_Sports_ Surprise! Men falter against Washington B\ -\>hlt*\ ( onklin Emerald Sports Reporter Alter tile 1 5J 11 trollru net Washington suffered ,it (lie hands of Oregon Iasi veai it looked like it would be an eler nit\ before the I luskies would heal the I )||( ks 111 a men's Irut k dual meet After all. (begun liadn I Inst a dual meet to Washington siin e 1074 and hadn't lost a dual meet to am one sun e all 80 74 setback to ( alitornia in I oa r, lint the improbable, or ma\ be not so improbable happened Saturdav when the Huskies heat ( begun 84 "o Although the Huskies had demonstrated the} were a mui h irnprined team In win ning the Ai izoua State liu jta I iomil last w eek few peiiple ai tll.ilh heller ed ( begun i i sir h Hill I lellinger w hen lie said the I tor ks would be m tor a fight in Saturdav's dual meet at I luskv Stadium Washington was able to ex ploit Oregon's vulnerabiliU in sin h e\ elds as the shot put disi us and high lump and w ere also able to i apt ill e even i lose rac e along the war "We knew we were m for a halt le when w e wont up I here ! tellingei i.iid The t.n I that \vi1 yvere vulnerable in i ertaui events iiii'.ins nr vc got to pi. k up points in other events, hut Washington u.is able to do th.it I think they out i umpete.l us \\ e had some . lose rut es hut they yvou all of those Did linger said Washington's i lose n ms came in the Hill and -til!) meter dashes and both hurdle i u< es In the 1(10. the I lushles I tana Hall otilleaned Oregon’s Davon Russell to win in a time ot III 70 (onipared to Russell s Id HO I la 11 was able to do the same in the till metei high hurdles holding oil Oregon's Hob (fray Hall won in I t 07 while I bay i loi ked his set ond tastes! tone ever ill I 1 07 I tin ks (iitrtis U ilson and Hri an U light sullered the same late 111 the 100 dash and 100 meter hurdles, respot lively \\ ilson yy as set ond in I 'l l as Hrenl Men ill a guard on tin Husky basketball team, yynn tin event lit 1 ' HH Washington didn't tie.! get help irom a player on the has kethall team but Irom the toot ball team as yy oil lorn to Irat k, Page I l Corner of 18th & Willamette 683-6679 m ■ pn ( HT ■' . . ' 1 . ; ' Beautiful black and white or color photography for all your needs. -v Traditional portraits for graduation or resume. o Great gifts for Mother's Day! ^ Treat yourself to a high-glamor make over session with covergirl looks, o First class boudoir style says it all! All services 20% off with this coupon T G I S Thank God it's spring!" However it is also a time when many of the students of the University of Oregon think about their housing needs At pi 1KASANT lV\Rp the demand tor housing skyfockets ok early as St>iire #e now taking deposit* ond making rese*\/btipn6 iorofpartments which will be okculatofe in JMfet y , EnjovjSs summei It one of ttifcfcesfrbovsing voltes ’ in SpringfteHf I , K * ■ • ‘ X A C A t M I ti ! ■. X DARRYt & JAMMY CRAWf • M4 4 ;.S LINDALF ! SPPINGFIELO ' )R 0/4 ' ' ’4 ’ ‘ .511 f ;mrally A;-»? ' GREEKS...Having a Party??? 5 Foot Subs s25.00 .. Cheese and Cracker Platter $19.95 LET US DO YOUR FOOD FOR UNDER s75.00!!! Veggie Nibbler LG $26.95 SM $14.95 CALL NOW AND ORDER! 683-8670 shop® M fooi FOOD WA YOUR TOTAL FOOD STORE 17 COBURG ROAD HOURS 7AM-11PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 683-8670 m\&rco\or b 4\: 'iV 20% OFF COTMAN WATLRCOLOKS VVINSOR & NEWTON ACRYLICS SCEPTRE IIRUSIIIS 25% OFF WINSOR & NEWTON WATERCOLOR PAPER 20% OFF ALL OTHER /OWI I WATERCOLOR PAPER ARCHES EAMRiANO STRATUM! iRf WE* A* MAN S*' - A m 15% OFF GKl '10ACIU K ACADI MY VVAIIRCOIORS 20% OFF DRAWING PADS and WATFRCOLOR BLOCKS VUtA’I «M< «WL ilil Nf AV , A1-' •/ 1 i. A 20%-50%OFF All PALETTES •wMfR; OU>« - '1 At KYUC 1 r,% OFF - TOMBO DUAL BRUSH PIN STAfDTlfR GRAPHIC 1000 BRUSH PPN L 40% OFF PARALLEL RULE BOARDS Irtx.U JU\M< *M x i 1 ► 2r>% OFF PARALINER PARALLEL RULES t ii i IKK < ,t iaran:> 1 Wfyri m^\& a k Oregon G83 2787 770 fast 13th, f-uqono Upstairs in tho Smith Family Building 8:30-7.00 Monday Friday 10:00 5 30 Saturday 13 00-5 30 Sunday SA;.t t.N 3S4M0 M TFC "0 STOCK ON M4V.