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ISA assistant direotoi 'We want to show the diversity of Indonesian tal errt on i ampus Indonesian Night is piiidmed In the Indonesian Student Assoi i.itmn an ISA agent \ while International I estival is prndut ed by IS \ itsell lhe week s shows and at tl V it les will leature both international and Ameri ■ an students I lii'ie aie about Kill people in volved with Indonesian night and they re all Indonesian people on t ampus who aie involved in oui or ganiz.ltloll Steele said I hat s m i hiding performers, decorators stage managers programmers loot! people and III ket people Indonesian Night has been a part of the Intel national I estival for the past lout \ears and every veal the show i hanges It s always different her ause lliere is a new turnover ot students eat It \ ear Steele e\|dained l lns is the Inst Near martial art has been im hull’d in the show Indone si,in m, ,irt isn't rn.dly well known s.iiil Soerakoesoemah. ,1 na tnr ol Indonesia kills year wn w,lilted to show Indonesia does have an art ol self -defense Adding to the show as a whole will he the i ostuming "Fveryone will he in i ostuines. ranging Irom the very traditional to the very contemporary, and it s very heautiluI Steele said Some ol the ( ostuines were made h\ the students and some ol them were brought over Irom Indonesia." Suerakuesoe mall added ISA IS expel ting iOO to flat) people to slims tor the evening, which x\ < in Id fill the ballroom to Indonesian Night has become a very popular event," Steele said Indonesian night is unique be i .him' people can experience the I n d o n e s i a n i u I t u r e . Soerakoesoemah said 'Instead ol traveling all the way to Indonesia, people ( an see Indonesia in the Hall room \fter Sunday night's opening, the Festival will continue throughout the week, with Monday through Friday s events being tree. Monday w ill celebrate \frii a and the Middle l ast A slide presentation titled A tdunpse ol the Maas.n is among the main events si heduled lor the day I vents w ill nu hide a Kenyan photo exhibit, movies and slide presentations Tuesday is Ameruas Day and will run bum u a m to >1 p m Featured attractions will be slide present,! turns Latin Amerii an musit per formed by Freddy Vi Idles and Loin puny and American I’itluir s a multi media show ot a Danish man s journey through the Amerii an under class The i ontinent ol Asia w ill he cele heated \\ ednesday Si heduled events ini hide a I’hilip pines photo exhibit dances, slide shows, nun ies and a play IS \ will celebrate I.mope day on Thursday The day's events will in ..Its Krlvtn \\ it Students from the Indonesian Student Assodation will si>ort traditional dress suih as these batik t lothiiig. at Indonesian Night Sunday in the f.MI Ballroom. Indonesia Night kirks off the week-long 27th annual International festival i luilt' vidros. slid.' shows. D.misli ,iihI Swedish presentations (airmail movies ,iih1 .1 Furopean tolk e ensemble performance Spec nil events tor W orld Forum I)a\ I ridav include videos, lectures on global issues and a panel disc us siun and the ueekh Inlarnational ( nffrt' limn in the FMl I it Koom As a whole, this year's Internation al Festival promises to expose the campus and the communiU to the world and its mam c dilutes "International Festival gives pen pie a chance to learn trout one anoth er and to share allot turn and talent. Stierakuesoemah said ( .one hiding International festival is International Night I'inti to be held in the FMl ' ballroom on Simdax April H More than 200 students have been working on International Night sinc e last Fall term Steele aid Advance tickets lot International Night are available at the 1 Ml Mam Desk at $H lor general public and So tor students Inc luded in the menu lot International Night is a o course bullet ol foods from all parts ol the world and a evening "I cultural pel b\ Internationa, students and alumni "\Ye go through each continent and we locus on the whole world Steele explained It people want to bee otne international and e arn about othei cultures, this week is the best w eek to do it Eugene galleries host 'Artwalk' Art lovers will haw the opportunil\ to take an evening stroll through eight Lugone art galleries and the Ihiiversitv s Museum ot Art during "Artwalk, a gallon tour benefit toi the museum, from -i !U to u p m on I rulav April ft "Artwalk" might hegm with the reeentlv opened exhibition ol Rodin sculptures at the Museum ol Art. M id lohnson Lane and eon tinue to nearhv galleries to take in exhibitions that feature a wide variety of i ontemporarv lo eal region.d and national works I'he l nivorsiU museum and eat h gallon will oiler tree wine tasting and refreshments I'he galleries eat h u ill have prize tliaw ing tol a work til art. .md seveial a Iso will I eat ill e I w *• music Participating galleries are Aldei l-allen ( diaries d Lou U I It 1 life t .alien . Lo ohs < .alien Kerns Ait (ientei Mi Donald I lame Shop and (.alien Opus > (.alien, til Liatts. Soaiiug Wings (iallen anil New /one (.al lerv Artwalk In ke|s. S', eat ll are available in atKanie oral the th tol at the I u i vers it \ Mu seuin ol Alt and part it ipating galleries Idle event is sponsored b\ the friends ol the Museum ol \rt Members ot the support group w ill be on hand at the museum and eat h gallon to greet guests and introduce the ait work You won't ha vr to drive to fort hunt tins month tor tlm hirst 1 hursday galleiy walk there; instead. von II be . 11»I * ■ to discovet h.u gene's .irt scenery.' said |o l.avne Mi-l)ow ol tin1 ! r minis ol tin- Musimiiii In .ulilition to raising money for the museum this premiere Artwalk is ,i w.iv to liven up downtown ,il night nlld to hung more people into the gallei ins (;.i 1 ItTv walks have hoi oinc .i popular ti.i dition in I’ortl.ind .mil Seattle where galleries and alt museums stav open one night a mouth The 1 mends ol the Museum ol Art plan to make I ugelie s Artwalk and annual event I.violations at the museum include ' hron/e sculptures by Auguste Kudin, on loan tmin the Stanlord University Museum ot \rt Artists at < Iregon leaturing winks troin the museum's collection b\ id past and present faculty artists, and I ompulers and the ( rea live I’roi ess. displaying works by It Allien i an artists, all generated w ith i ornputers I'a i tii ifiating galleries will eai h have mdi vidua) exhibits that troin sculptures by Mike Randles at the Kerns Art ( entei to wild life oils by Kalb ( lay in the (diaries d I.on Mildlile (iallery hoi more inloi mat ion about Artwalk i all the Museum ol Ail at I In id.'. 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