OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Courmet Espresso • Coffee 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 Handbook ( ontinued from P.tgt' 1 updating Hit- haiuilionk !•, i \ pensive |ml ( )S1’IK{. i iivvrs tin I lists Alnnn u ith wifiit m.i t n ill, tin- handle ink in' hiiji-s ,i sample lelllel s l illllt,n ! ,ll)i| .III 111 v enfnrv i mill it urn report M i ki • ( i itf mi i ( 11 d net tm nt OSPIRt. s {hiiisiimi i hotline siiii! m.iin renters problems < ,111 In1 avoided if tin- ri'iitn k ;nm s vvdial la m sin- is ip'llimi» into ahead of tilin' I la- Knit i i s I la mi 11 ii ii 4 a one ’.\.«\ to [ i t a li\ mi onlei unfits ami oh ligations Students (an also gel infoi mat am an rentei's i mitts amt other legal issues'l>v i ailing the t misinner I fnlline \lmut ‘in penenl of mu i alls are in \ m]\ cil w ith rent ' ! )r.ik<- •..mi I fe added that ltic hotline is tin- onlv one .it its k■ tni in the (Jttiei { won't .ill suet i|ueslinns about rights • >y er the phone he said !'li. Consumer hotline iIim'mi I tr\ In interpret lie- law hut they ( in refer ( .tilers to se< lions ot the law that pertain lo I Ilf I r i use Renters ( an use that informal ion w hen i onlruiltinu a landlord w ilh a problem ()ftcn landlords don't I- now the law either Drake said they may be pis! as ignorant Ills the reilterl 1 K now ledge is puwet Drake said and as Rugene rent et Vim \ ( Ollipl nil toiiiid out pist telling her landlord that IVERSITY OF OREGON CONTINUATION CENTER AYI’jtliulv enrolled I 'niversitx of Oregon STUDENTS WELCOME to join tin’ ( oniinuaiion ( i nter s community microcomputer classes Introductory Computer Classes Introduction to the IBM-PC I wo -e» turns offered I uesdayx and I hursdavs, April 1 12.910am 12 <>' \»K»n. or Wednesdays, April 4 2r\ 6 40 9 (X) p m Kv is $94 plus s • |, t in.iU VO *tutlvntu pay tally SiS! Introduction to the Macintosh ( *t . w eekeiul section ‘siturday and Sunday, April 21 and 22. H 10.i m < * ’ p in f *v is $9 4 plus $4 lor man rials VO *tudvnt» pay anly SiS! Word & Document Processing WordPerfect 5.0: l evel I (IBM-PC) Om*two wtvk section Morulavsarnl Wednesdays, April2 11,9 10a m 12 KlNtHin Fee is $94 plus S5 for materials l '<) utudrnt» pay anly $JS! WordPerfect 5.0: l evel II (IBM-PC) One tour ivivk MVtion Thursdays, April 4 2n, U 10-9 (X) p rn Fix* is $94 p!t;•* -• for materials VO ututient* pay anly SiS! Miemsoft Word 4.0: l evel I (Macintosh) < >ne two week stx turn Iuesdays and 1 hursdavs April 1 12 9 10 j m * \« kmi I i*e is S ' • plus S ■ for materials f'() utudvniupay tails SiS! Microsoft Word 4.0: l evel II (Macintosh) One tour wxx’k section niutsdays April 4 2n. U .XI 9 t*) p m I ee is $94 plus s » for materials VO utmlvntu pay tails SiS! Microsoft Works 2.0a: l evel I (Macintosh) One lour week section Wednesdays, April 4 2 r\ 9 40 a m 12 U) \'oon I *v is Sl,r’ plus S ' tor materials VO ututienta pay anly SiS! Spreadsheets & Databases I otus I-2-3, 2.2: I eve I I (IBM-PC) t *; ■ two week section 1 ues n) ^ i» p m I ee is s9 > pin-- - ’ for materials VO atudenta pas ahly SiS! dBase HI Plus: Level I (IBM-PC) 1 >ne w-tvkend section1 Saturday'and Sunday April 7 and s slt’am 2 ■■ 5! p m I ee is vt , plus S > tor materials VO utudvntn pay anly S is! Borland Paradox 3.0 (IBM-PC) One tour week sex Mon Mondays April 2 21. 1 40 4 00 p m l et- n SlJ > plus $4 tor materials l () at udt-nta pay anly SiS! Microsoft I xcel 2.2: Level I (Macintosh) ‘ >netwo wivk section I’uesJavsand Fhursdays \pril 17 2n. 9 ^U.i m * \.H*n I ee is $9 i plus s ' tor materials l O at udfrita pay anly SiS! Microsoft 1 xcel 2.2: Level II (Macintosh) v >ne two week section Mondays and VWxinesdays April lr>-2r\ 6 10 1 p m 1 ee is $94 plus s - tor materials VO utudvntu pay tails $ JS! Managing Your Computer MS-DOS: Level I (IBM-PC) One two week section Tuesdays, April 3 and 10, b.30-9.00 p m Fiv is $ >3 plus $3 for materials VO utudvnt* pay ttnly $35! IBM-l’C Hard Disk Management: Level II (>ne tvvi> week section Tuesday s, April 17 and 24, 6 30 9:00 p m 1 • is $ >3 plus S3 tor materials l '() utudvnt* pay only $35! Lvaluating OS/2 (IBM-PC) One day section Wednesday April 2 3. 