Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 15, Image 14

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    Lonsdale launches campaign for Hatfield's seat
B\ Hr.id ( .tin
\ssu( i.il»‘(i Press
SAI.I \1 I reading u hen
many others have tailed. Bend
businessman I lam I > utsdale
sa\s he's going to |itm( .lure
Sim Mark I latheld s aura ol m
vincihiliU In exposing him
out ot step' 1 latt 11*1(1 is w ith
(tregon \ oters
Lonsdale, who's never hetore
run tor publir ott n e knows
lie's luting ott quite a hit In
mounting a 1ml tor the I S
Senate against a man who's
had one iit the most illustrious
polit u al i a rent suit Iregou Ins
’'Some \\ isear re told me
W In not run lor president and
get it in ei with 1 .onsdale
Hill thr vear old 1 .onsd.ilr
a staunch environmentalist. is
serious about Irving In hum k
oil I latlield
And lie s putting ins iniuiev
where Ills inoulh is
I he successful businessman
who t<u es In e little know n
i hallongei s in tile M<u I leino
i r.ilic prim.irv said he intends
to spend at least several lum
died thousand dollars ot his
own montn on Ins Senate < am
Tin lucks . he said "I have
enough mooes w here I i an do
this and not end up broke
Lonsdale has abends hired a
seven member campaign si,ill
rented an nttn e in dim ntow n
I’ortland to serve as Ills i am
paign headquarters and gotten
himself a Portland apartment
lor the duration of the i am
\\ In go In all ol that eltort
not In mention the huge out
ot pin kel expense to lake oil
someone like llaltield who's
novel lost a rat e m Ins toui
del odes in politii s '
Abel all ill 1‘IM-t the Oregon
Republican won re elei lion to a
toiirlh Senate term b\ the larg
est margin ol vie toi v m he,
Senate i areer e\ on though at
the lime he was being dogged
b\ questions ahoul his lies with
■i l book till.Illl If I
lie is damn near mv mi ible
bill so were Al I liman and
Uavne Morse. Lonsdale said
50-70% OFF
on all ski gear
Hurry. Berg's closes
for the summer. Soon!
AftfflM m
Oriental Buffet Lunch
C Try Our Dinner
Hours: Downstairs
M T h I I 00 f S.i > ! 00 4 v
Cli-M-d Sundays
Hours: Upstairs
M rh4 .iu i(M)0
f Sd S 00 10 to
Closed Sunday
rvli'i'ring In lu'ii .iilii'i puuorful
Oregon t ongrossmen who
rweiituallv u i’ll- detented if the
Lonsdale HI .111 Iilti’iA leu
said hi1 III ink s | l.illicld has h ,s|
linn li \\ ilh llic stain and has bo
iiiiiic \ nliioiablo lint ausn In
dui'sn I rnpri’sent mainstream
l hogon thinking on some kn\
(Hurt among lliosr isMins
Lonsdale said am old growth
timlii’i and alioi I ion
I .onsdalo ai i usnd I laltii'hl ol
soiling out Oregon's lorosts h\
lak III'.; a loading loh- in a i on
gressional i () 111 pro 111 i Si * lli.it al
Imvod lor tin harvesting ol
some old grim th trees
1 .onsdalo u huso high loi li
Horiil Rose,in li Ini oinplm s
about HU pooplo said liinhol
i omp.tun's ha\ o bull In-led
old gum III hnosts
I look out ol a lot ol all
piano windows. |l Itioks prrttv
grim In mi’ hr said I hrsr
inirsls rrprrsrnt mu <|uaiit\ nt
tile J'ti.it s tlir n'.isnn I imnril
to (Irrgon IH \ i-.iis ago
Wh.it thr stair ni’rils to do
hr said is to |)mhihil lugging
in oh! growth hursts and ban
thr rxpiirt nt raw logs
Ihr truth nl thr matti’i is
that lug rxpmls ha\r i ailsril
thr I imliri supplv i mm h Hi it
■ 'ill luiiimrntahslx hugging
tn*»‘s hi' s«.iid
On abortion tonsilali* said
HatfiHd s longstanding opposi
tmn to abortion has bomm*’ a
mm for isMir now that tin* t S
Supromr ( mill has givrn tin*
stafrs morn h't'wav 11» rrstm t
abort ions
Lonsdale said most Oregoni
ans tavoi legali/rd abortions
!>nt tow an* aw air ot ! latheld s
slam •' on the issue
Wr it* going to do our host
In .it get his position
kmiu ii hr -ml \l»'n .onI
VMtiiii'n .11** upset about this
( him e issue
The Hemi businessman s.iiil
h* thinks that in general Hat
tie I (I has staved too long in
( ongress and Inis aroeptrd ton
nun h spe« lal interest mone\ to
hr able to v ote tndependeritls
Cat's Meow Jazz & BIues Corner
C'.itt Certificates!
Spot uil ()rdt'rs
Ill thf till h|)c.ir I Shops
Fifrti & PiarI • tut,im
686 8/42
E S T E E E A U I) I K
An over 30.00 value. Yours with any Estee Lauder
purchase of 12.50 or more.
AJ: Ine b*'sl in travel sizes To give* you a new look and more
a new beauty attitude
• f. run ;uiy
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• ’ up HynJr.it ■ g Mu : u' . u
• fcye .1 n Com!
Another special bonus from fcstee Lauder when you come
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