Sports Ducks split Bruin doubleheader Si i|iln mu ii r pitrhei kill ie Wiese threw .111 eight inning lull! hit shutout Tlll'Sii.lS In give the Oregon snltli.ill .1 tt) win over \o ~ ranked I’t'I.A .Hill .1 llllllllll'lll’.llll'r split w ith the Hi mils in I us Angeles lntii'lili'i Kiin Manning hit .1 th'rin1 run huiutir in tin1 tup ul tin' eighth lu provide the si or inn fur tin1 I )iu ks w Ini .ire pi 15 on the season Hrinn I’lti hei l.isa I ei iiande/ stunk nut eight Dinks on the w.i\ to a two hit shutout in tin Inst name lor a 1 It I '( I A w in t '( I A si oreil the name s onl\ run in the sei unit inning \\ iese took the loss fur ( )regon 111 last w eek s 1’unv ln\ ila in I ullcrton. < .till I lie Ihiiks vvnii three u( tin'll hist linn games before being «*11ini nnti'il S.iturihiv In I ullertnn SI,ill' mi ,i 1 (I si nrc 1 ullcrton Still *• got 'I"' g.line's i.riK run in the fourth will’ll ll 1401 llircc Inis oil Wiese in the lop of the inning I Jregon mis liehi In two lots lor I In ■ iliiine I lie Dili ks lourn.iinenl plav lust ilh .i ii I win over Howling (been Ore ^uii si oreiI three runs in both the lust .uni sei oml innings to I.ike the win fill pill her \nn.i Poore I.,iter iht\ (Iregon took ,i tough 1 it dei ision over 1 resno SI.lie .is Wiese threw .1 four III! shutout Marinins led nil Ore Son's hall ol I he third mums with a triple ami later scored on a fielder's ( him e groundnut hv loelv I.ileis I he I )m f - then lost t it to I'tah I ridav follow ad h\ a 2 1 w in over I S International |anet Womai k earned the w in lor I tali Manning si ored on an f ilers Kill m the sixth lor the go ahead run against l’ N In tei national I he team's next ai lion is I n das .it I al Stale \nrthndge tol a dnnhleheadei at 1 III p III followed hy a douhleheader at I al State Santa Harhata Sun .lav SUMMER SESSION '90 University of Oregon June 18 - August 10 1990 U of O Summer Session Bulletins are available now! SUMMER SESSION Get your FREE copy at the Continuation Center 333 Oregon Hall 346-4231 Men's tennis squad rides winning streak B\ frar \ Sumner f morale) Sports Editor After .1 tough J I I stm I. the Oregon men's tennis team Inis mm won font sir,tight and with seven of the team’s last eight meets at home i oat h Hu// Summers is looking for more good times ahead Summers said the men. ti 12 this season, have an e\ t ellent shot at w inning all of their remaining matches and linishing w ith a w inning re t ord I think we can w in the rest of our matt lies ’ Sum mers said ' There are two or three that will he tough but I think w e i an do it The toughest part of the season is behind us Summers said the team has gained valuable experi out e timing the Inst pari of the season whit h w ill help it in its drive for a winning re t ord tills season " Thev re maturing and getting a lot ol exponent e the\ can use now Sum mers said “We have three freshmen in out top sis pla\ ers We placed some tough matt lies and got acclimated to the t ompetition After a ti u shutout to l.ou isvillo Mart h II! in I lilton I lead SI! the men went on a roll winning the remain mg four meets m Hilton Head Butler (Inti I was the men's first v it tim, lull I ng to the I tin ks h\ a 7 2 count on Mart h IMI (fregoii then rolled past Hredlev (III I 7-2 on Mart h J 1 billowed Its a > I all-singles win over Bowling Oreen (Ohio) the in■vI day The mi'n finished I lit- trip \\ it It .1 hard-fought "i 4 will n\ rr ('.Drni'll |\ V.) List 1 11 iLiv rlii' mrn ti ll hi'liiml I 0 in tlir miM't hut rallied to win tlm remaining tour ni