'luii know .ill Kars, cheese ami how linn alle\ s. Ik it the cit\. lot at ed VM) odd miles north ol ( Incan" on tin- wrstoni shore ol I «ikc M u luuan isii t 111st (lit* count\ seat ol \meriea s I )air\ laiid Its not hot i'Ii il )s cheap co\ ers and a nreat climate lor outdooi sports m the smimiei months au\u,i\ Sometimes thou nil. e\en people who ! i\ e there ha\ e a hard time I >elie\ inn ot In tw isi • l ake ( an Nona I 01 the I )rarl>orn \1 lehinan. nati\ e hie as a Mai (|ue11e l m\ ersit\ stiident w as a pi cl I \ li mi \\ all,in \i > (Hie c was //ci ri :///_; imlsnlc I hci usual last suuuuri \(>aa took pci I hat s w lieu she stuiiil ilc aim’ tu sci \ 1 h I w cstc i ii cit \ I las ti i i illci rareU went i ill campus ai ul it instead i it I it ad 1i m Imme as |uli \\ 1111 a lueal daik new spa until the richest resource tins summer!line \\ itli its ti -sti\ als A party is always brewing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where festivals celebrate everything from ethnic heritage to summer itself. I >\ Str\ c I l(\K‘Ock