CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 170 RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOP dollar for Men « and Women's clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING 190 0UT000R RECREATION CHEAP OUTDOOR DAY TRIPS This weekend sign up for Skiing. Whitewater rafting. Hiking and Bik ing thru the UO Outdoor Program, basement of the EMU. Rm 23. Ext 4365. 700 RIDES & RIDERS DESPERATELY NEED ft* li V- •' - or vicinity on F-nday Mart h iii> Meqa'1 ■ ■ w; 210 OPPORTUNITIES APPLY FOR .1 Pee Visa ” An'-cri r Express Card and take off with a TWA $99 Flight any place m the USA1 ,,i w 485 .> ASUO ELECTIONS :alion Poll workers needed to week t. a voting booths April 19 20 26 2? For worker application please contact the Elections Board Suite 4 EMU ASUO ELECTIONS elections . • • * . ’ id.. i!f t". . ;* A1,L1Ai - • ! MU 8 .if ! ,-r • at • ' * MU B iii. e.r i’ The filing period ends at 5 00 PM Fn day March 30 T■ > ohtai" a ■ andidate p.n ket • i ddionai into please ■„ on tact the Lie-: imris Beard a! Suite 4 EMU 346 d’24 Harrahs Reno SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES An Equal C SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU' tarn 1 5 uppei division piaclicurn or ESCAPE credits lor driving or OTM EH PROJECTS' ^ M IL • r. j p mi £/ max -.-V' • I-.-. O/ ON UO PROGRAMS ?)Q OPPORTUNITIES FREELANCERS WANTED SUM ML R CAMP JOBS OPT N Empl. AP( '.'.iff ; ; >n. A W PffjO.M Eugi?n« OR * '403 i A?’* NOON 1 AMN V N* > R{ APIN' \u m >KS $ S ''X' 8k ’.‘164 AUSTRALIA STUDY ABROAD B., n,..y ■ ■■ BEST a rRf t gift for i ailing plus RAISE UP TO SI 700 IN ONLY TO DAYS • ■»' • BOOKS $ v ‘ '• •• . H*1216A ?\b HELP WANTED , ,i‘T\ A !«-<•!-, *1 th»* CAMP ST Af F NEEDED 6/17 8/11 H AA ?15 HELP WANTED ABRAN IOS OJOS V El CORA/ON De you wan I to make ,i tfifto*$nce ' Wovjitl you ij:-' .. -t muffti' uttU'A* *»*.*’> ' r >■ ' We ■ I S>'.APf VCtlunUt**' tut-. '1 C«ttt HfP 546 «*•?? f*v APPUCATtON-S ARE - A .. t aide > ,* thy i ••-. horn .;>t l-H*! »j Orf-.j- i'i . f fd’ • A ha* e knot* .’edge u* ne a ' , n/<*‘,Al ism and of 1h« University of Qr#g*»h T <» f »T-. of ; it tit' f* itj Ju-t# f f ’ s*)0 through Juok f ( !0“M V • , i f , •• M,»» t 1 9*'*'• * 1 ' •’ -■ ■••• tO' it Ito'tt h 'fOt? . Jwf 'OJ ?b«e»- 1 ' u* !**rms i Su'Vj.iy through < r'i! i. and A m*n.mun* . ■•? }*i 40 flfmo JM'I A*H>k Af'l’ii v j«0!)4t>W' •••* thy 0»* goo Oslily Efftefihd utbve I o1 must he re!u,*,om*m tv nonhe*. oo(J the i]i1MP>0d »•'*■ .>•>, m' aged to .if p*> PNIVI ft'.lTV >*. H.ivNu .• o • • hmng Desk Ahints tot the ?9*1*0 91 ;»i.te-mu »*■•.»• Apj‘1 »h■!■. ■ 4‘Hj ott’.ti ! ton at m formation may be obtained of !f\«• A(i‘,» Desks " t n Mawiiji Uftivt‘iMty In? tn<1 the University Nous mg Qffu e Desk At,iro -. mutt tn* full time dudents the ■ ■ -.f ■■ ty ■•’ Of**'}'"' and mutt >i»«« -n Um»*vMty Mouting *htie rnijil- *-f eO l., nnp«>"-..i tiOTi t->r the P- '.••!••■ i'v $4 Of) i-* '■• ;-*n htuif leixmfjing ” mpytifn <» The deadtme to? , oft-:pl$tetl app'-. ,jf -r-s it V, Jiiy A. 1 9fh ’ -r-k) p ; -Tt • fhe Uni.HfHity noiiuoy < i’*- •• -■> the Warn?n Compif* E qua'. opportunity an’pi-.^i UO SUMMER i omputer i imp font ivd.labU* .It,!', >•* Jw'» ' ** See* mg Qualified .el with not ft,e, IM11 ' • Ai'i-k *dh H! lb year old's Compute* u*iH?nri!:« help lut One hr*) /•'■• “i**!•,r position $4oO H&B Other . < $ HAt-i Appn. at.