SPRING CALENDAR SUMMER A'*11 FILM FESTIVAL DE SANTA Ff April 25 29 Santa Fe, N.M. He who laughs first will probably be at this festival Ihe theme this year is America laughs Comedy in Film and about 30 films (old, new. and avant garde will be screened at three area theaters tickets are $5 to S25. students get a discount Call 505 989 2430 M*' CINCO DE MATO May 5 6 Grand Prairie, lei. During this tiesta celebrating Mexican independence Grand Prairie s traders Village takes on the flavor ot a cantina at carnival More than 70.000 revelers come to sample latm cuisine listen to maria chi bands, and watch tolklorico dancers Call 214 64/ 2331 COUECIIOH 90 May 1517 Providence, R.l. A coat ot many shoelaces turned up here last year and so did a dress made ot rattan palm stems But garments made ot funky materials are only part ot this showcase ot clothing creations by Rhode Island School ot Design stu dents Fashion critics pick the best 150 designs which are then modeled m three shows tickets are 520 to 545 and go on sale in early April Call 401 331 3511 The Kinetic Sculpture Race lull when you thought it wat idle to qet buck on the ilreeli WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CROSS COUNTRY KINETIC SCULPTURE RACE May 26 28 Arcala (alii In this 36 mile three day race from Areata lo Tern dale the 50 lo 100 homemade entries can be fueled only by people power although sails are allowed On then way lo the linish line the vehicles mostly built from lawn mower and bike parts must cross sand dunes a river and a bay Call 70/ 12b 3851 J U N ! U S A INTERNATIONAL BALLET COMPETITION June 17 July 1 Jackson, Miss. This Olympic style competition comes lo the U S only once every lout years always in Jack son Dancers from as many as 23 countries vie lor medals and winners perform in an enhibition gala Bar yshmkov was a past winner Tickets are S4 lo S55 and disappear quickly Call 601 355 <7853 Htminqway Dait Will the real Ernes! Hemingmaii please slep lorward1 GRANDMA S MARA1H0N June 23 Duluth. Minn Ihis run named allei Grandma s Saloon and Deli see p 61 drew more than i /00 runners and 60 000 spectalors Iasi year Itns year the numbers should only qel bigger because the Women s Naburia Marathon Championships * be run a! the same tune Afterward everyone ends up at Canal Park loi hot dogs beer and musn by M waukee s Boos Brothers band Call 218 HI 00-1/ Jilt STATEHOOD CELEBRATIONS July Bone. Idaho, and Cheyenne, Wyo Both these stales are celebrating then centennials * th events throughout the yeai Idaho s major bash is July 2 to 4 with the state s largest fireworks display parades, and music Call 208 44S 1990 Wyoming s biggest celebration which runs throughout July includes a folk festival and (rontier Days the country's biggest rodeo tall 40/ 111 S844 HEMINGWAY DAYS July J6 2? Key Wesl, Fla This festival on Papa s favorite island goes all out to celebrate the author s birthday In eluded are a street festival, calypso music, a Hemingway look alike con test a literary seminar and specials at the author s old watering holes And on his actual birthdate July 21 theie s a party at Hemingway s Home and Museum Call 40b 294 4440 PRO FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME FESTIVAL July 11 August 4 Canton, Ohio Jake more than a passing glance at football greats past and present at this weeklong festival Along w 'h the induction ceremony there will be a Ribs Burn Off and a parade honoring this year s inductees At the Annua Hall of Fame Game the Chicago Bears and Denver Bronc w battle it out Iickels are $6 to Sf 4 Call 216 466 7254 ^ U 6 0 S T OMAA STAMPEDE AND WORLD FAMOUS SUICIDE RACE Auqusl 10 12 Omak, Waih The suicide face started as a Native American rile ol passage Today 20 riders on horse back gallop 120 teet down an almost vertical bluff across a river and to the linish line a guarter mile away Races are held lour limes a day tickets are S4 to S10 You also can check out a rodeo and an Indian encampment [all 509 826 1002 Buckmq lor a trophy at Cheyenne i Frontier Dayt the country i target! rodeo LOUISVILLE BLUEORASS AND AMERICAN HUSICFES! August 31 September 3 loutiyille. Ay listen to everything from blues to blueqrass at the court try's largest tree music festival As many as ISO 000 people spread out at Riverfront Pla/a to hear local re qional and national talent like Elvin Bishop and Emmylou Harris perforin Discount travel packages are available Call 502 896 2135 J E 9 I I N I I I AYDEN COLLARD FESIlVAt September 4 8 Ayden, N.C. Ayden stinks to high heaven with the smell of cooking (oliard qreens dunnq Ibis festival honoring the vegetable it's kin to turnip qreens Don t miss the col lard eating ; .ntest ir which as many as 15 hardy souls try to break the world's record of 7 pounds Calf 919 746 2270 J. C