Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 28, 1990, Page 28, Image 27

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• Full dinner menu
• 23 varieties of Pizzas
• Whole wheat and
white crust
• Pizzas to go
-cooked and uncooked
15th and Willamette
Mon.-Thurt. 11 00-Midmght
Frl. 11 00-1 00 a m
S«rt. 5 00-1 00 a m
Sun. 5 00-1 1 00 p m
P|*Q'J0§'J ( ontinued from Page*
(css ail ihf last's in tin- i ouii
system lull.i sani Shi- said
mam prnlr'-tnrs find till1 tnkfii
di'lamnii-iil frustramiy and Thai
thi'\ would |ircliT In have Ihn
li'Hal impai I "I a i a sc in the
i mill nv st<-in
'People art1 i housing more
ladit al ticliav mr to pul their
ihr test siif lit'.i! v\ ith protesters
\e,ir round .uni undergo non
host 11 it \ training in prepar.ilion
to making arrests
\\ e need to i oopernte u ill]
I In- mm writs tort es said A nd\
\\ \ nne who is attending tin1
1’e.n e 1 esl tor tile sec olid V t ar
U'e sin' them as helping us
People ore choosing more radical be
havior to put their cases in court. M e feel
like we're being ignored.'
Pam Turla
l.-d like
Utv\ (
( mil l sill* s.lili ' \\ r
vvr ic Ix'irin ignored
•iiton rmi’iil off if its .if
m.ikc <mr M.itetm'nt to the u"\
Ml s(uiti*nis in Hi*.' pro
l\i‘XiiLirly enrolled University <>! <)rej>on
to join the ( onliniuilion ( enter s community microcomputer classes
Introductory Computer Classes
Introduction to the IBM-PC
1 wo s»\ lions ottered I uesdavs and Thursdays. April .3 12, 9 30 a m
I 2 00 Noon, or Wednesdays, April 4 2S, 6 V) 9 (X) p m Fee is $9S plus
S'* ! t materials VO student* pay only $iH!
Introduction to the Macintosh
i ){■,«• weekend section Saturday and Sunday April 21 and 22, 8 30 a m
’ pm l ee is S9r> plus Ss for materials VO stuilents pay only $4S!
Word & Document Processing
WordPerfect 5.0: Level I (IBM-PC)
(hie two wtrk srvtion Mondays and Wednesdays, April 2 11,9.30am
1. ' ONixin FtvisS^SphisSS tor materials VO student* pay only S iS!
WordPerfect 5.0: L evel II (IBM-PC)
One tour week section I hursd.ivs, April s 2f>, 6 30 9.00 p m 1 tv is $9s
plus s', for materials VO students pay only $4H!
Microsoft Word 4.0: l evel I (Macintosh)
(>tu* two week section Fursdays and Thursdays, April 3-12, g 30 a in
»'!\oon Teeis S'C> plus s* f, .r materials VO studentspay only $4S!
Microsoft Word 4.0: Level 11 (Macintosh)
One tour week section Thursdays April "» 2<\ 6:30 9 (X) p m Foe is
plus s > !v«r materials VO students pay only $4M!
Microsoft Works 2.0a: Level I (Macintosh)
One lour week section Wednesdays. April 4 2"v 9.30a m 12 W Noon
Fiv is $9S plus tor materials VO stintents pay only $4&!
Spreadsheets & Databases
l otus 1-2-3, 2.2: Level I (IBM-PC)
l >ne two week s<vtuin Tuesdays and Thursdays April s 12 i V'•} 00
, in i ee is sv> * plus s ■ ter materials l '<) stuilents pay only StS!
I otus 1-2-3, 2.2: Level II (IBM-PC)
One lour week section Mondays April 2 24, t> 30 w t** p m I ts- is ->-) >
S > lor materials t t) students pay only $4H!
dBase III Plus: I evel I (IBM-PC)
One weekend section Saturday and Sunday. April 2 and H, s M'.im
ci p m 1 «s- is s9s plus S * tor materials VO stuilents poy only $4S!
Borland Paradox 3.0 (IBM-PC)
Chietour week section Mondays, April 2 23, 1,3lV4 00 p m F\v is $9r>
plu*- >*•> for materials l '() stuilents pay only $4H!
Microsoft l xcel 2.2: Level I (Macintosh)
One twt> week section Iuosdavs and Thursdays April 1’ 2t*. g 30a,rn
* \.k>ii Its - is sw v p[usS2 tor materials ( () students pay only SIS!
