Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Idaho strikes blow
to Roe vs. Wade
Call it what vmi will, hut the Idaho Legislature lias
fiiod tlii’ first salvo in tIn* abortion debate In .1 move
th.it has Id a fire under every abortion activist im or
attains! .1 small group of law makers has made what
could prove to lie a f.ilal strike attains! legalized abor
I ion
I he hill, which passed last week would prohibit
abortion in every case except severe lets) deformity,
some i ases of in< est non slntutoiv rape reported w ith
in .1 seven da\ time frame and w hen birth would pose
a life thre.itenintt nsk to the mnthei
The doc 11 rnent now sits on Idaho (iov |im Andrus
desk Though he has i oilimitled Ililllself to some suit .it
a dei ision by Saturday Andrus thus tai has kept silent
on what .11 turn he will lake
The debate w.is triggered b\ the national Right to
late organ izalion wlm h sponsored the bill in the Ida
ho Legislature [‘he measure is the same one the group
has tiled to pass off on other states onl\ to be denied
Some have said it is too stringent, and might gel stun k
down h\ the t S Stipremt (sunt The Rigid to Life
people wouldn't mind a dnv in mu 1 thev designed
I lie bill as a V eh H It* to test Roe vs Wade
I'm i boil e and pro life supporteis have Hooded the
state with phone calls and letters. Irving to svv.iv An
drus to I lieu side The Natmnal ( hganization Im Worn
i'll is Irving to implement a bn vent I ol Idaho products
{1 1 potatos) if the hill is passed Despite some pres
sure from Idaho businessmen, warning him ol the el
lei Is ol sin h a bovi nit Andrus i laims et iinunni s w ill
not be the basis ol lies dei ision
While a hovioll would send a slioilg message to
Idaho lawmakers one wonders at the leasibililv \
strong hovioll (wlm h is hv no means a sure thing)
would gieatly damage the Idaho economy hurling
people who mav ailu.dlv oppose the new law And d
lug i orporulious sin h as \ 11 Donalds loluse to honor
the ho\i oil it turns into a hollow lhre.it
I he dei isnm to lighten the abortion laws should
not have been made bv the legislature Sm h a 1 ontio
Veisial lopii needs to lie pul 111 lliill! ol the voters ( ill
Wednesday the legislature killed a measure vv It it h
would have put the issue on the ballot This i owaidlv
displav ot 1 oustitiiem v distnist reflects badly 011 the
Idaho law makers
Litliei wav lie goes Andrus poliliial i a reel is
ovei It's the proverbial no w in situation bet ause
whalevei he dei ides will angei a substantial portion of
the population I lie i|uestlon remains whether the Re
publii an dominated legislature passed the lull bei ause
the members were fiindanieutallv opposed to abortion
01 saw it as a means to get Andrus
(tin position on abortion remains the same leave
Roe vs Wade alone I hough it mav be loo late we
urge Andrus to reiect this legislation. 01 at the very
least let the v 1 iters dei nfe
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EWEB rate hike, recall are necessary
IS.k k 111 leimiatv thr Kugene Walei and
I In tin Hoard held .1 meeting lu disc uss rate
mi ii'.im .ind instead ended up Bring i \\ ! H
(amoral Managel |e.m Keedei
The ensuing controversy kepi llie board
Imm disi u.ssion nt I he rule hike until Mon
dii\ when ii unanimously p.issed u M 1 pel
i ent I .lie hike
I A\ I II esliinutes lliut the l\ pii ul elei Irii
lull will increase hum sr . ' u month to
Sag IJ un ini lease nf s | , , a mouth I'lie
ho,ud also passed an )i pen ent increase in
steam rates and a . percent hike in water
i ales
I he rate hike was origin.ill\ proposed h\
Keedei to hoost lAVKIKs cash reserves
I A\ I M’s hemd rating has dropped o\ei the
past ten years and Keedei hoped a larger
i ash reserve would encourage new invest
Although the rale hike is a lul spendv
especiallv lor student budgets it is nei es
s.u v I \\ I H has a nation wide reputation as
a progressive povvei company Keeping a
high bond rating will ensure the company's
.tin 1 it\ to expand and experiment
At this point, the rate hike is taking a
hat k seat to Keedei x i ontioversi.il tiring and
and the possible retail ot three members ot
the I A\ KB boatd
\ i oalilion i ailed (hti/.ens lor A Respon
sible I A\ I !i lormed in March to gather sig
natures Inr a reiall n! RU KB President Den
nis Solin. Vice President Randall Timing
and hoard mombet Rub W illis
So tar its all bai keis sa\ thev have p>.1111
ered enough signatures to get recalls lor
bulb Solin and Timing on the ballot Thev
are t on I id e n t tbe\ will gather enough signa
tures to put Willis' name on the rei all ballot
as well.
