Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 29, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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LaneTransit District
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Northwestern hires music dean
I hi clivin ot tin' I nivorsits s
School <il Musi* is leaving In
take the position of dean id ilii'
Si liool uj Musk at Northwest
t>rn t nis itmU
Bernard Dobroski is.is .1
member hI the Northwestern
1 niversiH 1.M lilts fur 1 1 years
priot to 1 timing to tin' I 'imersi
tv m l'.IWi
11 \S .IS .1 I boil 11 I M*t Wee II two
lovi's I )obr< isk 1 s.iid I 1 .mu'
to thi’ 1 im i'tsils ot (begun
from Northwestern and I ti-ll in
lovi- w lib tins ali a H s bi'cti 1
very diffu nil derision to
I ioliroskl ss ill only tie the
sixth dr,in to In-ad tin- si bool at
Northwestern, whirl) w as es
tablishod ill lH'fi Ihe si liool is
rankl'd among the lop liv nm
sir si bools in tin' 1 ountry
I bn t 'ms ersitv of (iritgon
has exi client administrators
and it's not surprising that in
stitiitions ot Northwestern t in
Versitv s l .lllbrl would look to
ns loi tin'll leadership ni'i'ds
said I imi'isils I’ri'sidrn! Mvles
III and
Brand said that in 1 liming
ss ri'ks III' ss ill appoint a scan b
1 on 1 initti'i* to begin <1 national
sraii b tor a ness dean
University of Oregon
June 18 - August 10
U of O Summer Session
are available now!
Get your FREE copy at the
Continuation Center
333 Oregon Hall
t ill* pholti
Hernurd Dohroski. dr,in of thr I ni\frsit\ s Sthool id Music,
will return to Xurth western I 'ni versify to hr.id its Sthool ot
IVovosI Norman VVrssells,
v it c 11r«-sitif ut ol ,ii adrtnu at
Ians said hr will hr sail to srr
I folmiski 1411
II is a sad drvrlopmrnt fur
us and all ()rrgoiuans who
ha\ 1 known and a|>pri*i ialrd
Hr 1 mr s leadership < onlrihu
turns lull a joyous unr loi Hri
Mil' Sim r il oltris him an r\( r|i
lional o|i|iorlunil\ In huild a
gnat music si I100I 111 ihr I nil
rd Stairs Wrssrlls said
Wrssrlls said Doliroski has
lirrn a vigorous fund laisrr loi
thr I miversiH and has rrc mil
rd outstanding lai ultv and sill
His time here has put in
plat c .1 lou nd.it ion on u huh
uc will build." hr said
I)iihroski rrcrivt'tl his bat he
lot s degree in music pertor
mam e from (an negir Mellon
l ’ni vrrsih in l’ltiH and his mas
trr’s degree in music perinr
inane e and musit history Irom
t iatholii 1 im ersits of Amei it a
m 1U7A as ,i Ifanlorth Fellow
I lr ret rivet! his clot toral tie
gree (roni \nrthw rstrrn in
1UH 1. a I st i as a I fanforth lei
Dobroski has given miinerons
protession.il pnrlnnnani.es as a
luhist and keyboarilist in the
luigrnr ( Imago. Washington
I) ( and I’ittsburgh areas
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