Parentl Continued from Page 1 Kveti m such nations .is the ('lilted States West (iermam in |apan. the strength ol an ei o tiotnit system does not rest on the iustic.e and well-being ol the people. Parenti said Sim h i riteria as piodiu tion and gross national income niai he increasing in these nations, he said but they are not going up tor the majorih who make their income on wages, and sal aries and pensions I’arenti said 1 lie poor are the fastest growing sin ial group in Amen i ,i.'' he said In the third world, the l nit ed Stales exerts even more con trnl over the non ruling people. I’arenti said. Should the people ol Asia. \fric.i or l.atiu Amerii a i ise and sa\ the\ want .1 better lite 01 alternative ways ol using their land and resourr es. he s.iid. the thiited States serves I low ever lie s.ucl. II 1 i><• \ think lltev \ r won. thr\ \ e i^nt simii' surprises " U'«‘ i aunt it i h.tnp' the n.i tun! til imperialism hut ur i .in i linnge the conditions mulct u Inc h imperialism opci lies support In The stmlent hf-in gent I’armti said It sound nil liki* .1 good p.ipri fot.a good i .ruse It s part ol m\ politu .il l\ oik I do lilt shall’ to s;rt llti' t\ ord out Kohi'il Komu’lh Student In '■urgent assoi iatn I’dilor intro ‘They didn 't vote against the involution: they just voted against the continuation id the mercenary war. ’ Michael PariMiti Ilf said “ Fhf ( lass struggle is not i ivei I’.trenli's lee lure n'( rived i standing mation I’arenti rec riv ed Ins I'll 11 in politii al si lenee tmm ’I ale t in vers11\ in 1*102. and he lias taught at ,1 numlif i i it i (dirges and universities I le mm lives in \\ asliinglon. Ill ‘Capitalism works. And I believe it does — it works. But so does torture work, so does assassination work.' — Michael Parenti "to pulverize them, to them down, to cut them oil The Nil araguan election ear lier this month v\as an exam pie, Parenti said "They didn't vote against the revolution: they just voted against the con tinuation ol the men enary v\ar." hi- said. Ihe failures ot Communist countries in Knstern Kurope is m part a victory lor imperial ism, Parenti said I If is tin' author ot hooks in ( hiding The Antit iommumst Impulse Hthies .mil I'olitiinl Attitudes. Demot r.u \ lor the l ew . Inventing Kenliti and l lie So on/ d/n/ the DoII.u Im perinlism. Revolution ,unl the Arms R,u e i’amnli waived ins usual Its turn (of to hflp raisi- montw tor tin- newest Ihmersits puiilioa I ion "I ni vor\ liappv to give m\ TAKE CHARGE (VISA or MASTERCARD) I \rr\ da\ \ou can charm' >our classified ad either In phone or in person! ( ail 346*4343 daih. s am l<> 5 pm Oregon l>uiI' m ■ Emerald Room 300 Erb Memorial Union Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section dm ('il Parenti .uni praised Ins mli in I he resurgent e ot i .im (ills .uni mlelliM .11 In imii ( her the pus! leu dei .ides there have been viom cii anil mi'll u Im bay r hi-lpi'il I'nlighlcit .mil givt' strength In thi' struggle Im true treedom. true pe,n e .mil true pistil e Kenneth s.utl t Murrell ,i memher iit the Insur/li'til. expressed Ills .ip pret i.itiiui I’.ironti vv.lived his usual fee In speak in 1 11 gene I don I want to make a i rude an.ilogv hut t.ouhl \ oil i ontemplate the response it I d asked somebody Iroilt the ml ing i lass to i ome here and do a heebie somebody like Kon aid Reagan •' Are you a good listener? A great problem solver? The lio A Natural’ Aide (BAN-Aide) Program otters you the unique opportunity to expand your listening and referral skills U’SY IOH(; • I1NW.21 • 2 t'rixlits [Vrmissum sli[>s jro available in Ilw ( Onto! l or nii'io information. conta> t Richard (ram ivo, Mf> '22 (PSAFF, i *mpui i imm/jluin (or * Sul»rt«m» Atnj%* ( rrr i nvminmfnl NORTH BANK RI STAl RANT A I Ol N(.l 22 CLUB ROAD n hi thr hikr [tilth a\ ri hu iktllki thr /1 v rt) Kl SLKV \ I IONS ACCLPTLI) PHONK 5(i22 The UO Bookstore Gives You Quality Photo Processing At Guaranteed Low Prices! ^Aualex SPECIAL VALUE COUPON DISCOUNT PRICES ON | QUALITY FILM DEVELOPING M SV ■ ■ ■ l WJT 1 WWW'W1 12 EXP 5Z.B9 15 EXP $3.59 24 exp $4.79 36 EXP $6.79 Oscoon priori good on i *ri o« gfensy V pma *om 35mm any )ff«jr speoei or coupon i i4«T 20 ■■■■■■■■■ill sv 10% OFF ALL KODALUX" PROCESSING ORDERS SPECIAL VALUE COUPOM ' gsm H /y,. 30% LARGER ! rim sv 'i 4 KHIN15 Good 1 \H d 4 glossy pi. !. from 3‘)mm 110Of 1?6col<>* pun! Ill" M r ;>:.»( .! Nol ..III ! A'"' JI'V ’* — SfM*'- >' ■ uiip'" r SPECIAL VALUE COUPON QUALITY fc FILM DtVELUrlNli 10% OFF DOUBLE PRINTS YOUR CHOICE 3x5 OR 4x5 'I I SPECIAL VALUE COUPON i DX/ LULUn ENLARGEMENT ONLY 99 » V^df— d”y 35mm disc 110 or 1?f ' ' f,bde N )' v.jtif! , ”>*• A >' ;■ M | •~w ww-w wwwwwwmn UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid MF 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331