Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Track team looks to add another championship
B\ Ashley ( onklin
l mer.lld Sports Reporter
In his IHtli se.tson .il the
helm til the ( Irevjon men's inn I
prognim. (o.icli Mill Dellinger
< mild possibly li.tve his Iwsl
sipi.ltI evei tills ye.ir
l Consider mg the .tc i umph >h
mi'iiK thiit itic I )m I h.it i' had
under Dellinger, ili.it might lie
,i |in*sunitituinis statement I it 11
considering the talent the
Dinks h.ite tills ve.il, < III':,inn
< < >u It I ten well win its sci und
il.iliiili.il I li,illl|)ini)ship under
I ell I )li( ks w ho ((tl.lllhi'il till
745 8522 • 125 S W 2nd Corvallis
<=> A
Live Mkfic
t n March 30 & Sat March 31
q April 4
II I- M> \\
Nil. II I
I HU*i
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sit,II i
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M< .11 I
HH< .» K :»■
A u. r .
s \ I WIN
Mi .111
Mf.lk l f It'S
\ S.il.ul
last vr,ii . \( A A ( hampimi
ships n-iurn on .1 squad that
was named iliiiil itm’iI national
i h,iih|iioii In Tr.uk and iirld
Vrn.s 1; 1 \ in.: Oregon ,i ti'.im
tli.it i mild improve on its sei
mill .mil Imirlh pi.11 e showings
,il tin Pat ilti • HI ( milereni e
.uni \( A A meets. n»spi'i Itveh
\\c haven't si 'I .niv goals
111 ■ 1 Dellinger said AVe
nisi have lo wait and see vs I1.1!
happens 1 ertainly we have the
I >( >11 ■ 111 i. 11 and hopelitlh in
Will he .1 lie! let tea 111 tills veer
Ih'llmget has always had a
slime,: dual meet team at ( lie
gmi. lull with the hiss ol shot
putter and disius thrown' lose
deSnn/.a. the ! Ini i s might he a
lietler he,; meet than dual meet
team tins season
AV ith lose heing gone, we re
vulnerable in tie shot and dis
i us lie said I’rohahlv out
distani e runners give us the
most depth hetween the Htll)
and llllMMI l alenl wise in the
long |ump and triple lump
we ie as good as anvlxidv
We 1 all -a me well at am
level and 1 an (over mot
events, e\i ept the shot and dis
( ns he added
(tregon s mam strength is 111
the distani e i.n es w ith seniors
Iliad llndson. Damn lope/
and I I K Pet el soil junior I'etel
I misei a, sophomores Man ! os
lei I'.il I la I lei K i< k Mestlei
and I v 1 Van Si hm.ii h and
redshirl Ireshman 1 errant e Ma
llndson and lonset.l weie
the top runners on the 1 toss
1 ounliv team that pl.u ed set
Uncover Itfour
True Potential...
Freelancer Meeting
Monda\ April 2 2:30 p.m.
KM l C edar Room K
\ll \iudcnt' interested in writing, photograph), and
gtaphio ail .no eneiHiraged t<> attend
/ht f ' ‘ ‘ ■ -• '• • .s’-.:«./A>..
i n> |inm.
Slrr/ilri h.isrr l)unn\ l.npr/ will hr iiiuntrd mi hr.nilx this
sr.ismi .is im/7 nl .1 striinf’ nirn \ ilist.uu r i orps.
Ul!(i i l.isl I,ill 's \( ,\.\ ( 11.1III
pionships. .Imi both look reaib
to have tlii-ii best trm k sivisons
I hnisoii Was .III \( AA (111.111
In i i ii t he 10.000 two \ fit! s ago
.mil <hi.ililii'il in the i.lltll) nit'
Iris List season Ilnui'M'i ,i
late season illness It'll I Unison
weak .mil In' Wiis I.n liom lull
siii-iiiith .it tin' I'.rc in t oiilcr
mi e and \( V\ mci'ls
1 Ills season 11 lit] son lias al
reail\ t al Ill'll a relui II ti ip to the
\t AA nieel. to In- belli Mu\ ill
Itllie at 1 >m haul \ I w it Ii a
1(1. tit It I time ol _!H "iH I in the
(begun l’re\ lew two w eeks
After being siispeniled from
tbe team in eal K Man Ii lor
running m tile bus Angeles
Marathon. I 'onset a has been re
instated to the team and it ill
I oiiipele lot till- first time this
spring in Saturday 's dual meet
at V\ashington
I onsei a lias nlrenih ipialified
Im llif in Olid. Inn mg run
2li Vi 7)i ,il .111 .ill comers out
lloor meet 111 Ilet fillin'! M.ihon
also qii.ililicil tm tlif sainc
e\ cut m llif saint' nu'i't w ilh a
time til 2H:.">7 711
I lallei will iiinslK run tin
VUOI) tins season although lie
tlnl t onie w itliin fi'i Im in h t ■< 11 h s
til a second ot the III IMHt stall
tlartl at the t Iregtin I’rtn ieu
The Dntks arc also in gniitl
shape in the 71.00(1 llietel stee
plet liase w ith hope/ Mestlel
and Van St lun.it k
hope/ was set olid in the stee
plet liase at the I’at 10 meet and
uas ranked Ititli in the laiuntn
last vear Both he anil Mestlel
were \l \A t|ualilifis. wilh
Mestlel plat ing eighth at tin
\( ,\.\ meet
\ an St hoi.it k ran well tails
III the season and set a peisoiial
let old at the Pepsi lin itatioii.il
but su tiered an ankle sprain
lorn to Irat k, Page
Si.mine’ Mpidiy approaching You re proou
niy wondering how to combine the- tun ot sum
mer wan the reality of work ng
At Harrah's Reno the summer is the most ex
c ting time of year' The areas recreationa* ac
tivities abound with golf, tennis wafer skiing
: i' ng 'liking f'Shing y ,e
h Sierra sun on the beaches ot Lake Tahoe
ff'ar a'- hour s drive from Reno And work
- |ust as much fun with the continuous thrill of
meeting new guests and meeting the day s
We are looking tor enthusiastic, outgoing appli
cant'-. who would enjoy servicing our guests
Hurrah s Pe'sonne: Representatives will be on
campus to interview for summer positions ■'
’"e gum • g and food service departments You
ate mvtod to complete an application and sign
up for an interview n your Student Employment
0“ ce Room t2 Hendncks
k < l