Sports Practice_ Continued from Pam1 11 Brantley and |oe T'arwell who started in tin- inside as a red shirt freshman Iasi season lead the ss a\ . tolloued In sophomore Audi Connei who s»| 11 it time at outside linehai kei with liiame fensen and will also he tried at inside linehai h el this spi I llg Branthw had 1 It1 sai ks last year anil lined up at defensive end in the Dinks Hawk pass defense "He’s obviously one of oui premier players on detense Brooks said of Branthn lie s fairly productive and solid all ai mss Brooks w,mts to move < on tier inside so "we can use him more in the middle m our five and six defensise hai k pat k ages." \\ ith six linehai kers redshirt ed last season, and others sm h a- lames Bautista. Doug Doug lass, l .i n Dozier and Rob I lei k man. Brooks "malls likes the linehai king depth Things aren't as sei urn in the sei w here the only re turning startei is junior strong safety Rory I fairs Dairs finished fifth on the team in fat kies in l'lH'l and ssas extremely tough against the run Steve Kemp and I i ii ( as tie a junior and redshirt Iresli man, respectively. i ame on late in the season and played well at safely At i oi nerbai k 1 far si Single ton and |ohons l as lor. juniois last season and Paul Rodriguez a redshirt freshman last season, look to i ontend tor the starting i oilier jobs The junior i ollege transfers who are now in si lined at Oregon Devon I loses Mu hammad ()lis ei and keiuis I)elensi\e i'iuI Matt I nlinimti. it ho hail ">' i/tiarterhat k s.n ks last season. is the mili retumint; starter on the iletensix e line ill also vie lor Phillips [Having time () 111v snphouunr defensive end Mali i ,.iHomil\ win > had a s.n ks returns as a starlci out hr dt'lrnsiv r 11 nr Sophomorr Manus Woods n ho plavrd u r II but king up ( usano Iasi season. v\ 111 likrh stall al nosr ta> klr hul needs to sta\ healths and develop some consistent \ Brooks saill lie has a lot of talent, hut needs to do it rvrr\da\ Brooks said ( usano u as a guv who was a big perlonnei lor two vrnrs and showed tip da\ m and V • --IAN! >AKI 11 ' 'I > '! * i'll ■ 1.60 w 'INn n-i a 'i' >i; • Ki:t. 2.35 /.■ WINDSOR NEW TON “TRAVELLING” .... WATERCOLOR SETS ^ • \K IN II K'kl I IU).\ 11 1 1.2S COIAIAN III I PSk! U II Ik 'X RM 44SO W 4U7o OFF I.IQL'I i I X PRO! I SSION \l \VA I I RCOLOR'' I UO-Bookstore