nOregon Daily_ v Emerald ! hui'scl.i v. \liiri h .!'! I'i'Hi Kunt'm*. ()n’>{tin \ olumc u 1 \umliei 1 l‘t vii in ViHI _ Brain trust Xleinheis nl n college bon I te.1111 nude up of I ni\ ersiti Int ull\ 1 niu entr.ite .u tlie\ (Dill pete , lit, 1 ills! tile ten 111 til ••tin lent-* hi‘,11 lei I In the nntintul t iillipetitioll I he -*1 title nt lentil f irm ed 1 it torions I’hoto I>\ Sli'|ih,mir 11<>11.111 (I Lesser quality faculty risk of low financing B\ Stephanie1 Holland I merald Reporter 111 v* I * * * i edm ation * 'ham elloi Hiomas Bartlett said on \Yed liesdax Unless tin* stair stabilizes and imam r. 'K higher I'diii aliuii system tt max hi tint i‘d to a< i ept a lessei ijuald\ fit iai tiltv and students Hatti»'tf spoke af the fourth t;ii uni in a series sponsored hv tile I at nils Senate that hosts speakri . id iuteiest to the I 111 \ i*cs»l\ r Diiiuuimtv the state must leplemsh the he:hei edm alum i ajutal depie I lafed during the IMHO-. he said We vc i'.ii! In go hark and strengthen verx tilings and people Bartleft said Allot at mg monev lot t.u ult\ salaries is the most important 1 Thom,is Bartlett issue hr said \ f ta *t '|»r,ikmg f" t hr sl.itr linrii’rlM V on M.O'» h 1 « lurn to Bartlett, Page 14 White Bird Clinic's services diversify over time Twenty years later clinic still helps those in need I Bv P.H Mal.u h f merald Reporter I ni I hi- past I I years Hob l)iil/ has been working .11 till mi: m tin-1 i,n ks \s ! oonlimiloi fui U hit. Bird < linn I )nl/ nvcrsirs 4 \ 4 rietv ot different medical anil social programs serving mm muniiv segments that might 1 it herw 1-4- 111- Ueglec Ic'd Its a hamllul ot St lift w i- do lii-rr 1 Jr i t z said ( )\or t \\ fill \ yrars hi- have lillc'd a lot ot 1 141 ks tn tin- 1 nmmuttiH U e have i-ildrii up doing a lot ot things tin ausi- there are a lot ol i rai ks lust about everything we do nobod\ else does I bat s u h\ we re doing it be said When the 1 linn began over twenty years ago it was truly .1 grassroots setup, Drit/ said I be idea for t lie i 11 n u came troili a tew I Diversity graduate students some < punter a ulture activists ot the tills and a lot ol doctors and lawyers from the 1 (immunity "It was - art ol put togetlier from those three i orners I fl it/ said " I be model lhe\ first started with was a street medical 1 linn m the model ot tile Haight Ashbury 1 him in San I rant iscn I he clinii diret tors soon saw a need to deal with the effects ot the grow ing numbei of pen pie experimenting with new drugs "Nobody knew bow to ban die it and the professional pen pie didn't want to touc h it Dial/ said "We sort ot jumped into that vacuum in terms ol doing that White Bird responded in 1‘Mi‘i hv ottering a t«• 11*p111jin• hiil 11n«‘ Ini ilruy i mu n ns I )i It/ said tin' drug hotline expanded into a total i risis hotline u hell till1 stall began In reieise i .tils de.ding with [ and men lal health problems and Mill ide issues Tile original building that housed While Bird was on Ian ruin Street neat WOW Hall I he i linn is now i omposed of three separate buildings I he friedH al i 11 nM Is Iih aled at al'I I - 1 till St It [it'ov tiles prtmars niedif al i are |ust like a Iannis praitii e doctor's ollli e would I It it/ said 1 lie diflerein e is the i linn ( atei S to people with hunted i it llo mimes lie said lint/ said about half ol the patients re < e» e tree treatment and tile othet hall are billed on a slid mg si ale a< i nrding to then re soon es "What's a little more extern sis e is we also keep a small kill orators and dispensars there lint/ said With people ssitli out mimes d sou send them oil to get meilii aliuii cm lab work done somewhere tlies i an t meet the lull there, so ss e s e wasted oil I t line 1 lie i linn is able to remain independent bet ause ol the di verse and broad based binding tlies receive, lint/ said White Bud is funded through dona lions Irum churches corpora turns anil from lot a! organizations This also re (eise binding from bain I mm ts the ( ities ol Kugene and Springfield and from the state "Historu alls part ol what sse has■- found is it < an he very complicated to get bind ing from a lot nt soon es Drib :...■-. ? I'holu In Vtrfi tin | hu-l Huh I frits, is i iionlin.itnr til the White Hint (Unit. it hit li ret ently t elehr.itetl its Jtttli .mnners.i r\ Drits it tirkeil there hir 11 til tluise years. si!id “Hut it means that m> t><>