_University_ Constitution Court to meet Mi l riM.s ()SI’IK(. i haplei meeting will bo held tonight .it Ci .it (In' koinonia (Center 14 14 kiiu.ml St (Constitution (Court moots t.. diiv at -1 to |i m to .lpprovi- hal lot measures m I NI! (Century Room H Studrnts lor Hailey Sti« kel will hold a general mooting to night at 7 in ICN11 ( Collar Room _Et als_ IC The mooting is inlormal. ami all intorestod arc encouraged to attond. Student Health Insuranre (Committee moots today at t p m in KM l ' (Century Room I) An information meeting for students interested in attend ing l.ondon s Si hoot of Orien tal and African Studies v\ dI ho hold today in 1CM1' (Cedar Room I) ( Conlat t tho (tttii o of Interna tional Services at tit. tgliti foi more informal ion MISt I I I AM ( )l S Tai/.e Prayer and Si ripture Reflection will lie hold tonight at H it) at tho Newman (Center I Hat) I morale! St r v ; Open Mike Monday Nights! Musicians Invited to Showcase Their Talent' to Midnight 343-8488 The proper role ol allorne\s and the i Hurts in civil disobe dience cases is the topic ot a panid disc nssion to he held to night from 7 tl) to ') in Koum 1J0 ot the law School lane (iordon assistant dean ol the law sc hool will moderate I’.n til ipalmg U ill lie lc ill! I aiflill I' S attorney and ailpinc t law professor. Dave 1 idancpie asso i late direc tor ot the ( begun A merit an (oil I .ilierties I 'nion. 1 toy id Atkin, allornev and adjunct law prolessoi and \ico \ an Aelslyn law student and civil disobedient \dmis siou to the discussion is tree and all are w eli nine Dr.idlmc tor submitting I t a/s to till■ Ismerald trout c/esA /A// Suite Mill is noon tho d.ix hotoro pilblit,limn Id a/s run f/ie dux ot tho ox out unions tho ox out ot t ms hotoro noon /’/ease submit I t a/s tlio tl.ix bo torn thox non to run only \o til os ol events with a don.ition or ml mission i /large u ill not ho .it i o fit oil t .illl/iils ox outs .Hid thoso si liotlulod no.tiost tho inihln ./lion d.ito xx ill ho given pnontx I ho lanerald reserves tho rig/lt to odit notii os toi xli.tmiii.il .nut six to SI MMi K JOBS Ik j sali s rcprc scnlalni l»>r i»ui t *1 t »ur i Jiupus ivli j>lu >iK clifi'i tor u s lutmmv uli (.am valuable r\|»i in in c in s.tlt *> nuikctmg ami advertising I i.iu l to < liajK'l I lilt, \( Itii a Inc day i \|u'um paid training program I arn an average til 5»()() m 1 1 weeks intcrviewirvi on Campus Wednesday Sign up iot) ick at ion and Development Office HEALTH PEER ADVISOR POSTIONS AVAILABLE (.ai11 experience in... ^Piomotinn Wellness ^Outreach Programs ^'One-On-One Health Vd>isinj» Z 1 crm rracncum in iiepi. 01 maim r.micauoii Please call Joanne Frank or Laurene Sheilds 346-4456 at the Student Health Center Deadline for application Fri. March 30th Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section I CREATE AT THE EMU CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS BEGIN SOON REGISTER NOW ' CERAMICS PHOTOGRAPHY WOOD* JEWELRY FIBERS GLASS A MUCH MORE LOWER LEVEL, ERB MEMORIAL UNION 346-436'* | CHECK OUT OUR LOW, LOW PRICES ON QUALITY BLANK AUDIO AND VIDEO TAPE AUDIO TAPE • AUDIO TAPE • AUDIO TAPE THE BOOKSTORE STOCKS THE HIGHEST QUALITY AUDIO TAPES AVAILABLE TDK SA 90 MAXELL XLII90 k SONY UX-S90 DENON HD8-100 TDK MA-XG90 SONY METAL-ES90 SONY METAL-SR100 ^ TDK MA90 ONLY 1.79 ONLY 1.99 ONLY 2.49 ONLY 3.49 ONLY 7.99 ONLY 3.99 ONLY 3.49 ONLY 2.89 VIDEO TAPE • VIDEO TAPE • VIDEO TAPE 1 SCOTCH BRAND: T-120 EG T-120 EG + T-160 EG + T-120 EXG HI-FI T-EXG PRO/CAMERA SONY BRAND: T-120 ES T-120 ESHG T-120 ESX HI-FI T-120 PRO-X L750 BETA HI-FI P6-120MG 8MM PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 4/3/90 ONLY 3.99 ONLY 6.99 ONLY 7.49 ONLY 7.99 ONLY 9.99 ONLY 3.99 ONLY 4.99 ONLY 5.99 ONLY 8.99 ONLY 6.99 ONLY 7.95 UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30-6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346-4331