Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 25, Image 46

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A campy guide to the American wilderness
Tl urt *'s 11 i I \ H. ant I lilt'll 11 iriv’s (li IN t'l. I know
ji t_»-11 \ who 11 ■—.t *< I l(> \\ < >r k I * > i' I I k'~-> New > iiixl
■—■ | > t' i it nil his time on the load, lie complains
dial \im'rica's once-dist i nc*t regions h;i\r hc
(*( xiit" as hlai id as a ldoOs silcoin, dial all ilia
molds and last-food joints art' lilt- saint'. Thai
llu'iv’s no d ilTt'rt'imt' between a shopping mall
in. say, Wisconsin and oiu* in \ i i/ona. II m Inch
school stnclcnls ha i i{j.i nyfoi.il limit' listen it> dm
saint' music, watch dm same IN shows, anti
wear dm same clothes. I\VCI'\ place in dm l .S..
he maintains, is pit *l l \ 1111 K'h dm sa n m.
T< > a cerlai n extent. lie’s ri^hl. dtj_b n at I lie t iis
limits of a i in town anti snake aloim' a narrow
by Michael Ray Taylor
Use these symbols
to find the kind of
camping spot you
want, so you can
have the perfect wil
derness experience.
Tti* lif Plctwr^—Su
perior views, abun
dant wildlife, miles
of space. An abso
lute escape from the
ordinal y.
Double 11991119
Camping for cou
ples, where the two
of you lose your
selves on trails that
wind amid mossy
glens and secluded
cabins. . . .
Camping Hall —
Snakes, bugs,
weather, work. If it
don't make some
thing bleed, it ain't
real camping. For
serious hikers only.
Cabin Fa war—Your
hut away from
home. Why puzzle
over folding tent
poles when you can
call and reserve a
warm hearth?
Crewd-FltiiCt— A
sunny clearing
where you and your
20closestfriends can
spend a weekend.
Camping Kitsch
Need we say more?
Tha Pamparad
Campar—Remote lo
cales where "rough
ing it" doesn't rule
out TV or plastic
money. Remember
to bring at least
two fluorescent