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"f tin s 1111111K I llliiM 'itlitli, e1 ennui' jobs floate| s .Hill Utail‘J.li Is llia\ 11.1 \ « •in li.il (K t film Mill I 11 H *\ Wn|k III n v 11 \ niltsnli I |iist ln\ i flu mountains Hui l< son s.i\s ami b« mu, a i I n. 11 II | f 11 I ’ lull* i 11 11.11 111 I ' ( ) t ■ >1 I I < f' -1 those U | |n i i ' - IIM "I W’ Ill'll Mint U n| k t ll.l! I l ' 'III Mil 11! mu with ll.lt Mil IIII h.U k tn si hnnl whet! tiles haw ■ 1111 \ t Ini I i I l \ < • t< • ' n, 'k |n| all' I 1 lean 11 p aftei mas a» 11i.ilI\ I »< i i« 1 u I \\ hatew i its ll iii.'i benehfs lain h si -l k i pot that w ni k a I u I |nt s nt it It a 11 ■ n u m l"U s »■ \ pen , nee as Innj as \olili .n lapf.ll »I< lie -it! 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Ill Ml'.'ll ACCESS Finding a Ranch Job A dude or quest ranch is qreat for qettmq away from home for the summer, seemq d part ot the country you may never have seen, and workmq hard these ranches come in several varieties, from the rustic to the detune and they tend to take on the flavor ot then owners and surround mqs As a result, every experience will be different the work is taxmq and some times tedious, but the environment can ease the burden. "It's the kind ot Ihmq you do for the experience more than the money. Harold turner of tnanqle X says Students who come out with that idea in mind enjoy it more ' As Jim Gordon owner ot tumblmq River Ranch in Colorado, says. It's not a place to party, but it you’re a qivmq kind ot person, it's the best place for you " Dude ranches across the country depend heavily on colleqe students to round out their work lorces durmq the peak season, which lypi cally runs from May to September Stu dents who don't have to return to classes until after labor Day are a real boon (or us," Turner says, since our season doesn t slow down until then Ranches prefer to maintain a ratio ot one employee tor every two quests Typically they start recruilmq and hiring lor the followmq season in mid March. (If you re interested in workmq at the Turners’ ranch contact them at Triangle X Ranch Moose, WY 83012 307 733 2183 ) The Colorado Dude and Guest Ranch Asso cialion has 38 member ranches each of which employs 15 to 20 students tor the summer 'the number vanes from ranch to ranch) Ihe students are hired as drivers and mechanics, qroundskeepers. cooks, children's counselors and wranglers Iveryone who works on a ranch is allowed to ride the horses Some ranches also need lifeguards and babysitters fumbling l?ivei Ranch, loi erample hues ?5 lo 30 students each summer they help mostly with cleaning and waitinq la bles, but some are also maintenance woik ers, drivers and childien s counselors Goidon says he looks toi polite, respon sible employees who don I necessarily need to have erperience We can train them to do the job. Contact the Colorado Dude and Guest Ranch Association 303 887 3178) lor a directory ot ranches a letter specifying how to find the ranch and type of work you want and directions on how to apply About 15 of the ranches are open durmq the winter and can use help during peak times like the hunting, Christmas, and ski seasons look in the guide lor an indica tion of such winter sports activities as skiing and snowmobilmq The Dude Ranch Association is a qioup of 93 small family ranches Member ranches may hire as many as 3? students each season Some however, don't hire any Jobs are almost exclusively in the cooking and cleaning categories, but Ihe almos phere at these ranches is likely to be cozier and more lamily oriented than in some of the bigger operations Busterback Ranch in Kelchum. Idaho, hired two students last summer to help cook and clean Ihe girls were here tor dinner with their parents and liked the lifestyle so much that they asked the man aging director if they could work here Debbie Wood says. "It was a real nice ex penence lor them and for us." Ihe Dude Ranch Association has mem bers in Colorado. Montana. Wyoming, Ida ho, California and Arizona If you're interested send an inquiry or a resume to PO Box 4/1. La Porte. CO 80535. or call 303 493 /623 Ihe association will pass the information along to the ranches through its newsletter Or it will send you a directory of ranches that hire Jane (loter