( onliniH'd Imm I d 1 st iln'i i irllc r \!klils said. HV ,is .1! Inrnins should uork tin ,1 system ili.it doesn't dt'ti'i 1! sit nun h \tcn Win Aelstvn .1 law student ,uul 1 nil disobedient. s.lid hr 1 nnsidered 1 n il disobedient e In hr the onh u n I" mi reuse awareness uf certain nun’s und gain government attention Aelstv'll \\ lltt WHS Dili' ill ill arrested during thi* 1.1 Sulvudot jti'ot■ *sts at thn lugene ! ederul Building in Nmembei said ('.(ingress vott’d tin tIn* Inst limi" mi aid tu I I Salvador as a insult ol thr pin lusts and arrests nt more than I > tutu people who were willing tu take tile risk nt gutting arrested lie said thin also in i ceased awareness among people on that issue I low t ,f 11 ur i nntront a jjovef nmrsU tli.it is svslrniat it alii violuHiu; interna tliin.ll law s ' hr asked lit believes hr did nut runimil an ai t ul civil disobedteni r hut onr ut i 1 \ 11 rr MstaiK r \\ ben the t;nv eminent doesn't take action we have to resist In miiiic wav, \rlstv u said The filial panel member Davr Fltl.imjvit* .Wtiii iatr ilirri lot tit the t he i>im Amrrii an ( ivd l.ihriiies tiiiun, agreed with Aelslvns hrlni that iivil disobedient r is the Imst at lion to hike w hrn thr law brine \ ml.!lrd is 111<-111111.1 hlr or u11nist itiahlr Two panel members addressed the is sue ol the maiuplilatiou ot the media took part tn t n il disobedient t ases It Miillt'Olir writ’ 111 be .11 rested the\ u ould hr given extensive t overage ( ottin said lhe\ i*' ignoring thr issue being protested and tot using on tin arti la taht\ of w ho u as ai rested On th« other hand Vdslvn said 11 * * * media maniptdaleil people h\ ignoring them ami not covering the events ot those who were less powerful I he m« dia onlv reports u hat the government otto ials amt spokesmen report St lit lent s at It I res set! the panelist s questions b\ asking smile o! then own ami presenting then views on the sub |*M Is d is< Ussed Most students tell that » ivil disohedi elite was a violation that is entitled to i>r punish,ihlr hut ,is>iri'il s\ ill) Ai'lsts n s v h-ss th.it it is llif unk ii-.tl is.is tu in i 11',isi’ ,iss .iri'iipss .mil nrl tin'll mnss.inr ,1. loss III till' 1^1 • v ct 111 in ■ 111 S.ir.ih I ,m tun ,ii tivist .iski'ii tin* p.m r lists sills t hi • 11' Is ,i 111 si I«• | i.i ill \ hr tui'i u till u ,i\ thu ^ovciiimnit puntshi'N mI tii i,i Is .mil i ili/t'ns is ho Ii.isr i urn mil Ini simil.ii s iul.itiims ill i is il ilisnhi'di I'lll I' W lii'ir s tin1 hiiiiiuli ii’s ' I,.i\\ 11in • iski'ii irti'lllin; In till' 1.lit (lei isiim nl I III' t )||S I'l \m ill 11 1.11 llii' p.itiil tiui Id it t .msssi'i lii'i ijui's I inns Revenue_ Continued from Page I men! has not determined whether the t liiirge wmild be reflet ted in higher tii Iwt prices. I lowevri. the SflO.OOU the fie pertinent will lose will not help .in already struggling athletics program. he s.iid "Ur understand what I'resi dent Brand is 11 \ mg to do W illiford said "Obviously it s not gong to do anv lavors tot a department that's in dire need as it is Sunderland said progenies funded by ini idental fees in eluding those within the KM!', athletic department and health i enter are excluded limn the 1 pen ent i barge Auxiliary programs rei eived the new s of the i barge w illi a general understanding. al though mam programs were a not happv with the extra c osl Sunderland said "I Brand I has done a preltx good job explaining that we i an t w ait lot the I egislature to solve .ill ot our problems he II said 1 i—r m Color' Blind Music r T 1 it rr£ w rt nfeci Graphics v MX) I 'll * SUii.SHI CONVENIENT, FAST & AFFORDABLE With our professional de sign, typesetting and cam era services we'll gne \imr Resumes Posters Ads Booklets Business Cards Brochures etc... a professional look at a price that agrees uith a student budget F O R • B A C TO*SCHOOL SONY. y BEST SELLER tr i\: 109.95 AUTO REVERSE l Am i rtt H.-; .. i 59.95 WALKMAN SPORTY \ 79.95 RECHARGE IT , V Ar • . 59.95 EMtclive through 4/e/w AIWA PORTABLES BEST SELLER' 79.95 GREAT DEAL' • " 1 149.95 ■ AIWA HS G570 • • • ' , SALE 59 95 m AIWA HS-T210 . ... Hi • • tin1 SALE 59 95 ■ AIWA HS-T100 • . • ■ * . SALE 44 95 U AIWA HS-G11 .. o SALE 39 95 WLZM HEWLETT mLUM PACKARD HP BUSINESS CONSULTANT II 149.95 HP-28S ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR U'!p,»K»r..*l»M *.. *' 199.95 FINANCIAL CALCULATOR o«»® 3 lO*0 19.95 BUSINESS CALCULATOR ■! i > 39.95 ■ SHARP EL 573 SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR SALE 19.95 ■ SHARP EL 512 II PROGRAMMABLE SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR QUALITY DAISYWHEEL PRINTING • ir. i . 139.95 AFFORDABLE WORD PROCESSING mm ay AQQ QC —f \J sj m\J V GREAT BASIC TYPEWRITER 159.95 7 8 PAGE MEMORY . M A M * .' a XA Mu 239.95 UO Bookstore ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR