Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 28, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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be; your own financial planner
Financial planning is not lor the wealthy only To
not plan your finances is to ignore your future
Take control! Here is a do-it-yourself course in
which you w ill develop an understanding of the
basic concepts involved in the financial planning
process prepare your ow n financial statement;
understand the time value of money; analyze your
risk management; learn about personal income tax
planning; understand your own retirement plan;
identify the equity and income investments
presently held in your portfolio and determine
whether or not they are appropriate
MEETS Apnl 7 - June 2
Saturdays 9:30 11:30am
UofO campus
FEE $25.00
"a metaphysical journey"
Come journey together as we explore
various wavs to contact your divine Higher Self,
to tap those levels lying dormant for years or a
lifetime Bring understanding bac k into your
awareness Discover the God/Goddess within
Connecting with our Superconscious Self
we understand our world, our being, our purpose
inner source connection enables us to discover
and maximize our life path
We each have a vision Peace, love and
happiness are not "out there "
Until we reflect "personal peace." world peace
won t happen. We are Them
You are perfect, whole and complete All
truth lies within
Come share the journey!
MEETS April 3 - June 5
T uesdays 3 30 - 5:00pm
107Qlbe. ,UofO campus
This is a FREE; non credit course You don't m-ed
to register just show up!
Practicing Hatha Yoga regularly makes you loo!
better Yet fouling time lor Yoga in a packed
schedule is often difficult The aim of Ihis class is
to help each member develop a personally
relevant routine of Yoga Asanas (postures)
Increased strength, flexibility and balance are
among the benefits alfainablc through daily
Physical and mental fundamentals of
Yoga will be presented in an interactive
atmosphere ( lass time will provide an
opportunity to word on form, practice in a
suppportive environment and answer questions
that arise in individual practice
MI-P IN Spring term at UofO
Call Innovative Educational t'« .. lopment to find
out time and days of class meetings at 34643US
I M $20 IK) ’Non UofO students need to pure hase
a building pass
NON C REDIT course
Aikido is a combination of the disciplined study of
self awareness and the harmonious blending of
body, mind and spirit Ibis non-aggressive
Japanese martial art places emphasis on centering,
balance and relaxation, as well as on self defense
techniques i raining is designed to reduce
tension, increase flexibility and heighten
awareness of inner energy (called Ki' in
Ml I IN April 3 May 31
Tues /Thurs. 7:00 >MX)pm
UofO campus
I I I $2S (X) 'Non-UoK3 students need to pur
chase a building pass
NON CKFt>ITcourse
INSTRUCTOR; Wayne Vincent
MOW TO MEDITATE:Theory & Practice
I hi' i' .in informative .uni ex[>enentiul class We
will ex perlento meditation during e.n h ilaxx
period .ix well ax learning about how meditation
works, the advantages of moxhtation. and the
lilextyle changes to aid meditation
No prior experience ix necessary Ihix
class will be (or beginners ax well ax experienced
meditators who want to learn more and have
group xupjHiri
Ihe supjxirt of others who are working on
learning meditation is very valuable We will have
the group support and encouragement to learn
and ion title in spite of the usual difficulties and
inner problems that can come up when
This class is non denominational and
everyone is welcome!
MIT IS April 1 May 2^
Tuesdays -1 HO S 30pm
Cerltnger Annex B-52, Uof Ocampos
This is a FRIT: non-credit course You don't need
to register, |tixt show up
’Non-UofO students need to purchase a building
MOW ro REGISTER and pay course fees
1. I)rop by our table in the main lobby
id the I-MU March 2b arid 27 during
UofO Spring term
registration between H.TOam and
2.00pm. Cash and check accepted.
After March 27 come by our office
during posted office hours in the
EMIJ, Ml If) University of l>regon
( Tib -13(15) Gash and check accepted
For more information
>n contact _
Is our human being subverted by a sexist religious tu’nugf We vs ill
explore this and other related questions by examining alternate mterpreta
tions (>( selei ted religious writings and doctrines from the Judeo/Christian
tradition The purpose id this course* is to introduce the student to new and
important information and engage them in thoughtful dialogue
As vou read the material I would like you to explore your own reac
tions, quest!* .M 0*. information, make comments about it and share those re
actions with the .ss I feel we may all reach a deeper understanding
through shuri*d ideas and perceptions
Most of the w ritings I have selected are from feminists who are
l hristian or post C hristian theologians Scholars of the caliber of Rosemary
Knottier. Mary Paly and other writers I have solciixi are, I feel, central to the
study of women and feminism in the )udeo/C hristion tradition
We will begin our study by taking a bru t look at some early C ioddess
religions We will then look at the Genesis versions of creation, specifically
the creation of Eve andAdam We will discuss the life of |esus and his
mother. Mary, and then explore some post < hnstian versions for a new roll
gious paradigm
MEETS March 29 - May 31, lues /Thurs, 2:00 3:20pm
238 Gilbert, UofO campus
3 CREDITS TLN 5088, WST 400
INSTRUCTOR- Anita Row son
Is Asian-American literature a part of the Forgotten I’ages ot American Lit
erature"? This course* will introduce you to prose and poetry by Asian
Americans, particularly Chinese-. Japanese, Filipino-, and Korean-Ameri
cans Dealing with such issues as the question of self identity, the language
problems and the conflicts between Asian-Americans and Americans and
also those* among generations, we will explore the struggle, pain and |oy that
the Asian-American authors express in their works
MEETS April 5 - June 7, Thursdays, 2:30 5 20pm
102 Gilbert, UofO campus
3 CREDITS TLN 5079, ENC 200
INSTRUCTOR, Kwangsook Chung
Mr (lorbac huev. with the obvious i onsont and approval of his gov
ernment, h.is ignited a democratic firestorm m the world and the rush of
events that have lollowetl have outrun the pundits, the statesmen am) the
politicians producing a rubble of shattered i rystal balls and an en< yclopedu
full of speculations
By making proposal after proposal that is nonthreatening and ten
sion reducing w hile at the same time unilaterally reducing s«>v let troops and
armament strength, inviting us to reciprocate, he has created a negot iating
atmosphere dev oid of recriminations raising the hopes and dampening the
fears of miliums of people
The course to be taught Spring term under the aegis ot tin- Sociology
dept will begin by asking "whereare we, how did we get here and where
.ire w e going addressing list It to these questions with the aid of many fits
torn, political and military studies including unmet social need, burgeoning
and seemingly uncontrolled and uncontrolable bureaucracies as well as
demographic and ecological threats
The new thinking' domandexi to deal with these problems should
prove to be a study that is timely, relevant and informative at a time when
the neisj lor a heightened awareness above the depth, breath and extent of
world problems is so urgent
Mb FIS March 2K June !, Mon /Wed /I ri , 2 Y> 1 20pm
lawrenco 254, UofO campus
3 CREDITS TI.N 5010, STX 200
INSTRUCTOR Joseph Austin
This course is a survey of Jewish history, thought and culture, covering 3700
years of Jew ish history in the context of world civilization It will explore the
impact Jewish c ulture has had upon the peoples and cultures of the Middle
Fast and West, as well as the impact these civilizations have had upon the
Jewish people
METIS March 29 May 31, I ucv/Thurs , 3 30 • 5 00pm
Koinoma Center, 1414 Kincaid
3 CREDITS TI N 4957, ES 4(X>
Roister March 26and 27 at McArthur Court during UofO Spring term registration in the appropriate sponsoring department
Non UofO students must contact Community Education at 346-5614