Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Section A, Page 51, Image 71

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Summer is the best time to visit Milwau
kee Brmq shorts, sunglasses, and sun
screen the weather can really si/rle,
with temperatures ranqinq from the
mid 70 s to mid 90 s. Summerlest this
year runs from tune 28 to July 8, call
tor other information and performance
schedules (414 273 2680).
By car: Milwaukee is about 90 miles
north ol Chicago, on Interstate 94
(I 94 also connects Milwaukee with
Minneapolis. Minnesota about a six
hour drive ) After a tew days in the
city, you'll wonder where the traffic is.
It's an easy city to drive in because the
streets are laid out on a qrid
By air: All ma|or airlines tty into
General Mitchell field. 20 minutes
south of downtown by I 94 ialso la
beled I 43 as it passes through town).
for a biq city Milwaukee is pretty
safe, but as a general rule the west
and south sides aren't good places to
be in the wee hours. Local lanquaqe
calls for sodd, not pop Water toun
tains are bubblers Weather reports
are called grilling' reports, after
Milwaukee's favorite summer pastime
Natives say Milwaukee in two sylla
bles. as in Mwockee And Wisconsin
natives aie known as cheeseheads or
listen to Bob Uecker call the Brew
Crew qames on the radio tor a classic
Milwaukee experience And loot toi
the home team
Wunder Hall 321S W Stale St
414 544 1636 l?ooms are only SIO
per night last June. Jimmy Carter
spent su days in room 206 (he was in
town with housmq rehabbers Habitat
tor Humanity International)
Pick up a copy ol Milwdunee
magazine lor local arts diid
entertainment listings Hear
some blues d! Hooligan's
Super Bar 201/ E North
Ave 414 2/3 5230) the
cover is S2 lo S3 on Mon
days alien the bar brings in
out ol town bands look lor
qood |dli with no cover at
the Estate 2423 N Murray
Ave . 414 964 9923)
Eor comedy, check out
Rail's 2856 N Oakland
Ave 414 3 32 6323),
Horn the third week in May throuqh
early Auqust. the University ol Wiscon
sin at Milwaukee 13400 N Maryland
Ave . 414 229 4065! rents rooms in
high rise Sandburg Hail lor SI9 a
night the university is close to Brad
lord Beach 10 minutes Horn down
town, and has a full gym in the
basement Another good bet is
where the covens >3 dU to > / ouana
reservations ate necessary Here
you'll experience ComedySportr a
kind of improv comedy in which two
teams of comedians compete for
points in audience judged qames
fhe Gieen Bay Packers usually play an
exhibition game at County Stadium in
August but if you re a diehard tan,
make the two hour pilqnmaqe to the
Green 8ay Packer Hall of tame
,414 499 4281) in Green Bay Ad
mission is $4 50 lust take U 5 43
north to Route 172 and qel olf at the
Oneida Street eul the Hall is a few
miles down on the nqhl, tambeau
field is directly opposite
Nature buffs should check out the
Kettle Moraine Stale Forest less than
an hour's drive liom town, (for the
record kettles and moraines are land
formations lett behind by glaciers.)
for information, write the Department
of Natural Resources at P 0 Boi /9?1,
Madison. Wl 53701
for arquably the best beach in the
area head to Hairiman Beach State
Park. 35 miles north of the city on
US 43
Ihe Greater Milwaukee Convention
and Visitors Bureau, 756 N Milwau
kee St . Milwaukee Wl 53202,
414 273 7222. has maps available
Contact the Milwaukee Chamber of
Commerce. 756 N Milwaukee SI Mil
waukee. Wl 53202 414 273 3000
or call the Greater Milwaukee funlme
414 /99 1177) tor festival and spe
cial events information 3. H.
mile hsti\nl rolls into liiun \ Milw.niki «
I out«•( | III til* tl.lN s will'll till I III NS win ■' I'
tin (i unit i \ on \m mm It-n wi-oiis tin <\i
with 11 111.11 i in ns jxi toi iii.mt is inn I« i
r II11 n 111.111' s in \ i»n m I r s m ■ 11 it i | • 11 -
horses mmchinU 1 >. unis .mu ms w.i.'1
Ill HIS 11‘J,l I N .lilt I I '« .11 s
I OW HI 11 till '(III oi I Ilk tin l ill I 'I it loir
im \\i i kiinl iist i\ nls st.ii t lollni'J, out in
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( >t ‘ I 11 l.ll I lest \l I |l .III W OI |i I I « st IS . 11 I'
Irish list 11111 11 \ o 11 11 still s t, n 11111 rJ.
I nst.i \tliiiission toi i .u li it linir h sti\.n i
II '.it 1111 ti.nlition.il loot I i n nsii mnl i lift-'
I ll- sW.Hi sohU of till s 11111111 < ‘ I si .i-oli |»l
I ).t\ \m • ki inl with tin Mniitmn- I • sti\.
Wisconsin i 11 nn i ■ mtiinntc t«• s 11 \. 11 In M
1« ■ \ M.iiiiu I his h st I ms I Minis mnl tot m I
hilt thi n m < \tl.is Ilk* n ir'H.ltt.i till'
like n litth inori i lhnw loom mnl this t« sti\
< m ni\ nl itN»os|)ln i« S'1V s I" '•,n
11 n lit ion
•i I mi mini
lit I" -'Nls
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tints to.,
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\\ .inkrt \ 11J 11« H l« . i> 11111 - • i* »11 I' 11 < *
But tin n limn ? Milu.uil i r til.ill Mimin' i t« ■
tis.ih \ml j>i ili.ijis tin In t t ■ 11111 < m 111« «
tin .. ittill'iiti . i tin- In h f-i|..ii impnl *I|nIh • I
( ||i | s | 11 h l« \ .in ,11 i ■' i r in I'U t hi fun ns i <i! •
, nfi i till mm nt i •• it■■ .n H I < \f i 'i' >' \ i i . 111111tli.it
m.it 11 n t« i 11 ,i\ * I' i
Cost: I'li • ii< 11 i- ' iiN' "i ■;i ■ t i ■ i 111mi ■ 11'>iii
, om-i . Ii.ii .it «, Ini' v I t" s l to 'Inin, i S"» t.. M J
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tun vvitli .icliinsMoii i.m in ' from nothin.' to St)
I ',i .nil' mi I B« ,i» Ii !- it« •' I m ; ,t * 11, . t \ I ■ Kill* Mi
I 111.i i . in . .f. in tin w- i kl' li tini-ou S11111ni« i
(Hltdoof | )r I |o| 111.nil is In III ilouiltnWIi
Hipness: \11 k> ■, i 1 m1» -k 11" 1 ’ 1 • • • t / /<«
S III j I 11 I ll ! I I'll • . | , < t I H ‘ t O I | N J II | I ! I k m
|mIi k r ..It .it .i • nit 11< I . in Milu.mki «• 1'oiihn.
stlr.llll cl niliv lniNir^ »«»|H oil « \ «* I \ 1111111Z lioin
In .it u.iviN to tin I 11 i i loi n of Intoi m.it ion \t t I nit