DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS SANTANA APRIL 16# 8 P.M. HULT CENTER TIX $19.50 } i CARlOl 1ANT*I 4 CHttTIR THOMU ARMANDO Rl R A KNNY RllTVl W A l F R C DO R ( V AlIX IICIRTWO PRODUCED BY DOUBLE TEE AND BILL GRAHAM n i TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL HULT CENTER OUTLETS [Don't gi\t> up looking! I r> I OS I \ND H )l \l) in thf classifirtls. Encore! I lii• I iiiivnr I'r.n r ( linn it ill jirrtnriii u itli the I tin .illis I’r.n r ( hoii .mil ( am aril ( hair in llu in ( Inn r (mu r it .il .'III tan in hi in Hull Canter Studio One. Harlow to perform free concert Fthi.n \’.r h .u] Julia Harlow ; <-'*■ rM the <)f rc»ti March 14 through April 28 More than 27 sculptures will be on display at the showing Dennis Cunningham will exhibit his work at LCC s Art Department Gallery through April 20 Cunningham will give a talk about Ins work on April 4 at 1 pm in the Art Department Gallery MISCELLANEOUS Margaret Gillies Brown o , : ; Scottish poet and Eugene poet Joan Edwards will read from their works al 7 30 p m on March 30 in the lower fitness room of the Amazon Community Center, 2700 Hiiyard St f We Buy Quality • Stereo equipment • Video recorders • PA amps & mixers * • Portable color tv's * m ;i/>f 2 blocks horn c