Thm twilight son*. You don't have to go into space to en ter another dimen sion. Visit Gold Hill Oregon, home of the 165-foot-diame ter Oregon Vortex. Within its circle, people “shrink" or grow depending on where they stand; animals shun the area. No one knows what causes the magnetic weird ness, but the eruption of Mount St. Helens appar ently weakened its power. Call 503-855-1S43. It's a good little walk across glaciers and snowfields to Camp Muir, 10,000 feet up on the shoulder of Mount Rainier. NORTHWEST Iw as si11 mu on a mosw sprut e l"i»d« ■< p in W astmm t( Ml S ( a si .1* !< \ 1« Hint.illiS With Hill H 111.11 i III Ills flltirs . II tt 1 | (11111 lt<' I .1 W (Mil.mill 11 c • I t W rut l( s \\ r had Hist nu t Hi milt s tioni tin* neaiest paved surlatt behind us 1 H > tit iti < .«>)t lm\* I I I-itspi lii^s ii aked hoiii in dim k nit" a stc.iiiiuii: |>""l in whn h several 1*1 »* pit lav su.ikiliU \ 11 "i Us Wt It naked hill pui i it t - t I tea t n nr.:l i in tin st 11 ini I h »t turn t inn s|*t *k< • in a \ uit t I *"t h plat iti anti t onimainliim 11k* a kinm in msti m tui V hi m « ulicic tin w aft i si units mil 111 a t little li 11 n it I 11"« l< l« < 1 W "I I s f .i 11 • at point t"i .i It w stt out Is 11 \ nut tu look at tin w atei hut at tin mtrn stunt- underneath I tlnl <>kav now l""k ,it tin 11h k w ill hi liintl tin s111 .till Wnu I -ani \' I raised m\ eves tin wall sn nit d to slnniiin ami \ 11natt with tin mutinn <»i watt i It looked hk» an earthquake I lull «11//\ Wall salt 1 Hill V mi hi am n-es the i elation slop httwt » n tin i >u k and tin watt i lathei than seeing tin twu thlllUs srpaiatt lv ^ou pit k up on tin tain m i tc tiin ss "i things tin wav all atoms follow a single pattern ^ nil see tin dam* I tried to tulluw w hat In uas sa\ imi hut |iist then tin damp Washmuton sk\ hioke t"i i moment a shaft "I sun shot tint»nuh the trees hount etl f i "in tin j^ieen iihiss on tin lin ks and "tl {eninfel s Uieen e\es I was strut k h\ tilt < "inn - fedness i *f nature and In tiled huek f"l tile sprites I t'si »|\ lllli tu et *11 11line this t unv ei satiun w ith Ihll latei pel haps m Si attle o\ ei a falafel inshoit it w as a f \ pit al da\ ill the \u| t llW est W "Otis ISLAND-HOPPING III' I ’.U itlv \< »l lllUt'sl Is .III Hit i ot i mn ul i noun tan i .11 ul mm and l ain ton st \uw In h is this riiM' link |U\ t.ijx>Mtmu ol land .Hid watei nion striking than in \N ashinuton s San Juan Islands, which dot tin St i ait ''I < »et u Ula at tin < x 11 ( i nr noi t hw est t oil ir i > »l the IS ( niilium mis states I In onl\ w a\ t• i <*\j>erit in e tin S.tii Jnans eoni pl« tel\ is l»\ sea kax.ik. paddling limn one s« ( haded h< •“ h to tin next l.xeiv snimin i Seattle based ( hit hat k I \pedit It Mis 2( X > ' J >2 .dSl* lee inc ludes kax ak i nst i nc t ion all t ampini^ u< ai and near m n met meals \t\ last Snc i.t t up \x as hmhhuhted bx a spt c tac nlai show ol noithein lights that I watched I roll i ms sleeping but* on an emptx heath lo t amp on an ( >it as Island t htl sleep m a i t ahin soak in a hot till) m liste n to live him 1 , II \ I >oe lias \ 11 la a laid bae k New \ - t In lai 11 p oi t In island ( ahi ns start it u I - a n i tih t I he island is a >0 minute ten x pm t C it \ ol \nac • M tes ( all 2* >' j PACK A COMPASS I -i\ .ittrnlurn tliisi ■' ! stnil I’h k up lopuu ol tun m.ips piilillshcil lu tlir l S (.«-i >!■ niii.i! Siitwu in I l(KMMH) uu I r h Mill Hu i '4css ] uni l urn Mniitnnii uni Woil.iiul WMinunu * W \ oin i n 14 >o III Slid i