Of (1 > ' r■ ! with Gin.i ILLUSIONS”.* 1311 Lincoin Willamette tower, Bldg PERMS s27.95 LOOP RODS SPIRALS staffing at s39.95 HAIRCUTS NOW 6.00 Illusions • 345-1810 0 PLANNED PARENTHOOD Professional • Convenient • Affordable • Pap/Pelvic Exam • Infection Checks • Birth Control • Pregnancy Testing • Counseling 134 East Thirteenth Avenue • Eugene ^ 344-9411 JJ _llniversity_ Here's help for grief counseling Program staff guides people during recovery Kv Su/.innc Robinson I met.lid ( ontributor frimi tli.' diMtli ..I ■ i f.imiK tni mlH'i ,i . lost' hu iul nr evrn a pel. I In1 l niversrlv s ('enter lor <.eruntolotfy .offers tin* Wid owed ami I aimh < .nei ( mm srinu' Program It* help stu dmHs I.m uilv and < ommunitx nn'mhiTs through the grieving rss \ nld.« the Student ( amuse! mg ( i■ 11!i• i tin* gnet program spec ifih/rs in helping those who I i.i v«* experienced a per s«»nal loss We don’t do then grieving tor them sard t)rlpha t amp program dr ret tor We help them grieve t amp, an assistant professor ot gerontology and od Ihings. she said "I reniemhe] the limnv things Talking anil learning to mac li out are the must henelii ial skills she has gained Helen said. She has also found c.oui age to fat e new i hallenges "I u as s< a red to death to I i \ i alone I loved oui house it w as the only house we evei iiw uril. ' she said Helen said she now enjov-. 11\ ing in an apartment and likes the new freedom ol pursu ing her own interests Anion other at t i\ it ies, she has vein: leered at Sacred Heart, sewn quilt to raise money tot the lorn to ( ounseling, Page 10 Wdiertolor l Jmwih^ \e# ^ ®:: - V _ 20% OFF ( OTMAN WAIIRCOIORS UTNSOR & MU rONI ACRYLIC S SOI’LRL HRUSHIS 25% OFF WINSOR \ M WTON WAT IRC OLOR PAI’LR 20%OFF All OTHER WAURCOEOK TAPIR A* ntS \TSU?HM4 AuVmv, M< \ m 15% OFF C.JU"MIUCHI K ACADFMY WA1CRCOLORS 20% OFF DRAWING PADS .ind VVATFRCOLOR BLOCKS SlftATi im. -UMav. m ; a 20%-50%OFF ail palfttfs 1 5% OFF lOMIlO DUAL 15Kl si I l’[ N STAI DTIIR GRAPHIC 1000 BRUSH PI N! 40% OFF PARALLEL RULE BOARDS lllv.M 2(U2(. JWil ► 2.r>% OFF I’ARALINER PARALLEL RULES I II (TIME C.UAKAN’Y' \\& .Oregon 683-2787 776 East 13th, Eugene Upstairs in the Smith Family Building 0:30-7:00 Monday-Friday 10:00-5 30 Saturday 12:00-5:30 Sunday ;A_E CNOS 4&90 LIM TED TO STOCK ON HANL 20% OFF Any Dinner Item f uRt'iie Sturt' Onh \ a lid 5:()()-»:()() p.m. \< l! \ INTERNATIONAL HOUSE •'mcaib. RESTAURANT v_y t43-997b $">■> I . Bm.ulu.n [international HOUSE Y ******5. RESTAURANT <-----> 345-9976 Good things cookin'. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. OPEN 24 HOURS To jjo orders available 355 E. Broadway