Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 29, 1990, Page 16, Image 15

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    White Bird
( ontinued from P.W '
the balam r thi' i lmi<
maintains betu irn I in- is
tablishmenl ,Hid elements
nl I tic population lli.il ,m
( onsidered as not m.ik
iiiK it
"Sn t,ir we vc been able
In maintam our mi 11 post
lion and inteyiriU and
( onlldenllallt\ U e de
pend an an till lot on the
lai I that the street people
the poor ..pie and the
mentuliv ill people in tills
town have some trust in
Abortion bill to be decided by Saturday
BV Hi ll) I l< k
V'.mk i.ited Press
IU (1st Idaho i \l*i ke\
businesses on Wednesdav <il
read \ were lee! i in; I lie i mpai I
ot a tirre.it to hovoill Idaho
prodiii Is but (an ( e< il An
drus said ei o(loinii s w ill not he
a del idtlltJ lai tin ill w lletllei lie
sitjiis the nation's most n strii
lire state abortion law
\ndius promised to .11 1 on
the hill In Saturd.iv lie has
lie. n meet 1 up; riuilv with < uni
mi'll e Itirei tor |ames llavvkms
about the seriousness n! the
bovi ott threat w I111 h lias In
i used piimarily on potatoes
Mill the nmi'inoi lias been
I Mlttilt led l)\ ‘-IUtil' IlSldel's cl
the state1- lend prtit essinu: in
dirstrv .ind its printing travel
and resort businesses
Ml are highly (mu erned
about this Andrus said dur
ing a break between t ereuiODial
events in 111'- ettn e Iv.H h "I
them lias evperieni ed i am ella
I inns
While < (jntinuiuu his silent e
nil lie. inlentinris Int tin1 hill
harming ahorlinrr as a method
nl birth i tint nil the gnv e rum
said. I Iren s t uni et n on irrv
part Hut ei unnuiii s is nut
going In he the dei iding issue
on this
I ni going In ilir wind I think
is right he said l ire
riutnic things those I'm going
!o him1 In handle mi matter
him il p!n\ s out
But Mi 1 )i maid's ( Inrp th>•
hist loud i ham that is a inaioi
pun lutser of Idaho potatoes tot
french ties said Wednesdac it
would not part e ipate in am
IroMott no nialtei what Andrus
Marketing supervisor Susan
Hiuescm at the r orporation’s r e
ginned office in Seattle said the
i nmpam does not invoic e itself
in personal, ethic a I. pol it u el or
religious issues and would not
t.cIsi sides in the Idaho c ontro
()ut i ustorneis represent all
points o| \ lew and we serve all
Community Microcomputer Program
A'i julurly enrolled l nivcrsity of Oregon
in join the ( ontinuation ( enter s community microcomputer classes
Introductory Computer Classes
Introduction to the IBM-PC
1 wo sections offered Tuesdays and Thursdays. April 3 12, 9 30 a m
12 «' \non or Wodnesdavs, April 4 2rv (> 30 9 00 p m I -ee is $93 plus
> * I* 0 materials l () students pay only $4S!
Introduction to the Macintosh
(. )i > • w »ekeml section Satin day and Sunday April 21 and 22, 8 30am
2 <" ‘ p in I o' is $93 plus $3 tor materials l'() students puy only $4S!
Word & Document Processing
WordPerfect 5.0: Level I (IBM-PC)
One I wo yvtvk section Mondays and Wednesday s, April 2 11.9 30a in
12 it'Nu >n Fee is $93 plus $3 tv »r materials CO students puy only $ tSJ
WordPerfect 5.0: Level II (IBM-PC)
O; ■ tour week sivtion Thursdays, April 3-26, 6 30 9 (X) p m Ftvls$93
} - toi materials CO students puy only $4S!
Microsoft Word 4.0: Level I (Macintosh)
( hir two week station T uesday s and rhursdays. April ' 12, 9 30am
1 \>s mi I is y> , | v. js $3 f, ,r tnati*nals CO student s puy only $4S!
Microsoft Word 4.0: Level 11 (Macintosh)
One tour wivk stvtion Lhursdays, April 3 26, 6 30- 9 00 p m l ee is $*>5
plus >3 ft,r materials l () students puy itnly $IMJ
Microsoft Works 2.0a: Level 1 (Macintosh)
( *:. e four week s<s turn Wednesdays, April 4 23, 9 30 a m 12 00 Noon
I *v is $93 plus $3 lor materials CO students pay only $4H!
Spreadsheets & Databases
i otus 1-2-1, 2.2: Level I (IBM-PC)
1 hu- two week section Iuesdaysand Thursdays April 3 12, 1 30-4 00
p m l ee is $93 plus $ > for materials l'() students pay only $4S!
I otus 1-2-3, 2.2: Level II (IBM-PC)
i>netour week section Monday's, April 2-23, 6 30 9.(X) p m Fee is $93
plus $3 fv>r materials l rO students pay only $4H!
dBase III Plus: Level I (IBM-PC)
y >ne weekend section Saturday and Sunday, April 7 and 8, 8 30 a m
2 00 p m 1«v is $93 plus $3 tor materials VO students pay only SIS!
Borland Paradox 3.0 (IBM-PC)
One tour week stvtion Mondays, April 2 23, 1 30 4 yXl p m Foe is $93
plus $3 for materials CO students pay only $4H!
Microsoft Excel 2.2: Level I (Macintosh)
chietwo wivk section ["uesdaysand rhursdays, April 17-26,9 30 a m
12 *'\iK>n Fee is $93 plusSs lor materials CO stuilents pay only $48!
