_Sports Ducks set to begin spring practice Team seeks a bowl bid Bv Ashley ( onklin Emerald Sports Reporter (Iregon begins spring football practice todav with a host of expectations hu the Itt'itl sea son. but ilt the same time, tile Ducks have several questions to answer as well hast season. Oregon went to its first bowl game since l'ltci and capped an H -I season with a 27-2-4 victors over Tulsa in the Independence Bowl I lead coach Rich Bo x ik - who is in his l-till season at the helm knows that last sea-on s record and bowl appeurnm e has people wanting more Anvtimo vnu bare such a season, people's e\pei latinos are raised and equally the e\ pollutions ol the plovers and i na< lung stall increase, making it a tougher challenge Brooks said Brooks said the best thing about the bowl appearuni e was that the Ians and university were rewarded alter the 20 year drought. "1 was pleased toi the uni versiU and I think the people who went to Shreveport had a good time despite the weatb or." he said "It was a long time in coming and the tans had been ver\ patient Now the expel tat ion Is to be in another bowl game and this team has the opportunity to be the first team in si bool history to go to ha< k to bac k bow l games. Brooks said Although Brooks believes the Ducks have what it takes to go to bai k to back bowls the play ers and conches can't rest on their laurels "We i an'l relv on eight or nine wins every \ear like teams like DSC and Washington and we can't automatically gel bowl bids. he said "We have to go out and earn it and we hare a lot ot hard work to do 1 .ending the wav will be pi nior quarter'hack Bill Musgrave the full rum of the program I'hulu h\ \ mil ■ K .1111»• 11 Junior lor Krit/ui; will tr.im with I mum linn II.in;,on loot fiirturrd) to hr.ul a strum; t\ idr-rrt ri\ ini' 1 nr/i s tor thr l)u 1 As nr\l season. who will likely In1 a |>n‘ mNison I leisman Tropin < undulate I,dsi season tin' senior in hr hnike ne,n Is e\ ery si hoot sin gin season passing rec uni ,nul is re,ids to pass silt li gleats as I Jan Touts and ( Tins Miller lor i areer passing yardage, i areer total offense i areer r umple lions and attempts Mtisgrase alreads lias the si houl rei ord for touchdown passes in a t:a leer ss illi l I junior ss ide rei eivers I mis llargain and |oe Keilztig also return and the deiense is led 11s junior outside lint'lku km I’eiet Hr.mlIt'v .1 mm omi team .ill I'.i i i11< 111 p11 k List sc.ison Hut there .ire plenty ot ques tton in.irks .is well We have some questions •mil we ll spend most ot our tune m spring drills answering those ( oik ei ns liiooks said "We lost a lot ol players, hut one thing we have heen aide to do is replai e play ers on detense and get better We lost three people 111 tile Turn to l*r.H !i< e, Page I 2 It’s Spring... are yon finally ready to get out from under the burden of cigarette smoking? We are of fering a FREE 4w eek work -hop modeled after the Amen s. an ( atuer Sex ietv’s ERliSl 1 S I'AR I program. \\ orkshop dates are on I uesdao begin miy .April h\l and ending .April 24th from 4:14 4:44 in the Student 1 leak h ( "enter Medical 1 shrarv. Von must call or stop by to preregister! 346-4456 Health I (locution Program Student Health Center (first floor next to area It) Harrahs Reno boating. High Sie less !ha: is just a challeng JUSl fC'l.i'dlij :'i tflc Hies of t i-• i ,ihoe am Reno Anil jntinuc We are looking for enth . . ,i stir outgoing apps cants who would ''njoy servicing our guests H,i",ih . Personnel Representatives wil tie on campus to interview (or summer positions m the ;n" imj iofiii setvk ,* departments Yon are inv‘|e,j to complete an appin ution and sin up tor an merviow m your Student f mployment Oftice Room !. Hendrii ks ri/i ii mi NS AN! • A! JI HI ih'lHi 0 C'ommunicate uitli friituU through ODI o personal i. Iassifk‘i.1 ads. Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts, Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday Tofu enchiladas, rice, green salad.$4.00 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7 a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p rn YOU ONLY IIAVE 101.11 T A I INC,I N R) MANN K )UR BRi )l WV EYES BLUE DuiuSoflColoi's. \\ !• i;ui now SHOW ^ (>1 . on \ iden. w hat \mi will look liki with niltiri-d. sull-ninlail lenses! S stunning t olni > • M I l . ( It • li.lt''. Hi!! • \vjll.l • l.lil > • S.iptli! Hi ; • \ »* • H.i/. : • I . .. : .il l ( 11, , i! $35 off soft contact lensesj (with complete exam) j Expires April 30. 1990 I rainbow optics I loin s: Mi>ii I n s (Ml \\| ui|*M S.itunl.i\ S (Nl \N1 >