ROAD TRIPS S P 0 I L I G H I White Mountain Retreat NORTH CONWAY N H There's plenty lor both outdoor enthusiasts and shop pers to do in Ihis colonial New fngland tillage which sils on the edge ol the White Mountain National forest Much ol North Conway hie in Norlh (onwaj re wines around Ihe moun tains Skiers Hock to the slopes in the winter and come spring, hikers set out on about 1,200 miles ol area trails. Bargain hunters haw a lotol ground to cover, loo with outlet stores like Benetton and Reebok And since theft’s no sales lai m New Hampshire, jour money will go further. After dark head to the rustic Red Parka Pub a local hangout on Route 302, where bands Irom Boston and Port land Maine, play on weekends (no cover). II corned? is more your bag Jackson Square inside the Eastern Slope Inn on Main Street hosts comics Irom the Boston Comedy Connection on Thursdays ($5 cover). Burger and but lalo wing type meals are aOoul $6 If you're a hiker, crash at one of eight huts in the mountains tor S42 ibreaklasl and dinner included! Re serve at least a month in advance (603 466 2 2 2 7). Ihe Maple Leal Motel 1.603 356 5388) otters doubles lor $35 to S68 For more mlormation call the Mount Washington Valley Chamber ol Com merce at 603-356-5701 H/chiel Imqlon ■THU Us Mi &.L ilUnli i origin*! Punchline abow! tm prowd 10 cucceiilul that management opened * ne« club in Underground Atlanta AMERICA'S PICKS Comedy Clubs lln 11 uk to Iiiii I in ^ ill t at i min ill/ child is si )iiirutiire tin \t ii nth in t s froiii tin MiShuiiliiid lien m, sunn n mill lli i u rniii i Inn u, s The Punchline Atlanta. Georgia \otrd I ,i\ < u 11 < ( (>( 11< «!\ l I'll* In 1‘I.IN III \in« i n .1 III ,1 ( nin, til) l s \ Ill.l.’.l/IIM SIMM A ot mums this pl.iv» ma\ also hr tli« lu st i lu|. tin u (if, It Ui< o 11 ii a I \ It S initial lo| pushing pm V4! * ssi\* aits 11k« I'.iula I’on i ids tour ami t 11M » I 'll III ips \ 11 v 1 Min i v oilirvliaiis |lkr t I *4 namr di op ms likr 1 < Id it M in | >11 \ am 1 |\n h aid I ’ i \ i»i ( uni » to S 10 ( all 101 2'>2 0 >ot Second City Chicago, Illinois tins n n \ n« nt im ithn i hull’ll of rnsrinhjr V omrd\ lauinhrd tin hrlilslll I »l ot hr l s I > a 11 \\klo\d t at Ik Mlir ( ) | iai a ami almost r\ri \ 1 hh|\ « |sv V Ml i ail ratv li ll rr iliipmv srts altri thr I at r show r\rl\ nuilit hilt I lllla\ ( o\ * I ">() u rt kim.’llts so ”»0 Urrk rinis lirsi'i \ a 11'»n s ai« ad\|srd ( all U2 > »7 W2 Holy City Zoo San Francisco, California -Ownn Ooh I ishn I rtri s to Ills pill < is l I omrdlali s I 1111 > IK Ml si ulirir iiMIllts llkr f’rt'tllais jllll s.41 nil* Is and I 1 \\ instead not onl\ pn hum hnt also haii u out at tin hai and mm .'Jr with pat n mis 1 hr i luh hosts auditions ! u thr annual S.m I lamisto Standup * <>lll«‘l\ < « MIIJX I it K Ml .111(1 past UlllllCIN lik« I ).uia ( ai\i \ ami M ai slia \\ ai fn Id «*( * asionalK (Imp I>\ So dot • B< ,|mii \\ d hams u lio stai trd Ik i ( and stops in to t r\ out now win Ik \< i Ik s in town t o\«• i v2 to vi u rrkmulits v7 to vS Weekends t all II > iS(» 12 12 Catch a Rising Star Las Vegas, Nevada No h11, >■, 1; . < , MIK» In sol t follows till \ ai n ’ .. 11 1! * a t t III n roinirs a niniuk : i i.r ■ *>!'jnm»lri and oia asionalK a M! i mi.iiki np tin ( ast l! mi sit \ n, id« • \ (ii In a oinr fin Bntt ot jok. Ilk* 11 i i \ S« mt« Id | l.,\ IM |, \ II l S Bosk ( ) | ), Mill! II < .1 < all 7( >2 7 .*> 1.1, Bear s Place Bloomington, Indiana \ltliouJ, W K Ii I (»11 i t .ii loss i 11 m 11 flu I \ cl sit \ l ailipils |S not 'til* f : I 111!) it m.t\ have till ( on:,! i ( (• S s| l d M O : id .IN II I'll t I ickrt s .a i i in sail J |m i sin>w ticket s ai r oit< m I >\ 11N tin hi I 1 ills plat « w licit \ U Win if I lizalu th U illitims