_Universitv Women's celebration fights image Group strives for ethnic diversity Bv Alice Wheeler Emerald Managing Editor Plans for this year's Women's Spring ( adebration on April are well under was even as the group endeavors to shed its histors of r am ellations and bovcotts due to charges of rai ism Members ' the Women's Task Inn e. v. .lii h sponsors the celebration (previously i ailed the Women's Spring Svmpo sium) every sear, said thus have endeavored to ini orporate events lor women of all bark grounds and nat ionalit ies "We are planning on using the i elebration for .1 cultural e\( hange." said ]a 11 ii e Wright. W IT membei. 1 We are tr\ 1 ng to get a variety of women from a variety 1 it 1 nil ores involved Wright said the idea is to e\ pose people to new ideas and expose them to vs hat other women are doing "It is a 1 elebration bs . I01 and about women." said Tessa I Janos er. W I I member The symposium ssas created in I!I77 bs then AM () Presi dent |an ()livei. 1 urrent direi tor ol the I nis ei sits s ( Hi 11 e ol Multii ultural Affairs ()lisei s.iid the original purpose ot the event ssas to "Provide a forum for women to 1 ome togetbei discuss issues and celebrate women's lives Thirteen years later the Women's Spring l elebration is a weekend long event < elebral mg the diverse rules women play in 0111 soi lets (ament WI T coordinator Jas mine Pre/e,m got involved 111 tile 1 elebration last year attei she slopped into a \\ II meet iilg and sass that all the women involved svere white Thes weren't purposefully excluding groups Pre/.eau said Hut she explained that the "feminist movement in Kugene is a ssbite women s move merit (ills er agrees '' The majority feminists are white, she said have played .1 < ritK (•(ifftllVJlI'l J/T10lt,i>u* , .<{'* w"* (WlHU,rM Ot * ’'jrijtfrifrnt pon1,’ ' Wal-Mart Sam's is Your Type ot Company it WjI M^rl S4m i Will Bo On Your Campo* our C«r»ef PUcemanl Centn for Mum Inlnr m.ilion WAI MAM? «TOA»» IH< ■ INI OMVIl i ft ANAAMAA* HIM ATTN «OHI tHTIHOA CALL US FIRST For ait your computing nmmd*. XT-IOMHZ S 499 4.77/1 OMHZ i40K RAM 300K F .DRIVES MONOCHROME 84 KEYS KEYBOARD AT-1ZMHZ $ 699 8/12 MHZ 1MB RAM 1.2MB F .DRIVE MONOCHROME 10 IK. KEYBOARD 3S6-20MHZ S 1295 80388/20MHZ 1MB RAM 1.2MB F .DRIVE Monochrome 1 O 1 k. KEYBOARD * PARTS/ADD ON CAROS XT/AT/380 * MICE (SE RIAL/BUS/Ht-REZ)...FROM *09 * FLOPPY DRIVES ( S.‘ZS/3.5") * MODEMS (INT/EXTL..FROM * 79 * HARO DRIVES (20/30/40MB) * CQA/EQA/VQA QRAPHICS 8. MONITORS * 84/101 KEYS KEYBOARDS * FULL LINES OF ACCESSORIES t> SUPPLIES * XYDEX 30OK DS/DD FLOPPY... J.30 EA. * 1.44 DS/HD 3.5" FLOPPY * RIBBONS/CABLES/PAPERS... •• TO OROER CALL " WE SHIP UPS NO CHARGE COMPUTER PRODUCTS fc SUPPLIES 1034 S.W. T«ylor ( CORNER OF 1 1TH 1 Taylor ) (503) 223-949 1 PORTLAND. OR 97205. — MON-FRI:10-© SAT: 11-4- FAX : 220-000 1 « 10 DAYS M0*CY BACK OUtfSWTU ■ 1 YUR PARTS MC LABOR WARRANTY ■ FMANOtt A0AAJ6U • LOOKING FOR A CAREER OPPORTUNITY? RETAIL MANAGEMENT MAY BE THE ANSWER! One ol the largest volume retail drug store chains in the United States has career opportunities tor individuals with Bachelors degrees or equivalent experience in retail All majors are given consideration WE OFFER: •HIGHLY COMPETITIVE STARTING SALARY •FIRST DAY HEALTH CARE • PROFIT SHARING-RETIREMENT PROGRAM •LIFE INSURANCE •OUTSTANDING MERCHANDISE DISCOUNT •ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES AMERICAN DRUG STORES (SAV ON OSCOl is looking tor candidates with strong interpersonal skills who have the potential and the desire (or a leadership position in retailing WE WILL BE ON CAMPUS RFCRIIITIM^ RETAIL STORE management trainees Thursday April 12, 1990 PLEASE SIGN UP A T T HE CAREER PLACEMENT center ER AMERICAN DRUG STORES Savon drugs QscoDrug EOE MF