Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Track < ontinmMl
from P.ii*i* f>
arid s,it out thi' List half ol tlir
\ c,ir
Although Australian Colin
Pulton •staved m Ins native
i mintrv this sprint; after train
mg lor the ( ommonwealth
(James the I )lli hs ha\ e both
Foster and Peterson bat k in the
I lister had the team's tastest
lime at t i..' 1 J and was sei ond
in the Pat tl) and I \( lunioi
(championships in l‘Wt but
tailed to real li the linals in the
\( AA meet
Peterson qualified lot the
\( A \ meet I wo \ ears api in
the 1 500 and |nst missed out
on a return last season He is
also the team's top 800-nirlei
Dellinger is unquestionabk
pleased with the team s depth
having .i iniinher ol nmneis
who can i uinpete in a s al lots ol
distant rs
"We ha\ e a number of guvs
u ho i an i tin the 5.0(10 and
the I 500. lie said
Not Link do the I Jut hs have
strength on the true k hut in the
field as well
Seniors Latin Herrs and
Spent ei V\ illiams the best pair
ol hori/.ontal jumpers in si bool
history lead the ssas in the
long jump and triple jump.
Past sear Herrs won Ins sei
ond Pat -10 long jump Iitle and
upped the si bool lei ord to
gli-ti1 i while finishing tilth at
the X( AA meet Alter ss inning
the eonterem e triple jump
i loisn two straight scars Herrs
ssas second at the Pat ID meet
and increased Ins lifetime best
to 5 i H)1 i
1 lie school record holder in
the triple jump is Williams
ss tin i aim on in the latter halt
ol the season a sear ago while
working his ssas hack from an
ankle injurs that caused him to
miss all of the PIMM season
Williams ssas third at the
Pai 111 meet ill the li iple pimp
and then finished fourth at the
N't AAs tak mg the si hool re
lord ass as from Herrs who
didn't make the linals ssith a
leap ol 5 t 1 I i
Despite the loss of deSou/a
the limbs have some strength
in the throw ing es cuts is ith
sophomore Art Skipper in the
t.ivelin ,iml juninr Nmtt \li(,ir
in the hammer
Skipper set the it huol iei util
111 tile javelin With .1 best ot
J last season and also i|u.il
illeil tel the \( \.\ meet .mil
finished set end in the l’,n 1(1
I Ills I e.ll Sk 111 pel has si.I! led
out strung .die,ids thruumi;
.! !H 1 .it the I )iei;iiii I'lev leu In
e.isiU el lipse his-own si hnol
rei eld .mil the \( \,\ stand.ml
Mi (,ee made tni; strides last
I.atin Berrv
season ,iml limshi’il Inurth m
I lit ■ t itiilt'it'iit t nift't .iml sixth
m the \( A.\ meet lake Skip
I>«• r Mi l ifi' has started strung
this sea si a i. (|iialit\ing tnr the
\( \A meet at the ( lit'^m I're
view and throw ing tor a I’K ot
liJil h at Sat i .111 If lit (1 Stall' last
In the sin it [Hit and d Ini,us.
Dellinger said lie w .is looking
at two or three guvs to re
pi,II e deSi lll/a
Sophomore \ ii k
\liastassiades and juniol Mike
( otlino are tin- likelv i (intend
eis to leplai e debuiiza while
dei athlete I'edro daSilva will
help out
In the del at Ii loll, tile I hit k s
piohabiv have then lies! hope
ol an imlix idual N( A A i ham
pion in daSilva,
The sophomore trout llia/il
finished set ond at the \( AA
meet after leading alter nine
events a veal ago alter battling
hai k from injuries With a veai
ol ret overv behind him, da Sil
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4, i-ao-t-'uaruofOd ider"- 'K
v.t i ould likely bleak his I’K oi
H :.‘(>r> points ,ii)d the tollegiulc
rei uni ut H points
lie will lie the favorite ill
llir dci .itlilon it In- slay s
healthy Ilellinger said Hr
lias to hr our shut putter also
I la S|!\ a w ill i oinpi'tr m
probably six ■ nrii\ I<{11.1 i events
during the dual meet season to
give Oregon help ill 'sever.d
\ not he I area ol i om el u tin
nellmgei is the high lump
w here I’ai I ll i hump \nd\
\ mini; also the si hool ie(ord
holder, graduated luniui Sean
Sullivan was a seven loot
jumpei in 1‘iMK hut was m
(ured last season Kedslitrt
treshman David Si billet imild
also help
In the pole v anil the I )ut ks
are espei lulls strong w itli lour
v,Hillers already over the l'u< III
qualily ing standard of In 1 ,
Leading the wav is |tl 11 lot
I ilia 11 t u I It'll who made I lie
\( \ \ meet last season and has
already ( leared 1 and senioi
Shawn Meyte who staled 1
lent a veal ag(i
lta( k i in I he tr ui k tin llm k
have some good talent in the
hurdles and spruits tradition
a 11V W eak areas lot ( tregoil
Sophomore Huh l,lav returns
ill the high hurdles and junior
Brian U i iglil is bar k in tin in
termed lutes giving the I links
t w o ol then lies! hit I'd lets ev ei
lorn to krai k. I’uge It
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