Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Ducks head north
for first dual meet
B\ t am Styt'sind
l morale! Sports Reporter
llic Oregon womens
tr.M k team hopes to i i ml milt
its (lomination of W ashing
ton this ueekemi in Seattle
w ilh a dual meet against tie
Huskies ami Idaho, hut it
won't he ease
I he Dorks. who ha\ e per
formed well in two mm
st in ing meets thus far h,t\ e
lost only time to the litis
kies, l’he I hit ks ha\ e w on
the last IU in <i row . tnt hid
mg all si\ meetings at I lushy
I he I luskies are relm ning
some top ijerformers Irom
Iasi \ eai s Pat it it 10 1 ainlri
elite season Angie I asker
let! her team in the triple
jump last year finishing set
ond in the t note if tit e to ()t
rgons I'll 111 is Mt k imiey
'I he I luskies have three of
the eight i onferent e qualifi
ers m tile shot pul thus hit in
the \ tiling season heatletl by
I.aTony a Keetl (4a a 1 i) 1 w o
of herd's teammates I .a l ull
ill While and Susamie
I landerhault hare surpassed
the 4a loot III.It k .is well
"()n paper. Washington is
lot iking really good. ( lo
gon t oat h Tom 1 leinoneo
salt! "The\ ye got a lot ol
seniors and I think they real
ize the. t nuld he their oppor
tunity to defeat Oregon
Ihe most notable mi
pniya-ment on the Washing
lull squad is Hi llir ills
tames Three runners have
qualified tiu the I’.ii tit
Jennifer Cdilelie lifts the
fastest Iiinr ol till' llm't'
pi It III till lowed In leliiii
tei I haughton It) i , l)| .lint
Aline I Inward in -to HI
Hrauglum placed tilth m
tile i.null-rent e . 000 last
year find sixth in the 1.000
Mil hetle Huiesh- thud m
last \ear's l’,n til 10 tlltd.
also returns
I he irony of this meet re
vulves .Hound the distant es
( tregoii perennially a
team dependent on its dis
tame itinners, is wtaker in
the distant e area than it has
heen in the past
t he brightest hope in the
distam es is senior I 1/
Wilson who posted the last
esl I,lltll) meter time (‘I Ml I!
ot the season in the I'm ID
last weekend at Berkeley
\\ i Ison u as an \( A A qu.ili
tier in the I Mill t 000 and
i.ltOO last year
freshman I in y Nnsrala
looks to quality tor the I'ai
lit 1 ait) after missing the
in.irk hy sis tenths ol a sei
olid last yy eekend
Kiln I h alt the I tin ks all
Amerii an jay elm throyver
i ontimies to surprise hei
r Hill lies .llld i ouqietdors
llyatt. y\ ho plat ed eighth in
last year's Nt A A meet has
already throrvn over the Kilt
foot mark | tori l|
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iMiult* in M.11 lut I hi. i
Kexin I an led the men's tennis team to .in lt-1 xiitnrx me/ U ill.imette Ihursil.n .ilternnnn
mill ,i str.iiiiht set win in Yu / similes
Men's tennis continues win streak
Bv Ir.u \ Sumner
l mer.tld Sports f ditor
It's live 111 .1 rmi Ini the ()n ijiiii men s tennis
If.III! niter .111 easy tt 1 yviu over Willamette I Inns
day mi the Dili ks III line i nil I ts
Oregon lies won live str.iigllt ui.iti lies m
( lulling .1 lout m.iti.li winning speak on the re
i cut road trip to South (Carolina
I lie I Jin ks swept .ill SIX singles m.ltvhes,
with .ill hut one ot the wins (inning ill straight
sets Oregon's third singles man led Kuhin lost
the lust set to John l.nvell hut i .line hai k to take
the next two sets ti ti
Kevin Ian the Dm ks lop singles plavei .
had no prohletn disposing of David |erkn taking
at. I lej w in lames I la/.ard ol t Iregon also regis
tered an easv vvin stopping Kelley I little h i
(• I
Robert Atkin, who moved front Oregon's tilth
position to fourth hei niise ol an injury to |mi
\\ einherg. i'.m'imI past Swain I*<»rl*• r ot W illamette
11V a l> .1 h 1 m t Ilf
( hrishau ( )elke moved In the hllfi position
.ind blew p.ist Antliew Shipman n ' n Kevin
Settlemvre ( Jmgun's replat emeu! sixth man.
made 11 i• () l liv^iin with .i n L t> ’ win ovei A d r i
an( Inn
With the wm set ured hv the nil sweep in
singles plav. Oregon t oat h Hu// Summers went
to his hem h Ini dnuhles plav Summers moved
Ills \n dnuhles team. Settlemvre and \tkin In
\n I and teamed led I hnien With ( )elke Ini \o
1 dnuhles lie alsn gave Ireshman Kevin (Invm
and l)oug Knnl the third dnuhles m.itt h
Set t lemv re and Atkin he.it Jeike and Km k
Unnil m straight sets hv •» t» I t> I st me I )elke
and I hnren at < minted hu the teams' only loss n!
dav with a 1 n 7 n 7 > loss In Tuttle and Ship
Knot and law in tool a tough » (* t. t
win ov ei Porter and Lovell to end the matt h
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