American Dreams American Realities The Country You Never Knew Tuesday, April 3, 1990 Time Changed to 3:00 I’M EMU, Ballroom An International Week Event Sponsored by: Student Campaign for Disarmament, International Students Association, Cultural Forum, Black Student Union, Men Against Rape, UO/Ll Salvador Sister University Project, Interfratemity Council, Survival Center (I arth Day l1^)), ASUO lixec., Students Against Apartheid. _Sports__ Huskies trounce women Ducks Bv ( am Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter Oregon women's lra< k « oat h Tom lleinoniMi said before the meet with Washington Satin dav that i! the ! Iusk ics ev er had .1 i ham e to beat thr I )ui ks this was the \ear \o doiilit lleinoneil would Id e to hav e Imcii w rone aliout that statement, hut lie was all too [iii'si iciit as the I iusk ics narrowly defeated the Duc ks at I Iusk \ .‘stadium " i ii i The I luskv H III ended a 1 For health insurance, check with State Farm. Cdll til I't Hi tt (" J . ?2 1 vV 10th Avenue ('■03' 344 4612 •Ij'r ’ • • i * ■ • r J e ■ 1 J' f - -s, ** r «■ • ■ r ■■ ■ • Before. I 'pptadini: your repott o.ird is ivailahle at the Mu rocomputer Support I ah, with i little help (torn Apple Macintosh. 0 *■ an let anyone make the grade Sir find Its orpani:ation propiams make studs out "hat a Macintosh ilii for you. time than ever befort Afet ill, there's room fol And the Muv int.ish I maneinp h>>.:tam, impro\ement. Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center M-F 9 am - 5 pm 346-4402 xeur domination li\ Oregon against thr Huskies m I’.ll 11It • in ( uinfereni <■ action Oregon lust to U.ishington in 1077 I lie meet i..line down to the Inst e\ fill of the day the In |tli- jump \\ .ishmgton s l Iflin W tilts ill Ml pet I (' 1 to take tilt- event while the Huskies all-purpose 11-it k athlete \ngie lusher held down the second spot with n leap of 17 i > < ( Ireuon athletes grabbed third fourth and fifth in the event, hut it was not enough to prevent Washington from noli liing the vi< lorv We were tiling lo get it dow n lo the last even) I lemoned said "We were sc rambling for even point all dm lllg the meet The different e in the meet was Washington s experient e l.ed In seniors laskei and )o\i e St hweim the I lushies outhustled a young Oregon sijuad laskei was hus\ throughout till- meet ( oinpeting 111 .ill 111 i ledihle six events l askei fin ished third m the long jump Inst m the -too meters, third in tin- 200. and ran a leg on the winning 4x100 relax and the set und plat e 4x400 relax I lei none n was amazed that W ashnigton .. It (fun Kit h burg used l askei ill six events I don't think Jat kie |ovnei | 1088 double gold medalist! With tlm coupon >ou i an hu\ a scl ot GUITAR STRINGS for /2 mu IKt I'ihv i i*ii|Ktn t \|)iu v \|»nl Mi. music city open evcmngs til 6 1 imifrd l»» \|ih k /i'u///vintij(t//|i( .11 \ciir\ has even competed in six ev cnls I leinonen s.mi I leinonen. win) been .11 the helm nt the women's trai k program .is long .is the win slre.ik against the Huskies, add ed that he u mild never run one o( his athletes in six events Si hweim ( onipeted in tom events fm Washington running a meet rei ord It l.u in the 1110 hurdles and another meet re ( old till "1I1 in the tOO hurdles She also ant bored the winning lx 100 relax team and ran third leg in the 4x100 relax rat e "|S( livv ein and lasker) are both really solid athletes." I leinonen said ' Tasker has been a thorn in our side fol veals Oregon sophomore Kim llv alt began the meet on a bright note tor the I)m ks bv taking first in the javelin with .1 throw nt 11)0-4 junior Paula Hnrrv threw lor second in the event I 1 a t a) Sophomore Laurel Roberts and freshman kellv Hlair grabbed tost and second in the high jump Roberts posted a personal record leap of Y 1 1 while Blair jumped a 7 Blair's jump was impressive i onsidering she has oniv prai III ed with I lie 1 )il( ks |ol three weeks Blair missed earlv sea son prai tii es bei ause of 1 0111 mitmenls to the women s has lorn to Women, Page 1 t RAINYDAY BOUQUETS 95 EACH 1 A GRAND COl i (:< ’'■ N Of t RPi .H : ; H \ FI ii F\ -wi R ^ TO BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY Open Mon Fn 9 5 30 I / JMLf J 1 \ MINVMV FLORIST t *V 4 '■/ ... , f. 1 irttjl Harrahs Reno Summer is rapidly approaching You're proba piy wondering how io combine the fun of sum mer with the reality of working At Han ah s Reno the summer is the most ex citing time of year: The areas recreational ac tivities abound with golf, tennis, water skiing boatmg hikmg fishing, or just relaxing n the H;qh Siena sun on the beaches of Lake Tahoe, less than an hour s drive from Reno And work is just as much fun with the continuous thrill of greeting new guests and meeting the day's challenges We are 'coking for enthusiastic, outgoing appli cants who would enjoy servicing our guests Hanah s Personnel Representatives wm be on campus to interview for summer positions in the gaming and food service departments You are nvited to complete an application and sign up for an interview in your Student Employment Office. Room 12 Hendricks