The1400lb. backpack. (,rt a load ol this 1 hr Nissan l lard body’ 1X2 has a payload of a whopping MOO pounds So when vou want to head foi the'll have more than enough room to take all youi stuff 1 liking geai Ski equipment Or. just about anythin# you need to get out And get away M^-VI Of course the f lard bodv also has a roomy cub and a tuel-mjec ted engine And with its 5-speed manual tiansmission it can tow up to 5.500 pounds Which gives you all the mote leason to checkout the Nissan I l,irdlx)dvat your local Nissan Drain Non 11 find it caiiicsa lot of weight Hi lilt lor die I Inman Race. //us,* A