Musique Gourniet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC Low Prices SELECT CLASSIC FILMS ON VIDEO LASERDISC ! nutlet: m'-icle BRADFORD'S or, the M.ti i;>0 W Hto.itlwdy ■ ■ PtN 1 HAYS - SUNDAYS Y>-. '343-9000 3423177 AGENCY RENT-A-CAR • Low Daily Rates ^ • Unlimited Frpp Milanp • Free Pickup and Delivery $59.95 Student Weekend Rental Special! w< 750 FREE Miles ij PEER HIV EDUCATOR 1 TRAINING I HIS II >1 K With ( ( n -KS1 Mil I If X rs <)\ l\l( )K\{ \IK >N \\U ^KIU s Wtllt H MM \ Ml Mil I K IK nil /'/M, ( IS: MU WIUHHIKS l\IM*II\(. WIIH IsslU S sHKK< >1 \OINl, Hl\ l\l 1 I P/M , • | J«, A.I • MM I AI ISM I S • I KM A I Ml Si • < ( IMMl Nil AIK IS • DIM KIMIVAIK IN • SAM k s| A ■ I>SY< H( II ( )( ,l( \1 s( IMS )K I ’ l\ I >Kl < , l s| • HASH INI i IKMAIK >S HEP 408 (1 credit) Meetings vs ill be held e.u h Wednesday in April. Obtaining credit will require a written paper or review. WHEN: April 4th, t tth, IHth, and 2rith TIME: 4:00p.m.-b:20p.m. WEI ERE: Student Health Center, RM 2 1 in the medi< al library s/!,'/) t//> ilimrn: tci’i\lrjtntn week hit HI/’ toft <>t phone the 'iluilent Hr.ilth ( elite: i-ft, II ,r, spon '•oral h\ thehteshle I’ljnmrui <1 i I A knockout the \f,iin /rent. whic h takes plate in .1 boxing ring is .1 prncluc turn 1 n sponsored l>\ the Sc honl ot Music .mil tin* Department of 1 c It teutiurs tin* c nmbmed talents o! com poser iiml Associate I’rolesscn |effre\ Stolel |right 1 percussionist and Professor (diaries Dowd (top, in the c entei with Stole!), and 1 hoi eogruphfl leliifel ( rule '/Vie M.lill / 1 rill extends bevond (lie ring itself to inc orptirale a large cast of performers to depict the per \erse nutuie and leslice environment that surrounds 1 ontests ol 1 like boxing ihr Main I \ rill defies the usual c utego iization of an opera, a pla\ a dam e 01 a musical. Stole! said Instead the perfor mance is produced to "stimulate the autli enc e" In c oils!rut tmg a "music al barrage ot t he mind . Stolel said Stole! specializes in computer music and is rapidk earning a national reputation. ( ruig is the (iraduate (ioordmutnr and Tec h meal Director tor the l niversitv's Depart ment o! I)anc e and Dowd a Professor ot Tim pani. Pen tission and |a/.z Studies at the t in versl!V is also the head ot the pen ussion ses sion ol the l uigene S\ lliphoin I he production shows tonight at M p m in the Doughertv Danc.e The.iter in the (ier linger annex, admission is $4 and tor stu dents and seniors I’hntns bv Sean Poston Wtf' lertolor 1/ \rm\M *upp u & Nf: 20% OFF t OI SUN WATERCOLORS WINSOR & NEWTON ACRY1 ICS SCUM RE liRUSI II S 25% OFF WINSOR & MWTON WATLRCOLOR PAPER 90% OFF ALL OTHER ,(>WI l WAURCOLOR PAPER m 15%OFF v Kl MUACI11 K ACADL MV WATLRCOLC 20% OFF o% DRAWING PADS aFid WATERCOLOR BLOCKS * RVt 1A‘< -WE tl { Nf ANi K‘,( M . L A ■50% OFF ALL PALETTES VNAltki ; FLOW >.«t ACKVliC 0/~ OFF - - I J /o lOMRO DUAL BRUSH PIN STArDTlER GRAPHIC 3000 BRUSH pr\ w 40% OFF PARALLEL RULE BOARDS inxj4 .>0x2fe Mxii ^ 25% OFF PARALINER PARALLEL RULES timtMf guaranty' A d ' 683-2787 776 East 13th. Eugene Upstairs in the Smith Family Building 8.30-7:00 Monday-Friday 10:00-5-30 Saturday 12:00-5 30 Sunday SALl ENDS 4 MO LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND