Sports Track C nntimied from P.ivjr 2 i .in(I Shaun Mey In alsn h.ul mil 'standing d.ivs at linth the Ore gun I’ri'Vli'U and the S.ii rumen In Stain Invitational ('.ulinn a national quulilier Iasi season cleared 1U-1(1'. at the Oregon Preview and then topped that u itti .1 I’R of I " m Sai ranientn The \( A A qttali tying standard has been raised ft a mi 17 (is to I 8-01 . lint (ail len appeals ready to hei nine only the fourth 10-loot vaulter in si houl history Mevle. a 17-loot vaulter last yeat qualifled for the I’arilii 1(1 ( ainfereni e meet in the ()re gnu I’rev leu scaling Hi 4 ’ . and then It. n in the Sai rainen to meet Several other (begun thin clads had impressive season debuts as well in the prey ieu and Sai rumenlo meets Sophomore Kit k Mestlei. an N't AA qualifier in the steeple chase last season. clot ked 8 it 74. a good early season time in the steepde at the Pie view meet Mestlrr »In*n led a i ■ \t .1 sweep in !hr 1 Mil) nii'lrb .it S.n r.inii'iitn with a tune «il . . i in; I lurchers Hoh I has anil Hi i,m Wright also deluded with earlv sr.ison times in the high and intermediate hurdle'- re speetiveh in the Sacramento State Invitational < i I.! \ mill I lie highs in 1-1 II and U 11v;!11 w as lirsi m the in termediatcs u itli a 'i> time Wright also won the high hur die mi e at the ( herein Preview m H Defending Pm in long jump I .at in Bei i v w ho had Been im pressing the piolessional tool hall scouts o\ et I he winter won his event in both meets s a i 1 r 11till i -it lire (tregon 1’rev lew and .'1 II'* at last Sal Hid,i\ s meet Besides the three \( \ A qualilv itig perlorniani es Del linger also e\pe< ted good maths from the rest o! the I III! ks. 1 Olisidel ing w hat thev did last simsoh Brum ft uUrn\ has had a good winter *training .ill Iht* |.»n!p vaultrrs hair Di'llin t‘i said Kii k \frst Irr < amr in List \rar .nut .« good strrpln baser tor lu t Ir ^ ahead ol vvhrrr hr was a rear ago vvhrn In* had ut’Vt'i run tin1 steeple hrlorr Hot) (dav looked good aut! again that's hn ntsr hr s had a year behind hint hr said The same is trur with Brian W right VVr \ r got a number of pro plr \\ ho nrrd iimi r t otupet it ion 11 * it m< . It t hr ir potent ial Uel linger said \lrn \ \otes \tt« a pended h\ Hrlliugei tot run iiiih; in thr Los Angeles Mar athon I otisrt a h«is rriomrd Ihr tram Horizontal jumprr Spriu rr W illiams injurrd an anklr in thr Oregon Hmiew, hut will i omprtr m Saturdai A dual mrrl with Washington ( onlimii'd Irom Pane -!“> first in the I (III (1J l>H). ()lher lop finishers were ( .11 11I t lolmen. see .mid in the Him i j U 17): him I lutson third in I he 800 is 7 ' I. lennifei \eilling. first m 0)0 hurdles (1:05 15) Ir,11 \ I.ocmcy finished sei und in 400 hurdles (1 04 i if (iu en U ielin, third 111 file .'00 (7(> 441. '0111 (h eguii pirn ed one-two in file 4\4D(l rel.n .mil first in the 4\ 100 rel.n Oregon toweled In Herkeles last weekend for the ('.olden lie.M \teel ol ( !h.«rupi 1 ills w here hohlineier grabbed a personal record and second place finish m llii- 11f• pt.11h11»11 Laurie Williams placed tirsl III the 100 | 17 HL iv Idle I h all continued her winning ways m I lie |.i\ el 111 u Oil .1 less t)l 11> » 1 l.i/. Wilson ran aua\ with lirsl plat e ill the t 000 with a time til 0 7H..1 I hire I )lli hs 1 ll it ( Ill’ll sei mill places in their respective events ( arlisle pl.n eil set uinl ill the triple jump with !7 I Laurel Roberts in the hi<;h jump (a-H ' i) and I .tu \ Xtisrala in the I .00 I a Ill Ihe Dinks lair Washington and Idaho Satmdav m Seattle IJieaun has not hist tu Wash in^lon since to77 KA! KAPPA DELTA SORORITY IS COMING TO UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Rush Registration: April 5-19, 1990 Register in EMU Lobby by the Fishbowl Rush: April 20-22, 1990 For more information call ext I ake note of the latest music news . . . VV.iti'll tor 1 riil.iv ’> Intertammcnt Section It thr\ re going to us tills is the \i',it I If llinnc u said I In molten .tii«l»‘tI \\ .isli iugtoii some good Iimiiis ill I Ilf past allil ( llfgnn lias ilmlgf d lllf hii I If t I he sln-nglli ul Washington this \f.n is that lllet aif a sf ini a iluini nalfd If am mil da tlif voting t hegun tfam A NEW DON JUAN IN DOWNTOWN EUGENE '.i Rf', i Vo'df md i.n'U' '! u: stiay 11-1! r ’ : i-. \ Sa: Now Serving> Must coupon 2 FOR 1 m,m rn u m coupon* p«*r pi, suspension, u joinls, battery charging arid starting sys tems, (ool start systems, heating and (doling systems, tires, yvipers and all llnid levels For Appointment call 726-1808 YOUR VOLVO ' IYMorb ] t The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12") One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY (Just <>sk for llie S|>«m i