Microsoft Excel 2.2: Level II (Macintosh)
y>ne two week section Mondays and Wednesdays, April 16-25, 6 30
9 00 p m Foe is $93 plus $3 for materials VO stuilents pay only $4SJ
Managing Your Computer
MS-DOS: Level I (IBM-PC)
Om-tvvo wivksivlion Tuesdays, April 3 and 10,6:30-9:(X) p m \tv is
S'> plus for materials VO utmlvntu pay only $35!
IBM-PC Hard Disk Management: Level II
Om* twu wtvk section Tuesdays April 17 and 24. 6 30 ^(X) p m !>■
is S>' plus $3 tor materials ( '() aludt-nla pay only $35!
Lvaluating OS/2 (IBM-PC)
One day section Wednesday April 25, ^ .30 a m 12:00 Noon F\v »■-*
$24 plus $;> for materials
Windows for the IBM-PC
One two week section Mondays April 16 and 2\ 9AO a m 12:00
Ntxm Fee is $53 plus Sr' for materials IJO atudvnta pay only $35
Hard Disk Space Saver on the IBM-l’C
One week mvtion Tuesday and Thursday. April 24 and 26, ** 30 a m
12 00 Noon F‘<v is S 'l plus $"» for materials VO utudvnta pax only
Macintosh Hart! Disk Management
One weekend section Saturday and Sunday. April 7 and M, S V)am
2 00 pm Kv is $^5 plus Sr' f c>r materials VO atudvnta pay only $ is.'
HyperCard 1.2: Level II (Macintosh)
l >ne tour wivk section Monday s April 2-23, 9:30 a m 12:(X) * >n
Fiv is plus $5 tor materials l ’() utiultnt* pay only $ IS!
Computer Design & Graphics
Ventura Publisher: Level 1 (IBM-PC)
One three-day section Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 27,28 and
2'', 9 (X) a rn 4Ulpm Fee is $175 plus $8 for materials
AutoCAD vlO: Level I (IBM-PC)
I'm* three day section luts-dav, Wednesday and Thursday. April 17
18 and 19, 9 00 a m 4 (X) p rn Fiv is 5175 plus $8 tor materials
AutoCAD vlO: Level II (IBM-PC)
One thnv das section Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 20. 21 and
22, 4 (X) a.m t (II p m Fee is $175 plus S8 (or materials
Adobe Illustrator 88 (Macintosh)
One weekend section Saturday and Sunday, April 28 and 29, 8 50
am 2 (X) p m Fee is $95 plus $5 for materials I/O atuilenta pay
an ly $4N!
Aldus Freehand 2.0: Level 1 (Macintosh)
One four week section Thursdays, Apnl 5-26, 1:3(F4:00p m Fivis$95
plus $5 lor materials VO at udvnta pay only t4H!
PageMaker 3.0: Level I (Macintosh)
One four-week section Tuesdays, April 5 24 6:30-9 (X) p m Fee is $9 "
plus $5 lor materials VO atudrnta pay only $4HJ
PageMaker 3.0: Level II (Macintosh)
One I wo-week section Mondays and Wednesdays, April 2 11,6 .50
9 IX) p m Fee is $95 plus $5 for materials VO atuiU nta pay only S IS!
To register call the Continuation Center at
Or register in person at the Continuation Center, 1553 Moss Street.
i if tin'll) •'hi said
\mlrus, who has a long
standing opposition to abortion
except m raises o! rape, incest
and to sa\ e the lite ol tin \\ om
an. said lie has been consulting
legal scholars, church officials
and iithei experts hut declined
to disi us' their adv h e
St,He offii Ials said the mime
tarv impai t of the t am ellatimis
was still being assessed An
dries declined to idenlih am ot
the businesses lievond desi rill
ing one .is a verv large printing
t i mi pa m doing business all
mei the nation
The state's largest printing
i nmpam . Moure Business
forms ol (eiimie in south
i entral Idaho, refused to com
melit on any impai t it has tell
liei ause ol the abort ion i onlro
vei sv
I here's loi i mui li outside
influent e." Andrus said
" Their are too mam out otstale
exports involved in this It they
just g i \ i ■ us lime. v\ r Idahoans
i an resnive this
t law kills confirmed that a
liunibet t»f businesses hate re
)uirted i in lei cam el lut ions a!
rrudv and even more threats to
( ,1111 el it the hill bet Dines law
lli s.iul a ( Iiltimett >' Depart
merit represtmtative at a trade
slum m Seattle was "getting a
lul i it negat i\ e react ion
Mr,mu bile demonstrators
Irnin both i amps look < om
m,mil ot the ( apitol steps dm
mg the day pressing theii pnsi
lions on thf legislation banning
over Oil percent iit the 1 am
abortions performed in Idaho
e.u h v t'.n
Nearly 1 000 pro t lioit e at
tiv ists gathered fm then eighth
sti, light i audit-light vigil m the
evening about seven hours at
ter a smaller i adre ol abortion
rights protesters tried to conn
tei a midday Kight to Life rally
Some i a m anti abut turn adv o
i ates took to the Statehouse
steps at noon in a hid to i mm
let the mounting pressure on
\nilrus to veto the lull
Is student
health insurance
cutting into
\our budget ’
( .dl Ilu (.air. I I ui.i> < *w[Hua
ti*»n and Juki out how \»hi can saw
moru v and improve vour v own age
Insurance Broker
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UO Bookstore.