Microsoft l xcel 2.2: Level 11 (Macintosh)
* two week station Mondays and Wednesdays April lf> 2\ n 30
> *, , p m J et- is $9r> plus s > for materials l () students pay only $4S
Managing Your Computer
MS-DOS: Level I (IBM-PC)
Onetyvo week section Tuesday**. April 3 and 10,6 30-9 (X) p m Foe is
$44 plus $4 t.>r materials VO atudvntH pay only $35!
IBM-PC Hard Disk Management: Level II
One two week section Tuesdays April 17and 24. 6.30-9:00 p ni
is S plus $4 tor materials l ’() student» pay only $35!
Lvaluating OS/2 (IBM-PC)
One day section Wednesday April 24, 9 .40 a m 12:00 Noon Fee is
$24 plus $4 tor materials
Windows for the IBM-PC
One two week section Mondays. April 16 and 24, 9:30 am 12:00
Nix>n FTv is $44 plus $4 tor materials l () utudvntB pay only $35
Hard Disk Space Saver on the IBM-PC
One wivk section 1 ucsJav and Thursday. April 24 and 26, 9 40 a m
12 00 Nixm F ee is $44 plus S’> lor materials l ’() student» pay only
Macintosh Hard Disk Management
C>ne wivkend wtion Saturday and Sunday, April 7 and 8, 8 40 a m
2 lX)p m F ee is $94 plus > i tor materials V() BtudentB pay only $ IS.'
HyperCard 1.2: Level II (Macintosh)
One four w«vk s*.x turn Monday s, April 2 24, 9 30 a m -12 U) NT** .n
l »v is $w ' plus S ' tor materials VO atudentu pay only
Computer Design & Graphics
Ventura Publisher: Level I (IBM-PC)
i>ne three day section F riday, Saturday and Sunday , April 27, 28 and
29,9:00 am 4.00 p.m Fee is $174 plus SMor materials
AutoCAD v 10: Level I (IBM-PC)
Onethriv day six'll on Iuesdav, Wednesday and Thursday. April 1“
IS and 19. 9 ,i m } m» p ni Fee is S174 plus $8 tor materials
AutoCAD v 10: l evei II (IBM-PC)
One threeday s«xtion Friday Saturday and Sunday , April 20.21 and
22, 9.00 a.m 4 00 pm Fee is SI75 plus $8 tor materials
Adobe illustrator88 (Macintosh)
One weekend section Saturday and Sunday, April 28 and 29, 8 40
a m 2 * p ni I ts* is $g4 plus s', for materials VO utudent* pay
on l v $4H!
Aldus Freehand 2.0: Level I (Macintosh)
Onetour week section-Thursdays. April >26, l 30400pm Fee is* $95
plus s ’ tor materials l'() BtudentB pay only $4S!
PageMaker 3.0: Level I (Macintosh)
Chie tour week section Tuesdays April 3 24, 6:30 9 (X)p m Fee is SW i
}'his S ’ for materials VO students pay only $IS!
PageMaker 3.0: Level II (Macintosh)
One two yveok Mvtion Monilays and Wednesdays, April 211 6 .4u
9 IX) p m Foe is $94 plus S3 tor materials VO students pay only $4S!
To register call the Continuation Center at
Or register in person .it the Continuation Center, 1553 Moss Street.
test have gone through non-vin
ienre workshops and attended
week l\ meetings in preparation
fin the trip the workshops
help students clarify their tie
ilets prepare to defuse host ile
situations and learn to t onrmu
mu ate eliei 11\ ely
t he It ip is really an aifirtna
tion of what \\e stand ten pet
sonallv." Wynne said “People
go lor personal reasons .is
nun It as lot the larger social
Students have also held hen
edit i oncerts to raise money for
the trip and solu ited food do
nations from lot al restaurants
to delra\ i os|s
Protesters will star at the
A merit an Peat e test i amp
ground, lot ated on land owned
h\ the Bureau of Land Manage
ment neat the lest site
Teriyaki Broiled
Chicken, tossed
salad and rice with
sauce for
(bring in this coupon tor a
free soft drink)
1306 Hilyard St.
You may be eligible for a re
search study if you are over 21
and sutler from anxiety worry
nervousness inner tension
and physical symptoms of
stress (headache sweating,
dry mouth pounding heart
etc) This research has been
federally approved and is tak
mg place in several large
cities If you meet the criteria
for generalized anxiety disor
der without a seriously de
pressed mood you may re
ceive free screening and medi
cal treatment for up to two
months Individuals with alco
hoi or drug abuse or poorly
controlled medical problems
cannot be accepted for this re
search Women of childbear
mg potential must be using a
medically acceptable form of
birth control
n > ' • !<)K .>1 Mod* inf
ear azio