Forum Ethnic requirements need more thought liv Kenneth I iberman Tvvd veals .1 m> minority t.u ultv s11111«• nts n| i iilm and f.u ull\ sensitive to the status ot non white-, women and non Kuropeans in the I S ami at the I niversitv joined togethel to propose the new rat e gen der non i tiropean \ literli an general studies re<|uirrment Although some t.u ultv i on sidert'd the requirement trendv a \ oting majority i oni oiled the point we are t.u ing a new and diflerent world _( ommentan_ I vurot entru discourse w ill no longer he the unchallenged medium tor del idmg arbitral ing and ret lei I ing upon human alt.urs in the w a\ it w as during the era ot i olonialism and the dei ades follow mg World War II \\ it h the emergem e ot strong demoi rai ies in Japan and In ilia, with the growing centrum ii pinvei o! non Western econo lines and with ini leased travel and international i omtininii a tion, our world, our ecouonm lite ami mu rationalities have bet ome Iv en w it Hi n the t S hv the middle ot the next i etilurv a majoritv ot the jmpu lation will be nouwh ite and a new pul it it a I i order will ensue 11 > i esl i ii t the edm at ion ot (tie gon s students to the while male and exclusively, I uropean i onsi iolistless whose liegemo liv IS weakening Is to prepale them itiadequatoK lor the new world oldei they w ill he t.u mg ()ur ta< idtv com urred w ith the notion that our students need to he exposed to the emerging Other other than w bite other than male and nth ei than I uropean A merit an at some point in their ni ndemit lives, it onlv to obtain those shadows ot a beginning ot a i ii 11 n i at applet lation that are consistent w ith a liberal ails edm at loll I or one course anywav it was determined that students should expose themselves to a discourse that draw , the stu r iit• 111 uni o! Ills ut lift I'thnoi i'ii ll It 11 \ III U llllrss ,i Ifaiitl is lii niir liit si mu' i illii'i I hr tin ulti thimigh its i nm millet's ami governing |iim rss drew lip .1 pi,til tm till' lli'U ii' ijuiremenl ’ will lif implf nifiitfil with llif entering 1‘l'IU 'i 1 tifslmi.m i l.iss < must's were proposed li\ tin various ilfp.ii11in■ 111s ,is suitable for tlif ni'w ri'ipiiifmi'iit I iifortiili.itflv w itlim tins prni fss sunif ilfp.irtnii'iits have I'itlli'r nut m\ fii i ■ i n • 1114 Ii thought to thf itiiil11• i m are linin' i i mi frill'll with prutci t ing thf ir .n ,ulf in it tint t It,in with i i mt i 'Uniting tu ,i hum ii mg tui requiremclit Si111if ili-p.iil infills half nut developed anti proposed am sllilahlf i mil si's ami others half i in • re I \ if la hfIfil thf fxisti11ig tali- iin hnl mg rtiursfs that preserve a I n ropean nuthink 1 In- I 'mi cisiti s I thriu Stmlifs ( miimittff has met In rci if iv tin- mill si's proposed ami lliev aif ri'i unitin'niling re ji'i t uni nl thf tiillnw mg i iii11sfs Asian Nri hafoliigi \iirlhfcist Asia I’rehisturv. I 'a i il ii Islamls An ii■!( i ilngv. I In man IJinlugli al Yarial ion \urlh Anicni an I'lfhistmi Miihllf \iiii-i ii an I’lfhislnn Smith Xnii'i it an I'lehisturi World 1 listuri anil Six nil I )f ntognrphi I'lifsi* i miisfs pro serif the i Ii mi i nlors. \\ r i .in now SHOW ^ )I . on \ idco, what sou will look like \\ ill) lolorol, suit-coni ail lenses! S sin lining color ■. • W 1. (i • II.r . Hi i • \ijiM • l.ul ( 11 n • S.||||||I Hi,.. • \ •Hi,' • I • ...|(ii i | *35 off ] [soft contact lenses! | (with complete exam) j S Expires April 30 1990 i 343-3333 766 Hast 13th Street rainppw optics Engine Service 1000 S BrrtKlsen Rd <8 t uqnnr OH 9 MO? One Block North ul W tllhNolonlnd Pl.i/.i ■ 5t”i .v V'\ t.\i 342-3952 I W 10% Student Discount Oregon l)uil\ _ _ Emerald I* i » ||.-v M '•» I ... . .1. I »|. i-.... •> •!«»* .? • ! 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Jim I " M A. , •f K.ilh*»n h.iflitn Ton H ■! • j Je«l * !.*«►- An* •• i ill Yv.-!||‘ (».Ii J. nniifi Mill1', L.f!of.» Kt| I !i • !, V A ’ i M . • .• I' i A.* I . I } i1. ’ ■ if, ■ ■ , M i 11 f I . 11! !: I l f * Ml' "M»,n V'.lif trujrnj VV * > * ?«• K«-I>‘y VViihuin s General Staff Advertising Director Assistant to I tie Publisher Production Manager V Advertising Coordinator Classified Manager 1 - ' A. counts Receivable Circulation Newsroom (dassdied Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Servir es •an OwiiIm id?a Datlft 146 SMI t-lb 1 143 146 3/12 146 4381 WEEKLY VCR RENTALS Don't Pay High 24 Hour Rates Rent & Use By the Week s6.95 SAVE SSS Full 7 Day RENTAL Willamette Street Video 2570 Willamette 683-1798 from 10 10 every day Don t torget out Springfield store VCR’S & MORE 747-6712 1402 Mohawk Blvd Sptd Or 97477 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r ,’. . OK, Zukutu - that does it! Remember, those who live in grass houses shouldn't throw spears