9 .30 a rn 12:(X) Nikki Fee :s $24 plus $5 for materials Windows for the IBM-PC One two-week section Mondays. April 16 and 23, 9 30 a in 12 (X) Noon Foe is $53 plus $3 lor materials l () utudvnt» pay only $35 Hard Disk Space Saver on the IBM-PC One wtvk st\ tion Tuesday and Thursday. April 24 and 26. 9 30 a ni 12 (X) Noon Fee is $53 plus $3 for materials l'() utudt nta pay only $35! Macintosh Hard Disk Management ('hie weekendsection Saturday and Sunday. April 7and 8. s 3o a n 2 00 p m Fee is $^r> plus $ tor materials l () utudvnt* pay only $ l v’ HyperCard 1.2: l evel II (Macintosh) i hie four wtvk stvtion Mondays April 2 23, ^ 30 a m 12 \ : F«v is $m > plus $5 for materials ['() utudvntu pay only $IS! Computer Design & Graphics Ventura Publisher: Level I (IBM-PC) l hie three* day sectu>n Friday Saturday and Sunday, April 27, 2^ and 29 9 (X) am 4 * p m Fee is S173 plus $8 tor materials AutoC AD v 10: l evel I (IBM-PC) One three-dav section Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday April! 18 and 1*4, 9-00 am 4 00pm lee is $17$ plus $8 for materials AutoCAD v 10: Level II (IBM-PC) One.three day section 1 fiday. Saturdayand Sunday, April 2d. 21 ai 22, 9 00 am 4:00 p.m Fee is $175 plus $8 for materials Adobe Illustrator 88 (Macintosh) One weekend stvtion Saturday and Sunday April 28 and 29. 8 30 am 2 OO p m Its* is $95 plus s5 for materials l '() utudvnt* pay only $tS! Aldus Freehand 2.0: Level I (Macintosh) One four week section Thursdays. April s 26. 1 31M (X)p.m hvisvn plus S ' tv*r materials l '() utudvnt* pay only $-iS! PageMaker 3.0: Level I (Macintosh) (detour week section- Tuesday s, April 3 24, 6:30 9 (X) p.m Fee is V'~ plus $ ' for materials l'() utudvnt* pay only $iS! PageMaker 3.0: Level II (Macintosh) One two-week stvtion Mondays and Wednesdays, April 2 11c 7. 9 lX)p m liv is $w-> plus $3 for materials l ’() students pay only $ IS.' To register call the Continuation Center at 346-3537 Or register in person at the Continuation Center, 1553 Moss Street. she had i untiH ted the (.'onsum i'i luilhni' prompted tin- Lind . III t < > rt • t \ 1 [ ! I 11 <' I S HMI <||'|IMS|I ( i >n said sin1 had |)!.)• i'il ihr deposit uu ,in apartment m |inu I mu I i!\ I iclnrr llii- apart llli'lll was varailt bet arise she was having trouble finding ,i pi.ii r in liv i' in ihr urea While she was waiting for the pre i unis tenants In mini' uni (uimpton found ,i vat ,int apart uirnt nr,ii In Thu landlord w lio took tin' deposit agreed to re turn ( omptini N inonin. lint three Weeks later she was still waiting tm the i liei k She explained the situation to a worker at the In it I me and thin tulil her that the landlord had it) days tu return her ile posit undei Oregon law Comp Ion told the landlord she had i ailed the hotline and said she had a > hot k hum the landlord witliin a i ouple ot da\ s Drake stressed that the hotline "usuallv doesn't inlet vene' in rentei landlord dis agreements "Were not law vers lie said We tan read wonl tm w ord w hat it s.n s in the a, lual statute hut w ere not talking as lawyers Students or others who wish to solve or avoid rental proli lems t an pun hast' the Kentei s I landbnnk at am t ISl’IKt i ol tu i 1 he t osl w hit h i ov its II u 1)111 at ion lusts, is ts l tin st u dents SI loi others For St e\ 11 a t )N1'|R( I ( all send a i opv through the mail t he ( amsiimtT I lotline i an lie real lied In tailing 140-111 \l.1'. and will begin taking (.ills again on A pi d 2 1 Iodine hours depend on avail,ibilitv ol pen pie to answer rails but (allers t an leave I heir name and tele phone numbei on an answering mat hitte dav ot night ()SP1K(, also has Iree In > (hint's telling renters how to get deposits hat k anil answer mg i iJinmon rental questions I hese and othei hrm Imres are available at the ()SI‘IK( I off it os m the F All Spring Term 9-Ball lncli\ iriuul I VI tin 1 Ml Kl ( (INI I K Matches to be held every Monday at 5 00 starting April 2nd PRIZES Include New and Used McDermott Pool Cues and Free Pool Sign up NOW $t5 00 lee covers entire term y,aof H N A T V R A I. m 2 F I B H R S | 1 () l) A I. I T Y g lc: LOTH INC g 2 AFFORDABLE fc* R I C E S ill l Z Banyan 'tree [j I NS I I A i h » h S n \ ^ * i I (i Mon s .1 i • - S N u n J i \ jS