This year's smartest students will graduate with a 24. Ihe2l-litei I 10-horsepower Nissan 210 SX is just what you need it you if ready to yet out ot school l ast And its multi-link independent ieai sus pension makes the J-4U oA easy to handle along the wav (Of course so docs the completely manageable stickei pi ice ) So it you ic looking tor a new car. come see the 210 SX at your nearest Missan I )calei It may not help you raise your (.PA nut it II u’ttumlv Help you pet wlinc you tc pomp in the world Built fbrtlic Human Race. Jin'- .khriuvmcnt hiv'i!< in ./ i. vxfyif suhtr.iflnl /n t.icn-', R U ■ S/ ;>!.•, I i i .< wn