lien I tell people .(l)Ollt I >ie\ ele I >al Id ,1 lot ol tlioin think I in making it up Hut there realK is suc h a tliinu I saw it last sum iner w h< 11 I t \c led lot a When fou re cyclmq *cron Ihe country !o va*t the world tou deserve to h<»e i litlle lun Of 10 Marin Miquelon va»\ lew da\ s w it 11 .1 group on the 5 BOO-mile (loss eonntiA hike tick known as Bike \id I lie sta^r was an eerilx desei tod liighw a\ in Min ncsota. and tin hour was well Hide eentb earl\ lor a Satmda\ morning I li c c \ li 11) i t i 011 Bo Hill i w 11 11 \ 11 t o i i a Market! a 2-l-\ear-old (earlier Ironi Sonirr \ dir M.issat Inisrtts. r\rc lit11ig .i dilli< n11 n.unolrss nianrmrr that made her \agnrl\ resemble a hood ornament. Her stomaeh rest ing on the saddle, her lei's straight behind her, she rode parallel to the asphalt that whizzed beneath her tires. It was poetry in motion.