——Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald I rid.iv Man li ill 1'IHH I 'ugcui' (Iri'Kim \dliiiiic 'I I \imibci I M) _I nside_ ■ Election deadline. Page 4 ■ Men's track preview, Page 6 ■ Encore! section, Pages 10-12 ■ EWEB recall petition. Page 14 L -M__II*. '■ *■ ±JJslzl-!:'-' 1"_5L^* Springing into action Kvturninfi witir rrrrivrr I'mt\ lLirtfuin hauls onr in during thr hist will (urn m n 1 peri fill ill tlifii budgets In tin' m linol III lll'lp lllllll lilt' pi,III mug .mil impli'mi'iil.itmu ,ii ,i ili'iiiii .iiul . id 111 i 11is! i at t v r pm g r.i ms l lii' 1 imrrsitv hopes tu r.usi* ,ilinii! >1 mi 11 inn In leipiiring M*Vt'11Ht' generating llcp.ll I un'llls 111 Nl'I 11N ll 11 ‘ 1 pl‘H I'll! ill tin'll 111uI.• t• I• said K.ilpli Ntiii itri l,iini iliri'i liif ('I llii I illii i n! Management .111*1 Hudgr I I Ih* u liiilc tnli’ii! w,is In rr 1 lIV I'l SI 111 If III till' I hnIn 111 i m i fd In I In- intrust i hi I in i- ul tile ms! it tit it >n. S1111111 • I land said "We're living tu recover m mu' ul th.it mi mi'v nii it will go li.ii k min llif iii-.Ii in l n in.d ari'.i All .tiivili.u v tli’ji.irlitit’iiln will bf .iffft Ifd ,u i fpi Ini slu drill mu .mil student tundril programs Sunderland said I lie I Ml Student I If.dill i filter. Athlete Department .mil I nivcisitv I lousing the four largest auviliarv depart infills are rxpet ted to gfllel ate as nun ll as S {(HMHHI tol the I niv ei sit v I 'i i .glams vv it li in ai admit u departments that geneiate in i on if sin h as w (irksliops and seminars w here a lee is i I la l'ge d will also he suli|e i t to the I pen flit leipirsl Slindfl land said I hr l ’111\ rrsit\ is muli‘r^nm^ t ,im|his u itir pl.mnim; to ilr t * * i mmr u h.tl 11»»* *ii .nirmu sllVIH'lhs ot thr M lit Mil .11*' .mil litiv\ thr\ ».in hr improvni I hr iiKMirv is nrrttrd In .is sist in (hr (it.iimm^ prut rss ,mtl to help unplrmrnl uru pm ^r.ims .mil l hmrrsiU hrrsi ilrnl \l\ |rs Miami i-. tm mitt’ !u thr .mxtll.iiv ilrp.il I inrnts tur fliusr tUlltls I hr if s 11 |t ul ircjllrst i IU' this iiiumi u ill must likrlv hr rr will h.i\ e to make up lh.it rev 1‘imr somehow she said \lniri i\ i*i students « an e\ I mm I pin e i in leases lor the 'dorms .md tamdv lnni .nu' and tin* health < eiitei ' The iIK lease w 111 he passed on to residents in the form ot hu’her mom and hoard said Marjorv Kame\ housing dhim toi Ihe hmisini.; department vv ith a S in '» million budget will tmu over Sinn non a veat It you're (•vttini* (the tee), small. If You're /mving it, it's lot." it w ill be u hell of a — Marjory Ramey tlei Ini m fin; 11*• i pi it i's fi>i slu lll'IllS I ilnn I til ink .ml. nt I hr ,ius ill.II irs an' 11.i)ipv abiiut li.iv ill'.: an ailili'il i‘\|lt‘IISr lint It i rl I a 1111 \ is a li*m 11 n la t r i ansi' situ! \.l,'ll \t. Mill.in I Alt ' ill 11a tm Mi M 11 Ian '.a III that I M I ptit iis in ilt-p.iitinfills mu h .is till' Main I)fsk anil tin' I isli llliul Ulllllll IISI' III llllsl't till' I pi'it i' 111 I i*i' although shi' 11 ill mil hums I is him min h Tllli I Ml Will Inst' abulll s, • I mill in ii'\ f tn11■ Ihm ansi* i it tin' Ini* Ur has i'll I inaih' a ili'i Isiun a hi nit Hist \ i sns pin • -s hnl nr In lllr I 111V rrsilv K.illirS st| III II vmu v* * * 111 lit* (til** irr), il will In* mu.ill K.imrs siiii 1 ul In >v\ I In ’ hr is l)riii|.; |i«*n i'is «m1 In l ins i*rs11\ (Irji.utnirnls II sum |ms h»k il it s .i In'll n| ,1 Ini I )i J.imrs J.M ksi Ml hr.illh ( rulri dirr< tor. s«iid in .i pir s mus inlrrv irss tli.il hr.illh « rn In |>i ii is v\ < Mild nnt iiiiiij) dr.i m.iIk .ills hul thcs s\ mild m i i r.isr hri .lllsr «»t I hr I pen mil < li.ir^r I) 11 s • ■ VV1111 lord ismsI.imI spoils mini m.ilion dim tor s,i 141 th.it tin* .ilhlrlK drp.irl lurn to Krs rimr, I 7 Handbook details rights for renters By Wayne Parker Emerald Contributor If you've ever had a problem getting your deposit back after moving out of an apartment, or if you're dreading moving from dormland to the off-campus rental jungle, OSPIRG may be able to help. The campus public interest group has just finished the eighth edition of its Renter's Handbook. The handbook, which OSPIRG started producing in 1973, de scribes renter's rights from appli cation to eviction and everything in between. The major change in the hand book is an update in the section number that covers renter's rights. The revisions were made by Multnomah County District judge Michael Marcus. "(The handbook) is geared not only toward students, but the community at large." Peter Drake, the OSPIRG Campus Coordinator for the University, said. He said Turn to Handbook, Page 16 Panel discusses role of civil disobedience Bv folie Andrade l meruld Reporter M,in\ questions were fell unanswered during .1 panel (list ussion sponsored bv tile Student Hal Assot latum, on t ivil disuliedi eni e and Its idle 111 the government and the mints Thursday night I he panel consisting (it hull speakers and a mnderului tin used on spei itu (pies linns about i ivil disobedient e the role of the media and the responsibility of the guv eminent and the i units Tom Coffin 1 S attorney and .idjuni I law professor, said ( n il disobedient e was ,i very (onipliiated suf)|ei t mattei ignored in the legal i ommunitv and posed questions to think about We I people! need to tie asking ourselves what is i ivil disobedient e?’ he asked Is there legitimate and illegitimate forms’ Does it mean different things to different people:’ Uti.it flint lions do lawyers the t a immunity and tin- media pl.ivV” (lottin ottered an explanation of vv tial i iv 11 disobedient e is bv mm pa ling it to a I \ pl ot detense known as "defense ol net essl tv whit h is often used as a detense I>\ i i\ il disubedients m i unit I he difference between the two t alego ties is defined fix the four t riteria ot "tie tense ot net essity that justifies the viola tors actions Ihe defendant laced with a choice of evils must those the lessei evil the person must have at ted to prevent im minent harm ot others must have reason abh anticipated a t ausal relation between Ins conduit and the harm to be avoided ... Mjilin M„rl lam ( all it i. I S .itlarnm .mil .idjnnrt Imx pralnxxar, m.ikrx .1 paint dnrinu I hnrxd.i 1 niffht s p.mrl ilixi ussian an 1 nil ilixahrilirni n. .mil llifii' must In' no citin'! li’K'il iiltri n.it ivi' In \ iuliiti' till' l.iv\ Hr s.ml it u.is ililln nil to .ilso di'ti'r mini' uhi'tlier tlm viol.itinn vv.is instill .ililf lii'i .nisi' ni.nn l.ius Ii.ivi' lit'cn i li.itim'iI ill ,nidi'll in tlif p.ist In i .nisi* id i i\ il (llsobi'ilii'iu i' I),i\id \lkuis .iltiiriicv .uni .nliiiin t l.m jimli'ssin . .inri'i'd tli.il it u.is li.inl til ) 11111II11111 till' jllst ill! .it icill III Mill iliMilii'dii'in i' lint s.iid mm I'liii'iits .mil .il 1111nx nt tins suit tti'ii- iii'i'di'd In sns t.mi ,i hi'.iltln );mi• r111111• 111 lie Si1111 people who ( omtuil these < nines .ire ullen doing them tor nnselt ish re.isons .mil should not he deterred horn speaking out "We need to hear lorin ttiein tie eattse the are nsnallv tin- people who are linked out and don't have politi < al power oi inllueni e Atkins said ‘ Ihe role ot the (ourts should not he to tr\ and prevent people Irom i n il lorn to Panel, Page 17