TRAVELER'S UPDATE Translating a Travel Ad \i cul llii rmid to i ipi >//\ In/ unih i stiuilium tin Itumiumi <»/ trill 11 mis I In illustration hiluu n \ ‘ ah tin n ul nirminms of somi trui 11 ironls anil I’ltrusi s You may have to accept tots of restrictions and to* season or midweek departures to get this price Means you have the opportunity to do these things, but you II have to pay lor them lour lit information offices can tell you about these charges At most major resorts in the Bahamas, there is an automatic 1b percent service charge on food and beverages plus daily baggage handling and maid service tees Hotel ta>es range from 8 to 10 percent Just a couple may be available at that price It you don I travel on the dates indicated you won t get any money back Ihe tale is the price two people would each pay Solo travelers ate charged a higher rale During school breaks, some packages adver tisements are for as many as lour people sharing a room Continental Plan a light breakfast, usually cot lee a roll and butter, and sometimes juice Your view could be across lour lanes ol traffic And photos in brochures can be de ceiving Talk to someone who has been there, or call the tourist informa tion office Ihe airline you re flying could be switched or even (rarely) your desti nation In one case a traveler with a ticket to Brussels was switched to a flight to Pans and given a rail ticket to his final destination Avoiding Further Confusion 0 tilt I plll.tsts Still III.IS t'llti lllllt (I ssllllf M'.IM lllllU tin ti.isrl Hai^anis Mu liulr tin fulloss ilm limited-fime availability 11m • »t!« i ohm .it .m atti.u tis< pi u t mas In' '4(kkI that tlas span Hr it ads to iiH'St >>u shoit in it im St t \< ss slim on paut- tv> toi ii dot it ii i on a iltndt to t omiri t last I Youth fares ( .ood latrs t-« \\ t '< (n I III -pr !■ n f l as fit i ' until I J 1 I lilt !• si ! S .if I • t! ! 'ii M i at If 'Ills . J lion I ' I >eli m (■ liiclit time I In In-st ilvals ili |ii iiil mi v\ lien \ on tl.lM'l I III' JX'.lk M MSI III III! tl.l\ I'll I li; tl) W VStt'lll Ijll'OISe is 1111n• I > tii i'll I\ \iinnst .mil Ini ii'tuimm; mul-jiiK to I -ilkm I >.i> I >111 mu tinisc tmu's \iiu mi^lit lias e to ".nt a li \s ilays tm a tliulit ('mini'll tinsel Smm ( Is neuntiates smitli lait-s fin anyone imilei 2B ( all 212 i>ti| I I a i |iit mini matum Bucket shops 1 In-si- i-unipames van s*et son iliastualK 11isisiniit(-(1 tu Ivi ts. iisiialK tm seats mi loreipi an Inn s II Uiial is urttnin i lieap an larvs sa\ s ■in 11 n m Maniiii Jii\n-in I In I nitS.ul It ill ilci t’ciis'iee ItiKiks hiss s, 4.) Im\mu tukvts tins ssas is jirnli .tills lu st But uati li tm Iiva\ \ restrictions ami cheek tin- (simpanv s cit-dil>ilit\ ssitli the Bettvr Business Hun an —Lucy lum