Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 29, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Tryba Zone
KnoUgh is enough I've h'.hI
mi in.irn of Bert Irvin's letters
t li.il I'm Beginning to have
nightmares L.ist night Kod
Sorting appeared to me in .1
liri'.im .1 mi Ilium hod into the
follow ing monologue
"I’li tun- .1 man. so driven In
Ins thi*ist (login,i tli.it lie h'fls
compelled lo writi' to llit1 Ore
gon /Jai/i /.miT,i/i/ In 11 i' ,1
month 1’n turn ,1 man so on
Ironi I101I m athoism that ho
doesn't seem to realize that ho
has v utiiallv elev ated it to the
status oi a religion worshiping
a hoh ahsem o
"Picture a man who in at
tai king existing religions, has
made himself more annoying
than the worst street-comm
evangelist ever was A man so
hitter that Ins angrv all.11 ks on
religion make even atheists 1 rv
out Oh lord, win won't he
stop this silly 1 rusade '
"look nuclei that awning
, n er there Hie man pre.H lung
Nielzsi he to the i rowil has inst
entered the 'l l v ha /.one
While (h«- theme song
plased Sorting disappeared m
.1 [mil ih Millike unis tn be 11■
plat ed b\ \ let/ m he 111 I hr
robes nt the Pope He said
Pert Tisha since you have
I handed atheism into a religion
and embarrassed your fellow
atheists ss ith your tire and
brimstone lai tu s I herein e\
i omiminu ate you
I awoke with a feeling ot im
mense sat istai t ion
Stes e ( lose
I ilerature
In .1 rerent Oregon Daily I in
rr.ild .irtii le I was minted as
sas ing. in refereiu e to the I en
tial ( omimttee meetings of the
I teinocratit Parts ot 1 ,ane t mm
Is tiles sit around and pat
ear h otliei on the butt about
stull (f?/;/•: Man It IJ) There
ssas .1 lot of i ons ei sat ion about
the paitii ul.ii ipiote that ssas
omitted ss hie h might help to
i larifs the true meaning ot ms
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/ x
. r. M >’Kr t
htJr /X-/'• * itm^i '>vi'
^ js <a re.su/f of
prupT ,ur\ ArJ fb,S <>Vif.rf V,-,''
t was bufifd AtxJf'r a 5ffl of
>' a- I. / 4r>./ yOU u
See- she's 3fVste*.no \
•/), / ' «, yv, r 4a> )
S 39
Tapeworms visiting a Stomach Park
poorlv i host’ll u ords
The nhnv c (jin it*' was mil m
trl*> nllend th*‘ DI'U i
m*’,ini lh.it thr I 111\ i*rsit\ Deni
in i .its In mu inviih emenl .it
tin' I itivcrsilv .md in IMM (
meetings .in' Irving I" raise the
,i vv .1 re ness of issut's confronting
I Vnmt rats .md students .it ilii'
I 'inversitv
I did not nif,m Hi imply tli.it
ri'i ent topics mi 1111■ DPl.t. s
ogemla .liv mil trim.ml lint
tll.lt till' 1 lli\ iTMtl I lfllUM r.its
,iri' living In bring in ,ni .iddi'd
prlspertlve .lliil linin' issues tn
till' agenda III I.Ii t . tlli'li' ll.IV i‘
In'i ii main Inpii s r.list'd at re
i mil I ll’l.t meetings that in- nl
tin- uttinist iiiipurtani i tn nut
i niiiiiiiimlv. stall■ and natiml
I hi thr record I would liki*
tii ai knowledgi tin* Ill'l l >
<ontinuing interest in tin' is
suns nl ( a'litral Amur ii a tilt' 11'
rent rWldt dispute and thrii
,n IIV i* and Van al nppnsil lull In
tin't' s international inti'ivam
turn and tin- voting iiehav im of
(tii'gnn s si'iiators
I apnlogi/'e tn tin1 IIIM.i per
simallv ami Ini am negative
implii at ii ms this has put upon
I leather U l ight
I li.iiruoni.rn
I ni\ ei si I \ I ii inni i .its
(frvfjon Ihiih _ _
I’ll H"\ »!**»
• • . ■ .■ = , , ‘ .* -"1 M -.1 i, Ihri ;jh ‘ '••!.!» • * ’ •'
. « , " a#;*»■’fc. ,* -»<} vci- .itions by lb© Oregon ’O.iity Emerald Pwbbshmg Co
th« »s 'i ♦•'.iltjd m , ,>f th« Univoisriy *-th of hens
. f th»* t. >h Mr'"' '!-»! Ur-.M I’M i ’!'w A' Pr»>
The tnv*';.»nj >s j-»nvat« property The uni removal o» use of (>ape<s
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