When was the last time you had your eyes examined? • Complete eye exams • C ontac t lenses • Walk-in welt ome 10% off Barry Katz, OD JC Penney Optu al Valley River Center 342-2671 your eye exam Mith<»up»n! Senior picture by D.W.I. You're almost th(*rv>< Graduation The future look* bright. K.vcry thing l« going your way. (iu«» again. because you may he a criminal. D.W I is the most fmjucnllt rommillc; an estimated lhrr«* lime* mon> than .ill <>ilu r \ mlcnl crime*. No to lul«' you arv Icvlinc ^ihhI. >i»ur future »«• drov* nine m n lime you dunk and dri\< Mu r .ill, if you re a criminal. Iiow litllihl can your future n . 111 \ In- * ®_-V */» . mai) i) Emerald Make a lilrlimi' imi^imrnl I km I drink drixi .University University releases Riverfront papers 1 lore are soint* of the stones that took place while I'niversitv students were enjoying spring break The t'niversitv released over l.aOO pages of documents related to the dumping of < liemie.il wastes on the site of the Riverfront Roseau h Park I he doc uments indicate that around 1.000 gallons of t hemical waste were dumped in the _While You Were Away area during the late PHtOs and eark 70s It was previously reported that onk JOd to too gallons of vs .Isle v\ ere dumped The documents .were requested In Richard Hold. an activist with the Poareworks political ai lion group. Brian Hoop, a t'niversitv student senator ami Robert Wolfe a local freefone writ or t'niversitv officials announced last fall the present o of sm h suhstam es as nitrii and sulluru at ids perchloric acid, haloi arhons and lioavv metals More than StiOO.OOO worth ot i.ue vv ak ' i len from the I’niversity s knight l.ihrarv in 10H " were recovered last week when Mil agents dis < overed ,t large quantity of stolen works at a home in ()ltium\a. Iowa Steven Clary Hlumberg. a -M-vear old Minne sola native, was arrested after agents found about 1 1 000 rare hooks, antiques, manusc ripts and art works The collection is valued .it up to Sift) mil lion. Illumherg will most likely he charged with interstate transportation ol stolen goods The felo ny i arries a maximum penalty of 10 y ears in pns on and a Sif50.000 fine Diaries, manusc ripts and 1.1 to 15 books de tailing life in Oregon during the late loth c entury yyere stolen from file l adversity in Decernhci 10H7 I he governor's commission studying liighei education needs in Portland said in its concept paper to legislators that Portland State l adversity needs to he strengthened Phi slate branc h of the Americ an Klectronic s \ssoc i.ition recommended to the c ommission that PSI In dosed and that Oregon Slate I adversity and tin- 1'niversitv provide more courses in the Portland area. Measles virus still poses threat I hr University s Student I li.iltii (irntei spent nearly SI00.000 winter term to inimu nize i.tMltl students with the me.isles \,ii line said ihreetor I h James Jill kson I uesday I hat does i lit dins n the i nk nl .t measles epidemh hut ol i nurse it doesn't eliminate it lie said Ihe measles virus is still «di\ e in the i (immunity I dt\ i.ises were reported during the last several months In- said laiksnii said students w ho have not rei etved a rerent mea sirs immunization should stop i)\ !hr Ilf*«tfIii cpntiT fur boos! <•!' shot !hc two 1!uj\i-rsit% students who »mitiiii ted measles l.isi t<• i ill have KTuvnnl Both stu denis had reciMM’d measles Viii dilations as nhikiren. bui 1111 \ ,n i in,limns I,idl’d. Jai ksmi said \s ij| luesdav ini i uses at llii- I imrrsih had been report i'd slin i- llii- fust tun outbreaks I iii’ii’ is a moderate risk that nr II slid have mort't uses on t ainpiis this spring term " (at kson said Students will be rt;i|uired to pin I!h■ regular price ul SI. ter -i)i mn WRITING INSTRUMENTS PENTEL “R100" ROLLING BALL 11M !\MSI OSl ^ U 1l »!U l N '■ U 79 V k V STIC PEN \ BiC 4-COLOR BAI.U’OIN l PEN 1.59 l/P I imam'MU’ll" .1K,.r ■ /I BR \ STAINLESS BAlAl OlM ■ XNP MHHAN'a m 11 VII i \\n HU 1 AQ MW "maNY MORE GREAT DEALS YOU WON’T Ty WANT TO MISS! ARTIST COLORS & PAPER ■ L1QU1TEX CONCENTRATED RIT -. :.c° OSIA l-99 Mb'TALLICS Kl\i. bo0 ~-oi) 30% OFF THESE ITEMS ■ GRl'M TV RE Oil CXM.ORs l /• P •’* ■ WNI'SOR^VWTON -^ton; I [ r,i ,oil COLORS 1.0 OZ. 1 '• IT ■ Ml 1 II MEPlAl OlOREP I’AITR ( ANSON Ml ILIN1I" SHI i Is |.K , RECi. 1.10 85CHili i I > \R 1 ROUC »H NEWSPRINT PAK R r,;; : Mill N RECOO ~.)l 1S\2S UV SHEETS REOO>-> 5.J5 | STRAP IMORL PRAWIM i i’AP l or H'lRAl 70 >\12 (SI R P'' M RP. -rv 2.95 UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10 00 6:00 3464331 ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT