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I n \ II let * ■ * tin \ !!. 111111 ( )i . .hi ami ihj tin il Imiit wheels ill tin watei 1 hold the i inlei as anil snap tin photoUiaplis pu tuns of 1J hike i s dlit\ am! co\eied with "fit . \ I ia i. * c | alt i i '.Mem i >p< ut s.,\ in.' tin* w ' 1 • H> »i I )\in .( hi'<. . fniltintti is fii < >tnl t(> In tiuh 1,(1 mi!i s u it In ’lit (In did i t (i ilti >t t111' i 11 i i hi ( l, mul In lm\ (hi m*/c butt ti> /uni < // ACCESS BIKE-AID 90 Thu summer. Bike-Aid is hoping lo raise $200,000 and recruit 120 riders. Groups will leave from sii cities: Seattle; San Francisco; Los Angeles; Portland, Oregon: Austin, Teias; and Montreal, Canada. You can sign up lo make the whole trip or jus! part ol it. Bike-Aid also needs drivers for support vehicles, and people lo house the cyclists and set up events lor the riders as they pass through towns. For more information, contact Bike-Aid, 2940 16lh SI.. Suite 110, San Francisco. CA 94103, 800 827 4480. PLANNING YOUR OWN TRIP A cross country bike trip takes serious planning and training So il you went to go on youi own but don t have much cycling experience. Jim Eremont. educa tion director of the Bicycle federation ol America suggests first trying a weekend tour to a nearby motel or state park Then when you re ready to go out for longer than a weekend, go with a tour mg organization College Bicycle lours an outfitter catering exclusively to the college age group otters summer tours in Colorado and Europe trips range from 1? to 4? days and cost S635 to S2.300 Contact CBI 22/60 Kenwyck Southfield Ml 48034 800 736 2453 GETTING READY When you re ready to tackle a longer tour on your own it's critical that you learn about gear use and Hat tire re pair Your bike owner s manual should explain most simple lues and most bike shops will have books and maybe classes on maintenance and repair to plan your route, talk to someone who has ridden the terrain the Bicycle USA Almanac lists numbers for bike clubs tourism offices, and touring in lormation directors tor each state to get the book you have to join the league ol American Wheelmen dues S25 a year Contact IAW Suite 209 6707 Wtvtestone Rd Baltimore M0 21207 301 944 3399 Bikecentenmal a national bike travel organization, sells maps of low trattic, scenic cycling routes on 15 000 miles of U S roads A S22 membership includes map discounts and Ihe Cyclist Yello* Pdqes a guide listing stale and countv cycling sources Contact Bikecen tenmal Box 8308 M ssoula MI 59807 406 721 1776 Also check out cycling magazines and Bicycling Across America by Robert Wn nmq ■ 1988 Wilderness Press, Berkeley. CA SI? 95), a book thd! helps you plan everything (torn choosing companions to buying the right shoes TRAINING At least a lew months before the tour start riding 20 miles three or tour times a week Duplicate as many different conditions as possible seek out hills and ride in the ram Also, use the bike you II be touring with and load it as you would tor the trip 30 to 40 pounds ol equip ment is usually the manmum If you're planning to camp on your tour test your gear before you go by taking a few overnight practice tups SLEEPING ON THE ROAD Be creative when you're thinking about where to bed down A local church may let you pitch your tent on its grounds for instance Here are some other sleep cheap sources The American Youth Hosleli Hand book lists hostels across the country where beds are just 55 to S20 per night The handbook is free to members ‘dues are S25 a year and $7 for nonmem bers Contact American Youth Hostels Dept 950 Bov 37613 Washington D( 20013 7613 202 783 6161 U S. and Worldwide Irarel Accom modalioni Guide S11 951 lists 650 col leges around the world that otter summer dorm rooms tor St2 to S74 Contact Campus Travel Serv. 5007. laguna Beach CA 9 7 714 497 3044 Women's Cycling Network id eation tor both women j men. offers memberships for SI0 When you join, you'll receive a newsletter and a list of members who let touring cyclists stay in their homes for tree Contact the network at Bo* 73 Harvard IL 60033 815 943 3171 fli/abeth Bobbim