The rei all is an important issue and the
voters deserve a sa\ iu it I’ublu outrrv ovei
the methods used b\ these hoard members to
tire Reeder was tremendous Organizations
of sui h size and impurtam e to the i omtnu
nity need to make then dei isions out in the
The three board members who voted to
oust Reeder have been accused of violating
Oregon Publii Meeting Laws; that in dselt is
enough to warrant a reiall Their behind
the si imes planning and scheming to have
Reeilei removed sets a horrid example ot
puhhi polii v
1 lie recall is a good idea Because ol
then actions, the KU KB hoard has lost a
great deal ot publii support Those three
members should at least be held up to publii
scrutiny Whether thev are recalled 01 not is
up to the voters
I'ilfisl lell^llllls .III' sloopotl
in imlh superstition ,nui lr.ii
imposed h\ i I h.-isl lead
01 s h,i\i' no dill n nits |ion ims
ins; iTrur in tin- i I,urns ol otliiM
set Is. thes .in' mi'rrls UH,i|i.ililr
ol .iiliuiltm^ (hr crrm of thou
nun i Linns Sin h loiuiiul is
< iistiiiii.ir\ svIhti' innnraiue
.mil Ir.iml pros ail
KrsuiiMils ol luip'in- imagine
tlliMllsi'lvi’s tolerant .mil on
lightened ilisl.ml Irom it'll
Hums persei ulion Moss naisi'1
I ol three soars. groups ol inon
anil women loons in somnrs,
liavo il.nls harassoil this old
.ItIlf 1st lotlor ssriloi as ho plods
Ills i nm so along < 'otiurii Koad
I hos have broken into and
ralisai kod Ills poison.il ho
longings (papers] loll iloalh
throals. tmdorminod Ins oflorls
In oarn a living: and sought to
niako Inin an oli|ot I ol ridit tile
I'ndauntod ss it Ii koon mind
i onfident ut tin1 mt't'il .nut nr
i essitv of Ills (the peoples)
(.•lust*. In* ignores their loath
some i oih 1 lit I promoted In
overwhelming pit\ at the ps\
< hot it liehavior ot misguided
t hristiau zealots im iteil h\ a
i lerg\ mi apahle ot proving
atheist argument wmng in a
i i\ iI. impartial w i itten or oral
puhlii forum
Sin h Hranm apes Nazis and
Communists and shows tier
g\ s disregard lor inminunits
soi ial psvt hologil al welfare h\
i allousK mi itmg "anomie"
a collapse or confusion of so
i ial norms that is a major i ause
ot disorientation and violente
described In I anile Durkheinl
in Ins sociological i lass "The
Llemcntarv forms ot Keligious
Life and hv Sigmund I rend
in fhe I uture ot an Illusion"
and ' ( avilization and Its I )is
i (intents
Intelligent people must op
pose ( hristian leaders who
seek to drive iconiH lasts III the
i omnuinitv (n .it ts of violent r
that .ire then dt>M rilled .is
senseless assaults hv indivitlu
als gone berserk Christianity
Hurt Try ha
()rt*gtin statu Sunator ( I
"( uli" limit Is lawyers an* br
ing suppurtrd m thrir ipirst to
t ontrol tin- ()rrgon (•ovrrninent
Klhics Committer. to tlit- same
destructive extent th.it thrv
have u lit It-ri! 11 lift I tile public
usrfullnrss ot Oregon's (aim
mission on I mi it ial Fitness and
Disability In suggesting that:
• Oregon State Har tnenibei
lawyers and thrir rostly plead
mg and prat tu e forms control
s.ntl t onimittrr prot redings:
• I*111>1 u i omplaints. involving
abuses ol pttlilit office or mal
feasant e he restricted In a sea
ol let hint dibit's:
• I hi1 media s responsibility In
inform tin- public ami the pub
lii s right to bo informed, bo
'loiiioil umlor tin* pretext of
"> ontidentialihtli.it do not
apply to other judic ial com
plaint filing*, nor can apply to
bide the growing malicious and
arrogant abuses of public trust,
since public officials must be
bold to a higher, not lower, eth
it a I standard of i orulm t
both the Oregon and 1 biited
States constitutions were de
signed to limit off it nils' pow
eis and protei t our c ivil rights
t>V the oversight of a tree press,
per I’nited States Constitution,
Amendment 1. and Oregon
Constitution. Article 1. Sec
(ions 1 and H
Oregon state Senator Glenn
Otto, ( hairman of the Oregon
Government Operations Coin
niittee. seems to favor Houck s
(a target ot Ethics Commission
proceedings). lawyers. |olm
Delarrenzo. and "reform of
Oregon Government Ethics
Commission strut tore and pro
ceedings. which you. the intel
ligent Oregonian, must objet t
to by letters and phone t alls to
all Oregon representatives and
senators And vour local me
Norman Keith Chase
--Letters Policy_-—
The Emerald will attempt to print all letters contain
ing comments on topics of interest to the University
community. Comments must be factually accurate
and retrain from personal attacks on the character ot