Court Reservations The covered tennis courts and out door racquetball courts are available at 3:30pm each weekday and at 8:30am weekends. Reservations may be made by telephone or in person Check with the RIM office for regulations regarding pro cedures and use of courts. Open Recreation Open recreation is an important feature of RIM programming. Open rec offers a less structured, non tournament form of partici pation. Throughout the year, facilities are regularly set aside for drop-in activities. An equipment check-out service for many activi ties is available at the Esslinger Hall locker room. Recreation Swim Leighton and Gerlmger Pools are available at specified times for open lap swim. Those people who swim for relaxation, condition ing, or fun can choose from more than 30 hours of open time. Family Swim/Springboard Diving Each Sunday from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. Leighton Pool is available for parents and children to enjoy time together in the water. The shallow end of the pool is sectioned off. while the deep end is available for diving. Check out the pool and plug this time into your recreation schedule. Cost per family is S3.00. Students with I D. are free. Indoor Soccer—Open Rec For all you soccer enthusiasts, we have set aside some gym time for drop-in soccer. Gerlinger Annex B54 will be available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30pm to 9:50pm So plan some time to relax and play indoor soccer this spring. This is informal free play. ■ DROP-IN RECREATION + ! Activity Badminton Volleyball Ind Soccer Weight Lilting Location Day GerX B54 UN GerX BS4 MF GeiX B54 MW EsI 36 M V EsI 36 EsI 36 EsI 36 EsI 36 EsI 36 EsI 36 M F MWF UH M H Sat Time 6 30 9 SOpm 3:30 7 30pm 7 30 9 SOpm 6 4Sam 8 30am 11 30am 12 30pm 3 30pm 9:30pm 3:30pm 6 30pm 10 30pm 12 30am* 10 00am 7 00pm 12 15pm 4 45pm *50 cent use fee for Late Night ♦ See Open Recreation Hours card lor schedule ol gyms and courts Swimming Ger Pool MWF 11:30am 1.30pm Ger Pool M F 5:00pm 6 30pm M f M F Lei Pool lei Pool Lei Pool Lei Pool Lei Pool Lei Pool Lei Pool *50 cent use tee tor Late Night ** Springboard Diving & f amily Swim 6 45pm 8 30pm t1 30am 1 30pm MWF 8 00pm 9 30pm M H 10:30pm 12 30am* 11 00am 1 00pm 1 00pm 2 30pm * * 2 30prn 4 00pm Sat Sun Sun RIM Staff Karta Rice Director Laurel Hanley, Secretary Rim Assistants Jett Dow. Intramurals Suzanne Feuerborn Recreation Classes Amy Hams. Weight Room Peter Harmer Athletic Training Rhonda Parker EHEP Christopher Snell. Intramurals Lou Tanselli Intramurals m Student Opportunities — Employment/Credit RIM provides opportunities tor students to work as weight room supervisors, recreation class instructors, ottice workers radio monitors and officials (Soccer Officials Need ed —Spring). Pick up applications at RIM office Students interested in gaining practical experience in recreational programming planning and execution, budget and finance, or marketing and promotion may sign up for practicum credit Koi further information, contact Karla at HIM University t MAC COUfil Tele-Info During the school year this service1 • available from 9am 11pm, Monday through Saturday and from 1pm 11pm on Sunday Hours may be redu< *‘d during .at a!ions To use the* service, dial ext 4636 and request a tape by number Recreation 602 Plty.i ai fiiui atui1 'a Ca re< -*• - itm • 604 R> ■ reati " fa- •■•!•« • ' • ',i. at-,- staff 607 TV- ms art u- . 'v i'- ' 608 V*»>■ ' ■ 1 600 P • • 610 ':>;■■ ?!'. a '1. ' < - - ‘ ' - •. ■ 1 , i 624 RIM •. ■ r 625 RIM : • "!-,«n o2t> RIM 7 • 627 RlM V fieyt.a 620 RlM IS-' ate f ns* Office Hours Mondavi rtday Haiti 5pm How To Get Involved I Come to the RIM office and... 1. Sign up a team of friends from vour liv ing organization or group 2. Sign up al the KIM office on the f ree Agent list for the sport you are interest cd in. and attend the f ree Agent meet ing it you don't have a team 3. ‘sign up individually or with a partner for tournaments or special events 4. Sign up individually for classes 5. ('heck out open hours for drop in roc reation. and show up at designated time and place 6. I ill out .in application if interested in working as an official, weight room su pet visor, office worker or radio mom tor Aerobi-Fun: Celebrate the conclusion of Well ness Month in April by attending two hours of high energy aerobics. This event is planned for Friday, April 27 from 1:30pm-3:30pm in the sun on Gerlinger Field. This could also be the be ginning of your resolution to get in shape for summer. Sign up at the RIM office. Cost $2.00 Frisbee Golf Maps: Frisbee golf season is here! What could be more relaxing than an afternoon game on the ‘ green.” Maps of the UO 18-hole course are available free at the RIM office.