Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 29, 1990, Page 12, Image 11

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Art- you always the one digging draper,
working harder, and following through
with projects long after the others have gone?
If you are. and if you are interested in working
with other exceptional people, then we woidd
like you to apply for these openings.
The Oregon Daily Kmerald Vdvertising
Department currently has openings for
Jr. Sales Representative positions. These posi
tions will turn into sales positions next year
(and possibly during summer) after intensive
training in sales, marketing and general
business procedures. The positions require use
or a car (NO MOPKDS/BK Yt I KS),
minimum one hour a day and, of course,
unlimited enthusiasm and energy!
We have to he honest when we tell all
those interested in applying for these
jobs that the competition is tough. But. we
always need qualified salespeople and now
more than ever, experience on a daily morning
pa|>er will give you invaluable “real world"
for positions
starting next fall!
Pick tip an application in room 300 KMl
Please also plan to attend a
preliminary informational meeting
April 12th. 7 pm KM! Board Room
l HH .in «ifM.fl itfifhii limn t v m/W*mi i
Continued from P.tRe 1 1
sim ond.ir\ Iwu in the defensive
lino .ind mio good inside lino
ti.ii ker in |M.irki Kearns. lie
said "Wo will have five dofon
sive players from Iho junior i ol
logos ( oming in three of wliii h
are i orders
()n offense the I)ui ks hayo
some holes on the lino parfii u
lark at guard Ktinning hat k
and tight end also are areas of
t oik torn for Brooks
Iho offensive line is our
biggest ( uni ern on offense."
brooks said 'We lost a groat
roi civer in Tern Oboe, hut we
have loin llargain and loo
Koit/ug ha( k who had out
standing seasons last veai
Among those that graduated
besides Kearns and Oboe wore
running h.u ks Derek l.oville
and Latin Horn . defensive hut k
t dil ls ( fldhain nose fat k le I )u
\ id ( disano and four other of
lensiVo starters
Iho questions start on of
louse lor the I tin ks as they
need to develop a solid ground
game with voting inexpert
oik od hat ks to take some of the
I it ossu re i if Musgnn e
Wo need to run the football
of I in lively brooks said, and
no'll work hard .it establishing
a ground game and an offensive
line m spring drills
Ngalu Kolomoni who hat ked
up l.oville last year as a rod
shut freshman will bo the \o
I luilbai k in sptmg i amp
while two-veal letlerm.in
herrcll Robinson will he the
top fllllb;i( k
brooks is also looking at
some young hai ks to help i arrv
tfie load Sean Burwell and
loan Shedrii k who rodsliirtod
last season "are \ cry talented
boiuks said The Dm ks ale also
hoping fulfbai k Hrandon lump
ei i an return limn an extensive
knee injury suffered last
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*a£furoed Druer
mTTTnTush r a v i*
The best depth nil the team is
probably at wide receivt'i
where I iary><iin and Keit/.ng are
the starters and a plethora ot
young talent could contend ioi
pla\ mg time
Anthony (ones played as the
Dm ks fourth receiver last year
u hde iiinior Mu liael Mi ( lellan
has good speed and could take
o\ ei the k ii k and punt return
duties from ()ldham and ()bee
Konuie I larris and Hrian Broun
also give the Dm ks two rei eiv
ers who i «m be (.minted on.
''The i ompetition there is
very good and it w ill be a battle
for plav mg time " Brooks said
I'he pu lure isn't as bright at
tight end where soplioinore |elf
I homason is the only returnee
who saw a lot of ai lion last sea
son Junior Maik Speai and
redshirl freshman Yum e bem
will likely be the key b.u k Ups
t >ther possibilitles ini hide I)
foot Dan Mitchell and Iliad
llolub and () B Babbs who are
both learning a new position
I he I fui ks are solid at rentei
with Scot Boatright and (sillin
Halt returning and tackle with
David t ollinsworth who start
ed the last halt ol the season as
a redshirt freshman and ludd
Kaanapu a thlee-yeai leltei
I low ev ei the I tui k-. need to
find two starting guards 1 he
leading i onlenders. according
to Brooks are veteians Andy
Nuniu and Kit k Hunt .is well as
Mike keetei I odd (.ydesen
Bud Bow ie and Dreg Phillips
On defense. Oregon returns
five starters, led by the line
backing corps
furn to Prui In e, Page I t
On March 28 within a DO
Bookstore ad the following
information regarding the
should have read:
Regular Low Price $599.95
SALE PRICE: $499.95
We regret any inconvenience
this may have caused.
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