< ; 1-jf.s* .1! both CO'Oirnjtii'i >n Center off*.: 1CS.1 M . • , ■ ", • mo/v • 'tormation ah June 1! uh d>17 April 27th deadline UO Uf’WARO OouM:! Pr i .If?’ -ifni ’W »n .ow'sel'ors for Summer sens, ■>' June 1/ August ij 1 m Dt A DU N f hi E N l.»£ U fO A; ft A;.pm .it-- ••>-. ,1, in.thm at tftVl E 15th ! ugene OH 9740 i WAN TED s : -1 • 1 !.,-»! a,!! h,». Ktjfuund f dfn r tf f ‘ S Out>«*-> Ml- iude Aftt-My trp<;fls on-demand <■>> Database oat *i>a» M-.'O t-.f it 1 A '« .It 'll I'l? 4 f*. ft..-:.' . fMti wee* ,'i-t r»4* able t, > a- '* fft- -•;•»■ m,«i P( eapetterv, «• i"0 '• mm P!- - gramming experience required Database m|.h‘.,ii'iim' -i detent© plus f*»**»er some* ’ *.• t*< yea**, mi this povS-iM Anyone interested completing an application should stop by A, I'JeiM. L earrung Services bib Knight L ibf ar» tHf GHf AU Sl jOH >N ■: AMBUS WANT'S YOU Earn Sr. Mr guaranteed plus bonuses Flexible day and even mg hours Pn-lenStOftal sales expert ©m ,* Call su , essfui alumni and fars* valuable funds lor ttv*s u cd Q The telefund iiphlr, you Call .Mr. 44 13 nr stop by our riling enter located at 2001 FranMm Boulevard today NANNY NlE.Df D ■ -newborn twin-. Nr $2*u.’ S >(h: i *,"Y , i..-. I'Ojtt *» I'h a'! Catl O'eg .-•! N.n In 343 3755 Nf f'D ORGANIST Poe- ■ ,t n pi a. »«-.j chuff ft and with :rum No drugs no alcohol ng rid© clubber s i ,»li Betty >4’- Ma t STUDENT RESE ARCHE RS OREGON STUDENT LOBBY • ft • ; disabled a-. t-yS 1ft ft ghef ed., at, -n retention •,» me ad * du li-'-t studetrt debt burden Non traditional student needs t »pefie«i>::«’ -,■ a «n the atea n. de-.nabu- bul nut teijuued A !ei»> phot v is required Compensation »% 15 17 per hfhj* depending ■ .► II and no more than 10 hoc-, per A-n.'O sated Pick up an appln.ation torrti at the A'-.H.o- iafed Students 22b APTS.-DUPLEXES Jenning*. A i a Jfiuiingi & Co CLUB MILL M YSTONI HI Al I SIAM A PHOPI RTY MANAi.i Ml N r Jetnnmg* & Co UJ 4/19 1 . BLOCKS f ROM CAMPUS Studio. on *>ile laundry lacilihe* SlTQimo 34 14911 ?3() QUADS Jennings & Co btt l 4/19 ?30 QUADS Hit VAftf) QUADS 333 HOUSES - F'i.-.i'Ut . .*il 144 ,’hfW F?:; '• SIMA r < ui i Dt : • ..j, * i bdrm Only \r%' Call t . 340 ROOMS ■ '.'Mi 1 A T f , V I A Hi if «pt t'Mh .1-1 Mill S.VO>'<■ INU Fit SU'D (N COOPinATlVt \HG ' •» -!;.«•■• .it.,<- A , inij rtUM> C.lll v.UTiptMri! ROOMS FOR Rl N1 $1 *S month all ui.i'iit'i ■ ( Al l .14$ 41V, ?55 DORM CONTRACTS ?60 ROOMMATES WANTED Inltm 4 r.i ks \l ■ jmpu*i S‘ ‘ A*.:»f! April I !4*i ! tn». £OU MM IQ Of LHIIII Y LEFT POOX HUDOvin•• d.-v* Roger & Me1*! l^tr al(iiy>■■*; rmmr • i r» ./I u m HEALTH & FITNESS U ol 0 KARATE CLUB 300 COUNSELING 303 SERVICES . ■ ■ ASUO STU DINT HEALTH INSURANC E MARCH 2b JO * ' .mlomalK ail r include* tummar coveragti r • $14/ 00 • ' »46 3702 Advertise HERE FOR Cali 346-3712 For information WEEKEND SPECIAL $420° 250 FREE MILES Friday to Monday 72 Hours 683-0874 110 W. 6th (by the Hult Center) A-WAV llt:k W*7_vi some restrictions • must be 23 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson | WMM M4. **, It) 00 noaats? Kfiw.'m xiu. BL HEtt IN just * ftw houcv . - fit DO t»J THINK SHEU KHIHSIS’ HCM «Xj UXKED WtK. CuTTHDE t>ST T1MV_? /V *3 : i M ("■ v.\ ■ v> I :v SWt DOtS. VI BEAD.' I I'MV Vl 'MX *t j | HEW) QK * x-- ~ AS I SvjVS. TUM' A. WMthlN^ tO WJAD V\OLAU ; OW/j? KiU*, 9Q»C JlOHiHC, j ! SUE BAB1 SOS' ‘ ORIHNMV t xLu. y* . XMUB1 V.MK/A HUM, XL RE VH Ut could TRUUKLL : UKLEV. Ml TILS*. !