Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 35, Image 55

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    dan W vomuiu and dnve north on I *M) to l s It
tln n iS miles \\rsl on I l to Bmuess |nm turn at tin
no 11 In a n ic.u 11 of tin Bui 11 • »n i \l ountai ns Inin left
on It awa\ from ll\ lake tin left turn foi Slirll
(aeek Baniiei Station driving Be\ond it if the
Wcatlni IS (11 \ OI \ oil have a foill wheel dllVe
throuuh Suowshoe Bass ahont si\ miles l nless it s
| ills oi \umist a 11 h tot K e on the load W 11 a t e \ e i
the month watch foi elk moose antelope covotes
s1111\ cattle and stia\ cow Bovs all air unpredn t
al>le ai(Mind cai s
Bind North liappei ( leek and South liappei
( reck (Mi the Wot land map Between them and not
on the map is a lotted dirt lane leading left lake
this road a (jiiaitei mile to a Uiassv t leamui nrai
pie 111 V of deadfall fnewood and a Illumin'< leek that
I! I keep \ OI 11 ei4Us and Bee I . lulled to pel hi (loll
Bark here timid a file III tin' l Hi'4 of stones put a pm
o 11 a s p 11 . m (I ( a l u p f o r a f e w (I a \ s \ \ a I n h i t h I o i ui 11
alpine meadow s i iot n e wildlife ten k s w hoop 11 h
t he ( o\ otes at n nil it and let lioBodv tell sou that
camplin' isn t a leal w illlei ness expel n in r
I inil ist kitsi 11 M i nis ti > i4ri iii m s 1111 is
* usu.illi .il<im> tin- ii mi I tu sunn- I.mull
.liti .11 lion I In- siri|) on i > i" ne
twt• i• 11 (sapid ( its South Dakota .uni M nut bush
more is a rasr ill point lake diamond mines Viold
mines, dmosam exhibits and mi mat in«• iiolt i on i ses
. < ii 11 pete w it 11 ms nat 11 on i men lal < a mpvi rounds toi a
shot at tin passim* tourist dollai t )nls tin- tai ks viet
not k ed ( hie ( ampm omul that liets a lot * »t not m e is
I Imtstom- s Hedrot k ( its on Koute 11» in < ustei
Jim plastic lied lim plastic Wilma N al»l >a dal .1 »a
.loo ( all i>05 <>7 > »t»70
( )n 111 Is Is IS y2 I hui \ Kosse S. Iiool
— ( i alt and Ins viiiide ( luel t )/assindib
ail l s ed at l ike 11 as. a III een 11 al Mill
nesota has 111U (malls leaihedtheu L'.oal the In .id
Waters ol the Mississippi KlSei 1 lies ie)on ed tllU( h
sasimi. Souii das people s\ ill come here and I mild a
state paik I ut me vienei at ions established not on Is
a park but also a Iodide and mans cabins some ss ith
ll I e plat e s Mas to < h tobei prices at 11 a si a State
I 'ark 2IS 2f><> i.imie Irom S20 toi a simile in
I )om*las I .odiie to >»>2 toi a lake side i ahm lot sis
I o pal ii|)hl ase t he 0 >2 s s oil could be
eauipimi m som oss u private Idaho
| he I lt million a. I e I la 11 k t htl l eh
|{|\ei o| \.. In turn W lldeiliess IS the I.uUest ledeial
ss i Idei ness aiea in tin lossei IS llnndie.ls ot lakes
and stieams huiidieds ol miles oi 11ails . > annual
species and two ol the eountix s best sslnte ssatei
list is the Salmon and the Middle lank Salmon aie
sum v 1.1 explore I >i i r imi t he das s out an find outfit
tei s |oi raltuui liorsebaek iidimi |et boatimi i am
el a sal a i I' and. a do/en othei act is it les \ t I mil it sou
i an I a 1111 a sshole sal les lor the tsso ol sou I he
Wild* in* s viet s onls >» s isitor s a seal as op
posed to tht millions that < rossd some national
pad | r a des eloped i alllplil Olllld 11 \ I ndelosa
St. i! t 1’iik J(IS 1 > VI 21* > I t\\ (i In h i! s t n >m H< ns« • .tin I
|l|st tllltshll f||« W I I« I • • I IICSN \ w «■ n t«■ i 11 I m • i I I« i ( ill
JOS > JI ~> I t«ii ini' >tiii.it ion ini flu ii t . i its* It
< .ill! | ) Mill! IS l \ it H HI. 11 I '.II k Sr
llllt With JO Inillks S |rr J )| | II* tin
tire i>li i III st ( nun- III st sr| \ r< I I
I \ H <
I « is
I hr < att ll It s .,f 1IMHHI frrt oil the sholildei . »l
W aslunuton s Mount H.miu i lo^rt t<' Muu sou
h.isr to Ink* imiii th» I'.uadise aiea .if > I < M ) t * • • • t
lolloss srsri.il 11 .tils i loss a pnmanent snow In M
and t liuil ■ in tin | ii n Ik t.»l »lr i noun tali i that makes its
own SM-athel Bll//aids air a Seal loiiinl pus
sil.ilils and dauUei is mlieient in ans hike II sou m
links and the ( louds Ineak sou ran look into tin
tilted In ok en mass oi Mount St Ih lens t«• tin
southSNest < )f eoillse ll Soil le not llli ks Soil II si r
suspended s|ert dain l in4 III lioiit of s mil (at e Still
it s tl ee It idviinU t all M • >♦ »lf 22 I 1 I k • sure to roll
tat t a i.iliUei h*l mole information and pie* ailtloiis
lilt I’ll III * i »t W .11*1 s I I i it«
W .»t« l ton ( »la< l* i 1 litri n.it I* Mi
I'.ii k a l S ( anailian « 11«>i t
I in I In
al I Va» *
at 11 tails
In s 111s( h mss tin < an.nil.ill hoidri in British < <»
liiml'ia hnt it illicit as u«ll in Suit/i ilaml
\lm\r tin tamhlllii' lodljr stands a snosss peak hr
loss it In s ail alpinr l.lkr I Ilf strop loot spiirtl
hrllrs and tins iiahlrs I'isr tin- liotrl tin* look ol a
stoishook t astir- Katrs mil from S . S to a n lidit
I o. i csci s at ions, rail 11 H > 2 J* > > > i I m h< )2 2 \ I >1 H M )
The larq*it national
parti in the world is
Wrangell-St. Elias
National Park and
Preserve in Glenn
alien, Alaska, at
13.2 million acres.
The smallest: Thcid
deus Kosciusiko
National Memorial
in Philadelphia, at
0.02 acres.
The Salmon River in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness offers
some of the country's best white-water kayaking and rafting.