hi' ( ov er letter
was signed by not onl\ I ’iiivei
sitv President Myles llr.iiul. hut
also ASIO I’resulent Andy
( I,nk
I re,ui the ,ii companving m.i
ter l.d w lui h dost rihes the \ eri
t.ihle i oritui npi.i ol victimless
i rimes th.it students i ,m lie ,n
rested and i ited tor The unite
mil went on to imply that po
lite Inive ,ilmost godlike power
when it conies to when they
(-.ill ,1! res! oi i lie someone
< hldly enough there was no
mention ol wh.it ,i student's
rights Were Indeed, tor almost
a whole page there was a dc
si ription ol the power polit e
have in busting" parties at a
student s home Not om e on
this page were mentioned the
i mist itut lonal protei turns
against improper search and
seizure .mil other related legal
1 .atei m the liner letter, a
paragraph asked lor student in
put on how to hettei relations
between the I adversity and the
Kugene 1‘olice Department. I'm
not the tiist to suggest that a
good beginning would be d the
ld’1) stopped blatantly harass
mg homeless people 01
stopped issuing expensive i ita
tions to poor college students
lor vu tintless land triv tall \ io
I at ions
1 teel betrayed that the ASt O
and brand are so easily duped
into encouraging blind obedi
em.e to authority . w bile at the
same time neglecting and ig
noring the rights of those that
they are supposed to represent
(iarrett hopping
Inurnalism Kilt M
-—Letters Policy_
l.i ltcis to the editor must lie limited to no more than
~ id words, legible, signed and the identification ol
the u liter must he verified when the letter is submit
I lie h.nwrald reserves the right to edit any letter for
length or style.