Bat the birdie Leisure Studies nuijnr M.iri liisler luok 111 >11( Is 111V ill'll tu .ill evening ul (lining ,iuil (1.11ii mg memories .mil merriment .is I ,une t iiiiiiiiiinih l ullege i elr I ii sites ils 1111 anniversary with .i Silvel ( un I riilay April ' at the Kugelie I llltuil " I he gala Is the ( mil ul a veal lung ( elehr.ition ul |(( s g jtll ailim ei sai x said |ue I amiri d(in tor i it lie I,( ( I imnilation It s an opportuni t\ lui the i nmmuttih to share in our i elebr.itioii and to rnjm all evening ul loud and entel lainiiient It s also an uppm In ilitv tin the rullege tu raise fill ills tor mm h-needed si In ships Ihe gala evening stalls at I. til w ith the SiKer Silent Am thin t .ursts w ill he aide to hid mi inure than .Ml pm kaurs ul goods and serviies provided by l ane ( niintx businesses mil nu ipdiilies and i iv ii orgain/a lions I'heie w dl he tor evatli pie a Kugrile pai kage a gull p.n kage, a garden pat kage a hakei\ |i.ii kagr .uni .1 in 1 iii.i and j4i.i pat kage Follow mg lilt' am lion, ( an \i■ 11 (loldsi hmidl will ilrlivim the km note address. and a lot mal dllirii'l v% 111 I"' served In tin- Hilton i atfi mg mt\ it a Svv mg Shift a I jnri e hand that plays imisii irmit the '.itis. tin. and UK n ill prtn idf iiiiihit tin dam mg limn til p m to midnight 1 hr 1 < < an In v ists will also mount a spei i.d photo dm iirneiitarv ol I .< ( s t n si i \ cars I ii krts tor lit s .:iih \mu veisaiv SiIvit (>a!a am $t*.' Ml pti pri son oi S,} • , j1(.| i miplr Front row tables tor right air available Im s! litio other la hies tost S >1)11 I hr i ost ol a til krl is (as dethil tilde t‘M rpt tor the ( ost ot tlir dinner whit It is SJIt I ii order In krts to the gala or lot more informal ion. ion tat I )ue Fat met at the III t otmd.ilion : -III J_’ti Car Care with a Conscience v»erman v*ar speciauns Audi • VW • Porsch* • BMW • M«fC*d«s »«nz jdutnpin to '*) a • t uger»e 687-0040 nV ECLECTIC? NOW OPEN! JXhnorY ‘•/I J J ’Ux; ' * f.\’» 1 .72.75 fhiTTiif\l— //n / >. 1/7 1)1) I .»(»/, •1 JANE GOODALL Tuesday, April 10 7:30pm, Unit ( enter Onclulv II. I‘M>. lane ( ioodall. a 2h \ c;ii old umiun from Bournemouth. I upland stcpjvd I mm a government launch onto ilk- sandv shote ol I akc I aneanv ika Slk’ had Iwn sent In ilk- tamed an!Ini<[h>U>!• ist paleontologist. I )i I ouis S I? I cakes le I vein a lone lenii studs ol chimpanzees m the u ild lane’s an ival al (iomlv Ivpan (he lullillnienl ol a tsvolokl ehiklluxxl dream "to sliuls animals m \tnea and U' u i He ahont them Tickets available at the Unit Center. 6N7-5000 and anthori/ed outlets. Student discounts available. filial l»» • < . ► i I'd-. |N>. > I i. \|«..rniMnl -'N Ml I nj M |N 1 . * • •• - . » - -p f d'..- J . I Vi VS j j >. I , ; 1 ( X. , < \ 1 . i . t « . i *, , « i ‘ . I i ' »i.' j ' ^ S|x:» i .’ ii'1' c- I * I It i* JGST G of 0 Print White All-Cotton T’s I hose sliijhtly irietjulm I s me