College Students Compete For Nissan Prize Money Xational wuuutsst'lixtedin crvotu^ec 'urrifM'titinn. hvriry yr-wr w nmrmi juilgod on creativity and relevant* tn int r* market In the FOCUS Film ('-omponuon, aungorv* include narrative film, animation, documentary, Ki«iwnui^, film editing, arr/n.ujpi^'tiy and aound The oonteau were eaud.liahnd fifteen ytmn ago by Niaean Mou* < >q» >r« t, USA a*am««na(. MK>Hirag<*nant to Mixiefiu ir/i"us;v inir-natod in the highly ownprutivr !» of advertising and filmmaking Monetary awards, prim mi'i r rr*xgnUK>n are given u> the *uin./ 1989 Nissan Ad Contest Winners Announced Nissan Motor (Corporation » Ad Con test for college student* ha* l>een judged end prize money awarded to ten »lu«irnt* a. ruM the l rmed Stale* l*he winner* received $250 < a»h and an Kicelknce in Advertising certificate A select number of winning ad* will l>e produced and published in future issue* of America /'Ac Student Travel A Adventure Guide Winner* in the Nissan ad oompeti lion are Gregory H Wright, Shippe.ns burg l niversity, 1 n haeliut, l niversity of Oregon, Karen K Hardy, 1,'nivenity of Kentucky, Krista I Meaama, l niversity of Oregon, Andrea McHone, l niversity of Oregon, AU^rrt Y Navarro, l niversity of Pennsylvania, Hope Kuaaell, University of Oregon, Timothy J Smith, Lnivemty of Tennessee, Joaeph Zukowtki, lernple I nivertify, and Jennifer R Little. Southern Ilhnoi* Uni varsity Nissan Sets Date For Student Creative Ad Contest fhe official rail for enuiri for ncit yur'i Niasan Adverlmn^ Conle»t will l* announced in fall of 1 WO College •tudenu acroa* the l-' S are encouraged to collect their creative thought* and idea* and prepare to lubmit enlrie* for »pnnfl, 1W1 f or more information on the Ni»»ari Ad 3790*2 Contest Winners Get Career Boost Andrea McHooe, N »»ari Ad Carrie UUon winner and University ci f*regon paduale, i» maimfl great career strides as circulation production t. Li amiEli muii^r/ at Miller F reeman Publication* in Sad F ranciaco Mci k>fx* coo*Kirn her fob lo be * dir uiraj blend uf marketing, P H , rod creative " Crediting Profaaaor Bill Ryan and the N»»»an event with helping open door* that may otherwise have remained cioaed, the Mid, "Just to have an ad produced in a quality publication like Amtnca gave me a great bouat m the interviewing pmcraa " M cl {one won the Niaaan competition for her ad entitled ‘Muluple (Choice " Whrn Nr% V. *k l .nivrmty »cuhn F uaco, II! wt>n t>»r u>f» F( X1 S » rnrnwriting award in 1WU hr guvr his N»**n Srntr» auti*rr»»i*iir pri/r u> his ■ u»trr, as a ^ift !<* hrr help in financing his oJIrgr rduiatioo 11* following yrm another one ,4 John's Nil screenplays Irn^m+uii won Lop HK.IIS a rrrnwriting h«mors lTu» Un», 1 moo got to kerp hi» t_ar Ihe kTMUJS Asaard winning script l*"i» the Wahar Hill OJurriii* Pictures feature, Marring Ralph Mailm, and J<» Serwica More recently. k*lin wrote and eitsruUve pr.*iuc«d the I'tKR boi .iffwa hit hang fant ShaoQng lia« l*-gun on '}* filmk murii ants if-atnd sequel,! <*cur (iuru II Students Awarded Major Prizes in FOCUS Film Competition Nissan'» K Ml S f ilrra of < h l mvenity Students lumnpriiUoi; o-.» h«»fh>rrd twenty m winner* in rune CMtejp'fir* IYtis program annua. ► i rra>re than $1tM),fM)0 in cash ht\ « i pnxet lufttuiirniB who (in>|iUv outMnr • . achievement in fin it hod U*m/r ' ■'•-* feat ure length * mrnplays first plw-r winners .n* lu h M , » R*ha/n of New York l mvrrsits nar raUve film. Stray /A»gi V+* \ h U "«• of ( olurnhia l nivrj%ity {•* his * mrr.; IbLn+t H(*Ut Su*ry Sl/jen of the l r »*• of < *»l»>fado a! Koiiide? f«»f her iinn.ii film, Halu/vui, and Hr Ian.r \ <*e the I nrvemty of S »uthern < m.J> »rnu* 1 documentary film, Stal ( Hher catcgonet are ane rm '<■%:' film editing, sound achieve merit the M M l S Women hi 1 ilm \ oundat* ■' and the Renee Vaientr Producer* \* FOCUS qponsort mcju'ie Str*r; Spielbcrgi Ambhn Kateriaimirnt > • Kadharn I ilrr», Dolby l ad**raUa»e* i LmversaJ IVium, Kastman h -u* (<*>m|>any and Hrnihana <*/ !'»ky«« l < further in forma Lion the 1 ‘ * l > competition, write K( * 1 S, It' \ ast ’4 Strert, 6th Floor, NY, NY 100\6 t h call Sam Kau at r21 2