Sports Track ( ontinued irorn Paur I 1 I hill had taken plai e m spring lootball drills the mom mg before the meet And two other football players Beno Drv ant .mil (trlaiuin Mi K.i\ also plavetl kev roles Hrviint was third In the toil and M( kiiv was thud 111 tin 1>00 I bill and Mi hav also ran on the Huskies tnometei reiav team that tiiiished first in 40 41! Oregon's W right suilernd an other i lose loss as Bernard I I I ison n on tile till! Inn dies m a 1 t:t to W right's 4 1 to \o! onlv did Washington have i 1! finishes in the events they were expel ted to dominate the shot [Hit. ilisi us and high jump hut the Huskies also went 1-1! in the 4 00(1 me tors with Adam l.ealiv and Brin e Mi I )ovv ell I luilson and Peter I on seen. Oregon’s lop long ills tame runners id the puce go loo slow. Dellinger said. .inti wore unable lo pull (In- o .ml .il (lit* (Mill Ionset .1 w .is lliinl in i 4 OHit 1 w hilf I itidson tin ishcil .i non-scoring fourth in It it .It I'etei .1 gtiotl limn I >rl lingei s.inl Hr,id .mil Retci are primarily til.OOd runners and need lo open up more ot .i |in ,i fi.OOO)." I tespitc lilt' loss. I 111' I hit ks outstanding perform.mi us in the tield el euls Insulin throsver \it Sktppet wlio almost didn't t ompele tie cause ot ,i groin minis heat tie lending Hat dii It) ( onterem e champ Darryl Roberson Skip per s top was J u> t while Roberson s best throw St otl Mt (lee hail an easy time ot it m the hammer ss ith a Continued from P.ige 12 Lethal! team I reshman Ktikn Klein max have been the biggest surprise ol the meet .liter she tckik Inst pi.n e In the HOP u ith .1 time ot It; 1 I 44 Snphomore te.imm.ite k.lien Hutson was .1 ( lose sei oml .'it 2: 1 1.1)1! Kosie Williams. the I tin ks sprinting sensiitioii. clo( ked .111 1 1 Hli to tilke the 100 vi( ton She followed with .1 vi( ton in the 200 .0 .1 time ot 2 1 I "> \\ i 11 i.i 111s w .isn't through how ever, running .111 im redihie .1 ik hot leg tor (begun in the 4x400 relax Willi.inis' split time w.ts V. -1 .is she helped pull (he I )ti( ks to x u ton t lo gon's w in in the relax made tin triple jump the (lei III log e\ 1 ‘lit She literally got up oil the Aslrotur! to 1 on am Inn tm I he 4\400. I lemonen said ol W il hams' exhaustive 1 *1 fort Senior I.i/ \\ ilson staved true to form with her two vii lories in the I 000 and I aOO ( loi k mt; .1 'I .14 lili ,mil ,i I JO ' 1 lumur kamaln kohlmeici pul ill ,1 solid pel torina ill e tor till' Dm ks m foul events hohlmtiiei tinishcd set nnd in lilt- 10(1 liiinllcs behind Si hvvi'in s kmord |Mi c .uni pi,ii ml lliinl in the ton Inmlli's with ,i lime ot t)J 1 'shi' look fourth in both tin- loin; pimp .uni triple lump lli'lnont'ii iioli'd Ilia! ol .ill the athletes (begun look up In SiMlllr, unit 11vi* wore seniors (Jills two ot those .seniors si oreil loi the 1 Jin ks (Washington) knew this was then big i ham e. and thus look .idsMintage o! it I leinoneii said \'e\l seal ss ill he dlflerenl lleinonen said adding that this ssas Washington s "moment in Ihe sun I he Din ks host Washington Slate and Boise Stale Ibis Satin das at 11.) \ ward bield III then next Bin 10 dual meet Wiese splits at Sac State Oregon sophomore pile.her katIf \\ H‘si> tossed .1 Hvn hit shutout SaUirihn to guv the Dtii ks ,1 2 (I w m and i nun-ion liveiuv split ill ,i double headet .it Siii inmento St,itr Oregon dropped the first game, 2 1 in nine innings when S.u ramento State got a run in thr bottom u! the ninth to t.ikc (hi- win. Oregon Ifi! It) with two outs in thr In it tom of thr M'Vfiitli but o.i \ t ■ up .1 run on ot .in illlovpoi It'd soi mill out of \nk Nn.isl.o-suios who throw lWti-ti !,n’t miss this golden o|)[X)rtunity to save on a Balfour College Class King! • $.‘iOOFF10K • $50 OFF UK • $70 OFF 1SK 1 lurry! Offered for a limited time only! R1 ANSI l( DISC (H MS \()V1\H \ II I) l*KI( I S RING DAYS APRIL 2-4 10:00-3:00 CAMPUS CONNECTION 720 K. 13th Balfour. J /c 4*/// ('iC/w/Av/L / v/yxi/u/ The latest music news . . . Every Friday in the ODE'S Entertainment Section X X X / / / < x; siwf.m ni ( Ai./OMi manicotti /hi ym'te tiw ted! ,v^ % 9^apoli resuu mm t & ha kcry ^ > vr«* 5cz^; Tw&cUuj, Aptif 3 9tmi ws (sat (jtG4> 6t4ttp£(>A 7:30-10:00 S Htctimuj 1 VabbiiM * & . Coihee - 2:00-4:00 f Ptjja t & $ C ai%oM / ! focaccia ■ 8:00-9:00 OlaSim Deceits & Co^fiee 686 £. I36« at Hilyaid 485-4552 Semug {Hawing Paattiei. hutch & Vimtet IHcn-Sat y y s N / y y. N / -r; !■> / N S I VI V . \ t \ I \ M \l >1111 I I l \ 1 ,/\ IM \l \ \ ll t » i l l v \ > .>1,1.11.11 /